Here one more warcrime


Here one about the murdered hezbola commander assassinated by isramerican drone strike in Beirut


And here one more from Lebanon on the same brutal attack on the city of Beirut.


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Here a hidden news regarding the latest falseflag operation conducted by the zionist on the on the occupied Syrian Golan which saw the killing and wounding of tens of civilians. “Most of the children”


Here an article about the most moral army and people of the Middle East, rioting and invading an army base and a court house to free 9 soldiers charged with Rape of Palestinian prisoners.

Among other, in other articles which have vanished from search engines, was linked a video in which the judges asks an officer if the soldiers are in his opinion allowed to put a stick inside a prisoner’s rectum, to which the soldiers replies that in same cases yes.


Apartheid use end and those responsible for covering up must be also held account for their complicity


And here one more prove of more warcrimes perpetrated by what war criminals and Genocidaires define as, “the most democratic country and moral army in the Middle East, engaged in war on terrorism for “selfdefense””.


Here one more


And here one more according to which the targeting of the hamas political leader in Iran was carried out by a missile, and not by a planted bomb.


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Heartfelt, and truthful-- my heart responds to your heart...

It is LOVE that we need, and KINDNESS.

We must end this HELL. We must stand up and SHOUT

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Yes dear,

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Thank you ! 🇵🇸

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Hi Sol Sun.

Seen a few spelling mistakes but otherwise good. Cowardice.

Not sure about the 'eugenics' part.

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Yes, thank you Jenny, as always I am still working on it.

The eugenist part is the key to the understanding of the forces operating behind the seen.

The United Nation is captured entity which 100% responsible for the horror which followed its recognition of the apartheid wannabe state.

In 76 years, has only served to whitewash the expansion of the occupation, and the warcrimes and apartheid imposed on the Palestinian population.

Just so you know, it’s founders “rockafeller” name lander of the infamous rothshit, is the same entity responsible for the institution of the “1917 flexner report” which declare all forms of natural medicine quackery, and proclaimed petrol and chemical based compounds known as ”allopathic medicine”, the only true and acceptable form of medicine, and which was followed by the outbreak of the so called “1918 Spanish flu”, of which it developed the poison vax which was then spread around by the infected US soldiers which brought it around the world, and by the issuing of the infamous 1972 limit to growth”, document discussing the need to reduce the world population of the 90% presented by the “club of Rome”, and for the 2008 and 2010 “lockstep scenario”, in which it planes out a plan to use a pandemic to impose a digital system of control, and more recently the “event 201”, or, as some calls it “to zero and one” as in “to binary code” or digital enslavement, also following the supposed out brake of a “corona virus pandemic”.

To be notice also is that such an agenda or program, was implemented by the United Nation which in 2019, published a paper in which wrote about the upcoming “simulation” of two coronavirus or respiratory disease out brake , which should have accordingly, taking place by “September 2020”.

Ho and then don’t forget their public sponsors, wef, which not by coincide is a self explanatory acronym “if you read it backwards”, as well as its so called UN Agenda 2030, in which once again it predicts that 90% of the world’s population should be dead by the year 2030, as it assumes it to be to save humanity from itself.

Conspiracy theories, have become conspiracy facts, and as such, the only way to save humanity from the monster which think it can transform it into its personal property, must be stoped.

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Obviously got to read more in the meantime I will do some research.

I think I don't want to believe this which is a big barrier for me to get over.

Thanks for the explanation.

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I understand, so please do your research, I added the date so you can find some of the documents, which beside the the 2008 version of the lockstep scenario, and the full agenda 2030 document which you will most likely not be able to download, everything else is available on the net and in the libraries.

Ho, if you like to read the 2019 document of the UN declaring the simulation of two outbreaks, you can find I screen shot with the exact title here.


Note, the piece, which is part of a free book I wrote, was written in 2020 and published in 2021, also, for fear of censorship then, I deliberately never finished to correct the typos.

Nevertheless, the screenshot for the “2019 Global preparedness monitor board” document is there.

The statement in it contained, which mysteriously was publicly released by the United Nations in 2019, is the absolute prove of a conspiracy carried out by renown eugenists of the wef, who, UN, and by most of their sponsors.

“The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”

Printed history.

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It is a CULL of Humanity, you are right on.

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In deed, It’s also called indoctrination to superiority complex, apathy, and idiocy.

Here something I wrote to explain the mindset of the eugenist, if you can survive my typos,


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I will try to find time… I’m under the gun right now, trying to madly dash to have an answer for another attempt to kick me under the bus, legally, and I have to come up with something fast… I’m going to be looking for an attorney. I have a hearing on THURSDAY!

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I appreciate your commentary. If l may suggest that substack works better (for me anyway) if you break it down into chapters rather than give us the whole book?

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Thank you for the feed back Shelley, I know my articles are long ones but my subscribers seams to appreciate more the longer ones than the shorter versions. Also to get the full understanding which the writer is trying to share, you need to read “the all book”.

Similarly, reading only parts of a recipe, will not allow you to make the correct dish.

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