Image, Hague 19 7 2024 The International Court of Justice delivering its legal ruling in the case of the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”.
Find the Full ruling archive here. .
Shining the light there where people have been for too long, made to be afraid to even try to look into, as resulted in exposing decades of abuses and warcrimes, perpetrated on the rightful inhabitants of a land, which have ever since the establishment of the zionist wannabe apartheid state, being massacred, displaced, disposed of, abused and deprived of their most basic rights by its brutal and inhumane colonizer.
Like so, the International Court of Justice, have finally opened and shined the light of truth and reason on that israeli Pandora box, which filled with ignored resolutions and evidences of decades of warcrimes and atrocities, which ever since the institution of the apartheid regime and wannabe state official recognition, had been piling up and kept hidden in the dungeons of its cofounder institution, the United Nations.
A judgment which should have served to strike the final blow to the abomination which is resulting in , apartheid, annexation, and Genocide, and which have in effect become ignored by the zionist regime, which as if un disturbed by the protests, United Nations resolutions or Court orders, have continued in its Genocidal campaign.
As if untouched by the Highest Court’s ruling, in complete defiance and contempt to Court, as well as of the international laws by it championed, the warcrimes and atrocities, have continued to take place not just in Palestine, but across the Middle East as reports of the continuation of a war which have among others, seen Lebanese resistance soldiers, policemen, journalists, doctors, nurses and indeed, more innocent civilians being slaughtered by the zionist bombings and drones attacks, have also continued bringing more terror and taking more precious lives.
One of the most horrendous massacre which followed the International Court of Justice’s ruling, and committed by the active war criminal entity on yet an other one of the few remaining UN school left standing and now turned into a field hospital and shelter for displaced people, located in area which the regime itself had declared to be a “safe zone”, resulting in the death of over 81 “number of the recovered bodies”, along with hundreds more wounded or seriously injured, should have already been considered as the final straw on its back, as it is a further evidence of the brutality and and disregard for human existence and values, is yet an other undeniable prove of the criminal intent of a Genocidal entity which must be stoped and not be allowed to continue to violate all morals and law and to kill.
Instead, news agencies have been once again, ignoring this brutal massacre, continued to justify the warcrimes by defining them as “military operations”, and, as we can all see, allowed for this unfolding holocaust to continue unabated.
Since the International Court of Justice’s ruling, hundreds if not thousands of innocents civilians have already become victims of the brutality of some, and of the cowardice of others, cowards which instead of adopting the court’s ruling and acting in the defense of innocent civilians being now slaughtered and collectively punished in the most inhumane of ways ever conceived , have been through their silence continued to whitewash and assist the Genocide, watch it turn into a full blown holocaust, betrayed their nations asking to stop the Genocide, and, pretending to be opposing the atrocities, by their passivity, allowing the horrors to continue.
In response to the Court, since the time of its last ruling, in which once again, repeating that israel, as an occupier on occupied land, have no legal rights to self defense, nor does it have any rights to proclaim the annexation of Palestinian land by it taken since its institution, and that on such bases, it must end its belligerent and prolonged occupation, withdraw from all the territories it illegally occupies, and begin to pay compensation for the damages it has caused, the regime has replied by further bombing in less the one week more than ten UN schools turned hospitals and shelters, killing and wounding hundreds, and continued to cause death, forced displacement and destruction across the entirety of the Palestinian territories.
Warcrimes for which military retribution has always been the standard, have instead continued unchallenged by every nation beside than in the case of Lebanon and Yemen, which in accordance with international law on the prevention of Genocide, are actively trying to put pressure on the zionist entity to force it to stop its Genocide campaign on the Palestinian population.
In the latest decision taken by the International Court of Justice, the court have in effect and unequivocally provided to the world the legal guidance and recommendations, on both, how to act in conformity with the law when dealing with israel, as well as on the legal status of the occupation, giving a clear and legal assessment of the situation, which all nations, starting from israel itself, must comply with.
Instead, just as it did before this latest Court decision, once again, ignoring all diplomatic and legal efforts to make it stop its Genocide of the Palestinians, Genocide now turned into a full blown Holocaust in Gaza, besieged enclave turned into the largest concentration camp known in world’s history, the zionist monster, as continued unabated in its looting of the land, plundering of all natural resources of Palestine and massacre it’s people, as it continues to make more victims of its genocidal onslaught.
Acting as if it should be considered above all laws, proclaiming it self to be the one and only legit owner of the territories it illegally occupies, it is continuing in slaughtering the Palestinians in both Gaza and in the rest of Palestine, violating all Courts orders, and committing warcrime after warcrime, ignoring all laws and form of morality.
The continuation of the destruction of properties, force eviction, military assaults, and systematic assassinations of even more Palestinians also in the rest of Palestine, have in fact served to show the criminal and indeed terrorist intent and behavior of the israeli/apartheid/Genocidal regime and proved it to be beyond any and all doubt, a terrorist and unlawful enterprise which, as it stands, must be terminated.
Over the red line.
Unfolding horror and devastation, blind hate and rage, against a nation.
Of apartheid, the proclamation, stealing more land, called annexation.
Killing the owners, of looted nations, called ethnocide, the confirmation.
Water as weapon, to starve a nation, for to exploit, its population.
Of hate the cult, to frighten Nations, theft blood and gore, its true foundations.
Genocide blamed, on victim nation, media control, for of the truth, manipulation.
Deceiving all, false informations, to feed the wars, kill populations.
Hiding the corps, in confirmation, its biggest fear, of truth and facts, the denunciation.
Monsters by ways, of indoctrination, blinded by lies, and mutilation.
A trauma bonding, indoctrination, blood ritual trauma, the cult foundation.
Of horror born, for domination, of Genocide, normalization.
Sick from its birth, the born dead nation, crashed by the weight, of its illegal, prolonged belligerent, bloody occupation.
Chosen it self, above all nation, apartheid roads, manifestation.
Braking the laws, of all the nations, war crimes and deals, the apartheid nation.
Time is to end, its occupation, end apartheid, and forced starvation.
Ending the fear, and domination, imposed by those, conspiring nations.
Torn bodies killed, by the apartheid nation, bombed starved and killed, by news deception.
Whitewashing crimes, brutalization, of laws and morals, the obliteration.
Arming the monsters, destroying a nation, called Genocide, the correlation.
Sick to the core, their proclamations, of self defense, its caused starvation.
Is time to end, the abomination, time to face Genocide, United Nations
The legal guns.
In its decision to uphold the law and to condemn the brutality of the rogue israeli regime the International Court of Justice, have provided to the entire world the clear legal guidelines for to act.
Now is time for such action to take place, and for it to happen, it’s essential that people from around the world would unite in the task of suing each and every one of those politicians, representatives and news outlets, which have allowed the obvious Genocide, to be transformed into the unfolding Holocaust to which we are all made witness.
The international community, now hostage of eugenists technocrats which’s clear intent is now as we all can see, the one of exterminating among others, the Palestinian people, as well as to destroy all war laws and legalize Genocide and ethnic cleansing, must be set free from the corruption and carcinogenic powers which are trying to impose themselves on the will of a humanity which they are meant to represent.
To do this, humanity must unite and act with no fear.
“Remember, the great majority of UN state members have already recognized the legitimacy of the Palestine people, and their efforts to stop the brutal crimes of that rogue entity, is being constantly blocked by those which in effects, are the apartheid wannabe state’s sponsors and investors, ”
Awaking from the dystopian nightmare
Time for humanity to wake up from the dystopian nightmare of the eugenist cabal, which after force injecting billions of people with toxic substances, and tried to lock up the entire world in its digital dystopia, is now making wars to allow its criminal representatives to continue to use the media to lie, and continue to use unconstitutional and illegal laws sold as “emergency laws”, to postponed their own trials and remain in office.
The example brought forward in the case of the israeli regime, of which’s prime minister, among others, since long indicted for corruption in its own country and initiating a war turned Holocaust on the Palestinian population for the alleged freeing of prisoners, and which since10 months now , refuses to negotiate for their release, and committing warcrime after warcrime, continues in this Genocidal mania to massacre entire communities, and threatens and assaults its neighbors and beyond, threatening with its actions the peace and stability of the entire world in its desperate attempt to stay in office instead of facing the court, is what in reality, all those corrupted politicians pushing for a war which no one beside them wants to fight, are in effect also doing.
Doing their best in their attempt to whitewash a Genocide turned Holocaust, generate chaos, avoid the courts, and stop inquiries on their criminal role in the scamdemic of which the entire world was more or less everywhere worldwide made to suffer.
It is time to snap out from the dissolution which makes us subject of propaganda designed to weaken the spirit of humanity, and to reinforce that of inhumane beings which’s aim is mass extermination.
Time to indict every politician and public figure which have made themselves complicit in the horror which, because their criminal decisions to help the Genocidaires by them shielded from accountability, or even armed, have in effect become Genocide enablers.
Same faith must be assured for all those which by cutting funds to the body of the United Nations responsible for the delivering of the life saving aid, have violated the laws to which they are bound to, and collaborated in the collective punishment imposed on the Palestinian population.
Everyone of them must be made to face both the national and the International Criminal Court for their complicity in the Genocide and for their crimes against humanity.
We can not sit and watch the eugenist technocrats spreading their poisons to children and turning our world into their digital dystopia.
What they have done is called mass murder, Genocide and conspiracy to commit Genocide.
We can no longer sit and wait for the Genocide turned Holocaust to end on its own, or that the insane war on Russia would be brought to its end by the very same people which started it and which are profiting from it, we must make sure that all war and fear mongers which are sitting in place of dominant position, will be removed from power, and made to face the tribunals for their conspiracy and crimes against their own nations and against humanity.
The evidences are overwhelming, the law is, and must remain on the side of humanity and Humanity and its just laws must prevail.
The time of lies and denies is finished, and the International Court of Justice have spoken and awaken the world to the lies which have for so long blinded Humanity.
It is now up to us, the world, to make sure that our Courts and law enforcement do what the law is telling them to do, or forcing them also to answer for their complicity in the crimes herein denounced.
Gaza was the spark which lit the light on Palestine and showed us the world and its representatives for what they truly are, now is up to us to save Palestine from a menace which in reality, threatens us all.
USA, United States of Apartheid?
After witnessing the death of the American dream, presented in the form of its leaders embracing a war criminal, already indicted in many country and wanted by the International Criminal Court, giving his speech from the inside the heart of the once land of the free, as in effect served in placing the final stone on its colonialist grave.
Impressive demonstrations against the presence of the new hitler in congress, even if repressed not covered by mainstream medias and pushed on the side, have anyway served to remind what is indeed the true will of the American people, and thereby managed to help and inspired both the Palestinians, and the regular fox in the US and abroad, as it showed them that where is a will there is always a way, as well as that the people are not going to bow to the inhumanity and insanity of corrupted and criminal politicians or to the one of its Genocidal mainstream medias monster.
One more about the propaganda machine.
Clip is from the censured rt. From some odd reason the green pixelate appears only owner I upload it on Substack.
From its birth, propaganda has been used as the main artery for the promulgation of the so called “revolutions” and wars of conquest.
The use of pamphlets and posters, later changed with news papers, television and in more recent time transformed with the ever reaching internet, have increased to a point in which the mainstream medias, once tools for divulging informations and exposing the hidden stories and facts, have in effect become the means for proclaiming wars and dictating laws.
Laws often completely unconstitutional and absurd, proclaimed by news anchors and corrupted politicians and echoed by mainstream medias, of which’s terrified audience, in fear and complete ignorance, blindly accepts as if real.
Lock downs, forced or coerced intrusive testing, mandates and protocols which violate every civil and human rights law, have been unleashed on the hypnotized population dragged into, and made slave of the mass medias’s narrative and manipulation, and the lies of criminal eugenists which have allowed for to happen, what should have never even be imagined as an option which could ever be made to come through.
Since then, the media have continued to deny its wrong doing, and continued to push the narrative to it given by its sponsors.
One of their most obvious effort to hide the truth, beside being the one of constantly pushing the one sided story as the ultimate truth, is the way in which it never reports on demonstrations opposing its narrative, and when it does, it is only to slander and terrify its audience with its constant justifying of horror stories and of course, police brutality to further scare away the people from the authorities which are actually there to enforce the laws which should have seen the genocide enablers arrested already a long time ago.
Maintaining the illusion in a supposed manufactured consent, which in reality is but consented by the masses, and always undercounting the number of protestors, and giving minimum coverage to demonstrations, the mass media, now in plain site whitewashing Genocide, has in effect become the number one enemy of humanity.
Mainstream media, which continues to insists on pretending to be the only source for truth, must be held account for its crimes and conspiracy against humanity.
This is the only way to end its terrorism, as by logic, till it will be allowed to lie and slander those exposing the truth and continue to push for corporate propaganda, it will continue to serve those which from lies and death make their profits.
Time to open our eyes and stopping believing in people and institutions which we all know to be controlled by pathological liars.
Time to demand compensation for the damages done, and accountability for those who endorse crimes against humanity.
Time is to feel good about caring on with the great demonstrations which have and are continuing to take place around the world, and show to the world surrounding us that is the people the ones which hold the only true power, and that everything which is based on lies, is bound to be discovered and to miserably end.
Uniting for peace and in solidarity, we are the power we been searching for, and when we join forces, together we become a manifested power which can never be defeated.
May the light of truth and wisdom banish the darkness of fear and deception.
We are the world, they are those who wants to destroy it.
We must unite to save humanity.
Unite for demanding immediate sanctions, the cutting of every tie with israel till its full compliance to the international law, and for the deployment of peacekeepers to stop the Genocide and terror and protect the civilians, as well as to demand the immediate entrance of the much needed aid, first responders and medical teams to assist in the rescue and caring of the victims.
Unite for dignity and peace, United for justice and for a future to live.
Thank you for supporting the Palestinian cause and thank you for reading and sharing.
Sol Sön
Here one more warcrime
Here one about the murdered hezbola commander assassinated by isramerican drone strike in Beirut
And here one more from Lebanon on the same brutal attack on the city of Beirut.
Here a hidden news regarding the latest falseflag operation conducted by the zionist on the on the occupied Syrian Golan which saw the killing and wounding of tens of civilians. “Most of the children”
Here an article about the most moral army and people of the Middle East, rioting and invading an army base and a court house to free 9 soldiers charged with Rape of Palestinian prisoners.
Among other, in other articles which have vanished from search engines, was linked a video in which the judges asks an officer if the soldiers are in his opinion allowed to put a stick inside a prisoner’s rectum, to which the soldiers replies that in same cases yes.
Apartheid use end and those responsible for covering up must be also held account for their complicity
And here one more prove of more warcrimes perpetrated by what war criminals and Genocidaires define as, “the most democratic country and moral army in the Middle East, engaged in war on terrorism for “selfdefense””.
Here one more
And here one more according to which the targeting of the hamas political leader in Iran was carried out by a missile, and not by a planted bomb.