May 22·edited May 24Author

Here as usual, I will post links to interesting and relevant articles and add more to the same comment till my next post.

Here some political analysis


Here one more


Here about the current situation in Palestine


Here one about the 7h of October


And here one about the late president of Iran


The International Court of Justice to deliver its ruling on Friday


And here an other good one which explains why UK is rushing for new elections


Here one showing who else is sponsoring the Genocide turned Holocaust


Here one more so that it is well understood.

Don’t believe corporate media telling you that ICC or ICJ have no power. All Nations which are part of the UN will have to implement the arrest warrants issued by the ICC.


About Kidnapping and torture


And here an other article exposing the censuship and targeted assassination of journalists by the israeli nazizionist government.


Note also aljazeera just like practically every other big news agency bringing out stories from Gaza and the rest of Palestine, are in effect israeli proxy agencies which while showing us some of the images of the most horrible warcrimes, continues to justify the israeli actions and calling the decisions of the ICC and ICJ “non binding” while in reality they are absolutely binding.

On this note, remember, the journalists on the ground in Gaza, are true heroes.

The sold out presstitutes are not those risking their life to bring us the news, but their editors and chiefs which continue to present atrocities as normal and accountability for the israeli war criminals as something unfeasible and impossible to achieve.

Here the actual law which proves what I just wrote.


Here an other official confirmation about false narratives which have led to this Holocaust


Here the latest ICJ ruling


Here one more on the electronic weapons for mass destruction battle tested in Palestine


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May 23·edited May 23Author

Note, after 20 minutes searching for the International Court of Justice’s press release from their site and realising that all information regarding the court including its own page are being blocked by the search engines, “I tried to search ICJ SouthAfrica using different browsers without getting any results what so ever” I am managed to find its direct link from some old note and finally got to its press release.


Let me know if you have similar results with your searches “without using the link I am providing”


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Problem seems to be resolved.

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Well written and finally some sanity in recognizing the madness and horror of the Engrenage and a few brave sane European states come to help restore a greater hope not only for the Palestinians people but for us all!

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Thank you, as usual I post in hurry and I am still correcting the typos.

Palestine lit a light which is showing us what people were not allowed to see.

The world is now awaking to a reality which only unity can change.

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