Declassified documents prove the fact that the US has been breaking its own laws since 1950s and that israel is its cover operation for placing its own covert base and nukes in the Middle East.
Thank you so much, Sol, for articulating this clear and painful progression of the terrorism we are all witnessing. Your vision of what could stop this marauding beast, this Empire's apparatus of hoarded wealth, mercenaries and weapons of death and destruction is so needed, so accurate! The genocide in Gaza IS a holocaust being perpetrated in an "open air concentration camp" into which they are locked, starved, and cannot even flee! And Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now beautiful Syria, and all the millions of deaths, "civil wars," regime changes leading up to this. It must be stopped using every mechanism at the greater World's disposal!!! Thank you!
Thank you Liana, in this time of confusion only our better judgement can help us find and share the way to reason.
Every action generates a reaction and when voices for peace and justice unite, they generates a force which can not be silenced or contained.
As I wrote many times before, it is the psychopathic way of the bully the one of denial and of brutal force, and it is only when the bully is restrained and subdued that he will come to his senses.
Till then he will continue to hurt and to curse at all others, and to pretend to be doing what’s right even though he very well knows that what he is doing is wrong.
The horror unleashed on Palestine, Gaza and on the Middle East, like the names and faces of its perpetrators will never be forgotten.
Like flies trying to go through a glass window, no matter how hard they will try, they will not succeed in their intent.
The Palestinians which will survive, will be forever remembered as the Palestinian Holocaust survivors and those which did not, its victims.
Humanity is awakening to a reality it could never believe possible.
In solidarity Sol. Hard truths coming out of the closets. So terrible for the Syrians, the Lebanese, while even more is being unleashed on the Palestinians. As hard as it all is to keep seeing, we owe the people of Gaza/Palestinian the very deepest gratitude for the incredible courage and love that it took to spark so much light!
Knowing more than I'd like to about psychopaths, the only thing I would add is that they actually do not know that they are doing something wrong - that is beyond their comprehension - so they have no need to pretend. That is what makes them so utterly convincing to people. They are always the Victim no matter what they do.
There was some kind of back door deal made here. I do not know what yet in regards to Syria. They wanted Assad to stay on in some sort of "transitional period" and he declined. I do not blame him. He endured 13 years of hell from US terror and occupation and now he hands the gov't over? to whom?
I also blame Putin and Rouhani for leaving terrorist strongholds in Syria instead of finishing the job when Soleimani defeated US ISIS. Iran is going to have to kick out the new snowflake and get serious if the axis of resistance is to survive without Syria as it's lynchpin.
This is an old practice of the US, whenever the leader of country decides to go socialist and to give free health care and schooling the US bombs the country.
This time was no exception beside for the fact that as of now, US troops are going to find themselves surrounded by military grade armed head chopper terrorists.
If they thought that oil was making worth it, they will soon realize that if they want to keep it they will have to pay for it with their blood.
It's ALL about OIL, I think... and hegemony. I don't think the American PEOPLE want this kind of leadership, but they're drugged, brainwashed, and sickened. And oblivious because of the censorship/propaganda machine...
Hello and Yes, though oil is just the excuse, what they want is to be dominators of the world. monetary power is just a decoy as they already own all they want. people still believe the so called elite and philanthropist to be people which care for humanity and wealth, unfortunately this could not be any further from the truth.
They are eugenist and all they care for is to kill and let die as many as they can.
Yes, the domination thing is paramount. But I think the CONTROL of all that oil, and the MONEY from it is very alluring as well. I am quite aware of their need to kill as many of us as they can, with some torture thrown in for FUN... smfh
Look at it objectively, money can not be issue as they are printed on demand “fiat currency”, control is called “population control/reduction”.
The idea behind, “the less the people, the easier to control them” and, “ who needs people when you can get machines to their job”.
Those are the arguments behind the headset of brainwashed psychopaths which are indoctrinated from birth to idea that one day they will rule the world.
Those Selected families and people which are chosen not for some kind of noble descendants, but for their eugenist belief.
Once again, they already all the money they could spend in a thousand life times.
They rule by sickness, sickness which they impose on all others by ways of diseases, terror and deceit.
They have been doing so for two thousand years, only Difference now is that now that they know they are exposed and can no longer coverup their crimes, they are all in their Genocidal campaigns and, as we can all see, desperately pushing for a world war.
Of COURSE money is an issue. We are being impoverished here in the USA. Soooooo many homeless. Soooooo many hungry, sick, scared… Fiat currency is great, IF it’s SHARED with the People. I don’t see that happening, except in a very tight-fisted way. The psychopaths already rule a lot of the world, or we’d all be enjoying a beautiful life. I don’t see any beauty in Gaza or Syria right now.
After watching how our historic media of record never corrects the lies that those owners and controllers of corporations and gov and mainstream influencers (talk shows, famous actors, etc.) The lies of Oct 7th sill spoken on those media of record that our grandchildren will learn as true history of what happened today, ..
.. after noticing that I started to think about the history we were raised with, the Zionists Freemasons and similar false narrative creators that owned newspapers, gov. leaders, here in USA or like Private City of London controlling through loans and bribes and threats the British empire, and seeing Zionists open genocide in Gaza, and in Ukraine, what White Christian genocidal war or Holodomor, Armenian Genocide, CivilWar, WWI, WWII, or endless wars for israel in middle-east killing our best .. could those histories be false?
Holocaust? 300,000 European Jews dead along with Gypsies, Catholics, homosexuals, mental-retards, in equal relative proportions, dying in work-camps when end of war food shortages and other caused killed them? Those remaining 5.7 millions of never alive undead that haunt us all and weaken us and prevent us from defending those they murder, genocide, torture, organ-harvest, sexually traffic, torture to death as sacrifices to their god Satan?
With such control of history, with creating false history we see they are doing today for our grandchildren, and seeing the black-hearted murdering horror that festers in Zionists' rotting souls, what can be believed?
Good work! I find myself speechless to explain what my country has become, well-- the governing bodies anyway... Just one word comes to mind: EVIL. Not even trying to hide it anymore... We, Americans, must stop this, but I fear someone else will likely stop it for us.
Why is no one asking how do we not have hypersonic missiles and defense systems? At nearly $1 Trillion War-department budget are we behind Russia, Iran, China, likely others, how?
Is it because DEI and Affirmant-Action hires meritless hire policies prevented all the sons and grandsons of those engineers that created the once advanced defense and missile systems, Rocket, and ICBM, and cruse-missiles, all those now unemployed homeless or burger-flipping jobs?
National destructive and weakening Policies directed by Zionists? Same Masters of our enslaved law-makers, courts, and executives that are draining our military stock while hyper-inflating our national debt so private Federal Reserve usury interest-payments are their income, to go where? Why else, we can wonder.
Dear Steve, the fact is that the Russians have always made better jets and rockets , remember, the US used the Russian rockets to reach the international space station, and they are still buying the Russian rocket engines to put in their own.
Beside this, Cold War and threats are not working and in effect further endangering us, we should concentrate into making more arms treaties to get rid of the bombs instead of building more of them.
Should the UN review israel's history of war, genocide, international crimes, and terrorism since it's creation and UN re-vote if it should keep it's nationhood?
Would a Just result create the best 'one-State Solution'? Palestine including the stolen land and all building, infrastructure, manufacturing, .. All and the extra, back to the Palestinians.
I was considering the insane increases in National debt that our Zionist owned Congress has been the cause, huge cash in billions to israel, and other Zionist directed Western and middle-eastern countries to kick-back as bribes through Zionist PACS. What level debt will trigger National Bankruptcy? What event?
Will an attack on Iran cause Iran response to cripple oil production and shipping, causing destruction of our PetraDollar price of oil sky-high, our dollar value fall, rush of world to BRICS with Russian & China new superpowers, Federal Reserve Calls in National Bank with coordination of attack and intentional extreme neg like what was done to Liz Truss PM in UK that was driven out of Office by banking-investment-others coordinated attack .. All those that rule Western and middle-east ruling families that is tribal supremist directed and enslaved, and so with drained USA military, terrible soldiers, with liquidation as done to Grease in 2009, pennies on our Dollar value sell-off public resources, banks calling in mortgages, and taking homes and other loaned property with USA military supporting the taking of homes and other loans for property?
"They are setting up to exterminate us. This is not a game. … They are going from the war against Persia to the war against Persia and all of the eurasianist forces of Gog and Magog against the Leviathan, and that spells death for everyone!"
I don’t go on you to be, if you like to share some videos please use alternative sites. Abut your question, It goes both ways.
It’s the pyramidical system started with religions “ from Latin relegare”, a subordinative system of control based on belief in the so called higher cause, and on the supposed rights to decide the path action for the subordinates by those dictating from above.
In the 18 century the system which once controlled by the monarchs and the nobility, was highjacked by the so called “bankers”, which instituted freemasonry, shortly after, the financed the French Revolution, the takeover of the British banking, “Waterloo scam”, the Russian Revolution, “sponsored vis Switzerland”, and every single so called “revolution” ever since then.
So yes, in the current debt system in which we are living in, it goes both ways .
Both eugenists and zionists are supremacists, and as the zionists now control the banking system, their interest is into keep the eugenists out prison. “And viceversa”
Nevertheless people all their once “secrets” are now in the open and their house cards, is burning.
I've wondered if such power and control were part of the establishment of the Private City of London from the 1066 invasion of William the Conqueror, the city was-is international banking-investment-offshoreOwnership center, known to have controlled the British Empire through large 'loans' to powerful people, involved in French Revolution, CivilWar, WWI, WWII, along with Freemasons, Zionist or simular cause Holodomor, Armenian Genocide, .., Ukrainian-Russian genocide of est, 1 million White Christian men, as all previously mentioned wars were, mass deaths for White Christian men fighting each other.
Since, as I outlined in an earlier comment, there is good reason to believe that the history we know of has been falsified to serve those in power. As we see today to record a false history our grandchildren will be learning about.
Yes Steve, England was bought off with the Waterloo scam.
If you are not aware of the history I advise you read how England became sold and bought off by the most rootless banker after his emissaries told that Napoleon “ other scammer and member of the cabal” had actually won the war.
The banking and stock market systems are the lies on which the entire world is kept in shackles.
And yes, the same cabal is behind the French, Russian and Chinese Revolution too.
About Napoleon , search also “Napoleon theorem”, it should give you a clear picture of the untold truth behind his sponsors and rise to power.
Propaganda is their number one weapon in the psychological warfare program they have always used.
Starting with pamphlets and posters, till nowadays mainstream and mobile communication systems, used to generate the illusion into a supposed public consent which in reality, beside the endorsement of the few totally brainwashed ones, is never there.
Anyhow their castles made of sand with all of their propaganda and lies are already being flushed away in the sewage.
Here some links to related articles.
Starting with this, the Genocidaire in charge of the who must go.
Then going on with this clever move to hopefully prevent a nuclear Armageddon.
And here a video reporting from the border between Lebanon and Syria.
Important analysis of the situation in Syria and in the Middle East “in French”
Meanwhile in Palestine
Declassified documents prove the fact that the US has been breaking its own laws since 1950s and that israel is its cover operation for placing its own covert base and nukes in the Middle East.
The destruction of Syria continues unabated under the eyes of the entire world.
Here one more article
Here one more cry for help from doctors and medical staff being targeted, torture, prevented from operating and constantly bombed from all sides.
Thank you so much, Sol, for articulating this clear and painful progression of the terrorism we are all witnessing. Your vision of what could stop this marauding beast, this Empire's apparatus of hoarded wealth, mercenaries and weapons of death and destruction is so needed, so accurate! The genocide in Gaza IS a holocaust being perpetrated in an "open air concentration camp" into which they are locked, starved, and cannot even flee! And Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now beautiful Syria, and all the millions of deaths, "civil wars," regime changes leading up to this. It must be stopped using every mechanism at the greater World's disposal!!! Thank you!
Thank you Liana, in this time of confusion only our better judgement can help us find and share the way to reason.
Every action generates a reaction and when voices for peace and justice unite, they generates a force which can not be silenced or contained.
As I wrote many times before, it is the psychopathic way of the bully the one of denial and of brutal force, and it is only when the bully is restrained and subdued that he will come to his senses.
Till then he will continue to hurt and to curse at all others, and to pretend to be doing what’s right even though he very well knows that what he is doing is wrong.
The horror unleashed on Palestine, Gaza and on the Middle East, like the names and faces of its perpetrators will never be forgotten.
Like flies trying to go through a glass window, no matter how hard they will try, they will not succeed in their intent.
The Palestinians which will survive, will be forever remembered as the Palestinian Holocaust survivors and those which did not, its victims.
Humanity is awakening to a reality it could never believe possible.
Gaza was the spark which brought the light on it.
In solidarity.
In solidarity Sol. Hard truths coming out of the closets. So terrible for the Syrians, the Lebanese, while even more is being unleashed on the Palestinians. As hard as it all is to keep seeing, we owe the people of Gaza/Palestinian the very deepest gratitude for the incredible courage and love that it took to spark so much light!
Knowing more than I'd like to about psychopaths, the only thing I would add is that they actually do not know that they are doing something wrong - that is beyond their comprehension - so they have no need to pretend. That is what makes them so utterly convincing to people. They are always the Victim no matter what they do.
Well said!!!
There was some kind of back door deal made here. I do not know what yet in regards to Syria. They wanted Assad to stay on in some sort of "transitional period" and he declined. I do not blame him. He endured 13 years of hell from US terror and occupation and now he hands the gov't over? to whom?
I also blame Putin and Rouhani for leaving terrorist strongholds in Syria instead of finishing the job when Soleimani defeated US ISIS. Iran is going to have to kick out the new snowflake and get serious if the axis of resistance is to survive without Syria as it's lynchpin.
This is an old practice of the US, whenever the leader of country decides to go socialist and to give free health care and schooling the US bombs the country.
This time was no exception beside for the fact that as of now, US troops are going to find themselves surrounded by military grade armed head chopper terrorists.
If they thought that oil was making worth it, they will soon realize that if they want to keep it they will have to pay for it with their blood.
They say when the shit hits fan…… and it deed.
It's ALL about OIL, I think... and hegemony. I don't think the American PEOPLE want this kind of leadership, but they're drugged, brainwashed, and sickened. And oblivious because of the censorship/propaganda machine...
Hello and Yes, though oil is just the excuse, what they want is to be dominators of the world. monetary power is just a decoy as they already own all they want. people still believe the so called elite and philanthropist to be people which care for humanity and wealth, unfortunately this could not be any further from the truth.
They are eugenist and all they care for is to kill and let die as many as they can.
Yes, the domination thing is paramount. But I think the CONTROL of all that oil, and the MONEY from it is very alluring as well. I am quite aware of their need to kill as many of us as they can, with some torture thrown in for FUN... smfh
Look at it objectively, money can not be issue as they are printed on demand “fiat currency”, control is called “population control/reduction”.
The idea behind, “the less the people, the easier to control them” and, “ who needs people when you can get machines to their job”.
Those are the arguments behind the headset of brainwashed psychopaths which are indoctrinated from birth to idea that one day they will rule the world.
Those Selected families and people which are chosen not for some kind of noble descendants, but for their eugenist belief.
Once again, they already all the money they could spend in a thousand life times.
They rule by sickness, sickness which they impose on all others by ways of diseases, terror and deceit.
They have been doing so for two thousand years, only Difference now is that now that they know they are exposed and can no longer coverup their crimes, they are all in their Genocidal campaigns and, as we can all see, desperately pushing for a world war.
Of COURSE money is an issue. We are being impoverished here in the USA. Soooooo many homeless. Soooooo many hungry, sick, scared… Fiat currency is great, IF it’s SHARED with the People. I don’t see that happening, except in a very tight-fisted way. The psychopaths already rule a lot of the world, or we’d all be enjoying a beautiful life. I don’t see any beauty in Gaza or Syria right now.
After watching how our historic media of record never corrects the lies that those owners and controllers of corporations and gov and mainstream influencers (talk shows, famous actors, etc.) The lies of Oct 7th sill spoken on those media of record that our grandchildren will learn as true history of what happened today, ..
.. after noticing that I started to think about the history we were raised with, the Zionists Freemasons and similar false narrative creators that owned newspapers, gov. leaders, here in USA or like Private City of London controlling through loans and bribes and threats the British empire, and seeing Zionists open genocide in Gaza, and in Ukraine, what White Christian genocidal war or Holodomor, Armenian Genocide, CivilWar, WWI, WWII, or endless wars for israel in middle-east killing our best .. could those histories be false?
Holocaust? 300,000 European Jews dead along with Gypsies, Catholics, homosexuals, mental-retards, in equal relative proportions, dying in work-camps when end of war food shortages and other caused killed them? Those remaining 5.7 millions of never alive undead that haunt us all and weaken us and prevent us from defending those they murder, genocide, torture, organ-harvest, sexually traffic, torture to death as sacrifices to their god Satan?
With such control of history, with creating false history we see they are doing today for our grandchildren, and seeing the black-hearted murdering horror that festers in Zionists' rotting souls, what can be believed?
God Bless., Steve
Good work! I find myself speechless to explain what my country has become, well-- the governing bodies anyway... Just one word comes to mind: EVIL. Not even trying to hide it anymore... We, Americans, must stop this, but I fear someone else will likely stop it for us.
Thank you and God speed.
I think that just like only israel can save israel rom israel same goes for the US of A,
Only the US can save the US from the US.
That makes perfect sense to me.
I am impatient for the New Age... I do hope I live to experience at least the beginnings...
Perhaps, but there are many who can STOP us.
Don’t give them such power, we are the many, they are statistically such an insignificant and small minority that in effect makes them the nothing.
Be strong and proud, and not afraid and subdued, this what in the end counts.
Their castle made of lies is collapsing on their heads and is ultimately going to burry them.
Yes, I get it. I've been saying the same thing, actually a LOT of what you're saying, for years now, lol. xo
Preachin' to the choir, as they say. I'm probably one of the most rebellious dogs around...
Why is no one asking how do we not have hypersonic missiles and defense systems? At nearly $1 Trillion War-department budget are we behind Russia, Iran, China, likely others, how?
Is it because DEI and Affirmant-Action hires meritless hire policies prevented all the sons and grandsons of those engineers that created the once advanced defense and missile systems, Rocket, and ICBM, and cruse-missiles, all those now unemployed homeless or burger-flipping jobs?
National destructive and weakening Policies directed by Zionists? Same Masters of our enslaved law-makers, courts, and executives that are draining our military stock while hyper-inflating our national debt so private Federal Reserve usury interest-payments are their income, to go where? Why else, we can wonder.
God Bless., Steve
Dear Steve, the fact is that the Russians have always made better jets and rockets , remember, the US used the Russian rockets to reach the international space station, and they are still buying the Russian rocket engines to put in their own.
Beside this, Cold War and threats are not working and in effect further endangering us, we should concentrate into making more arms treaties to get rid of the bombs instead of building more of them.
Should the UN review israel's history of war, genocide, international crimes, and terrorism since it's creation and UN re-vote if it should keep it's nationhood?
Would a Just result create the best 'one-State Solution'? Palestine including the stolen land and all building, infrastructure, manufacturing, .. All and the extra, back to the Palestinians.
I was considering the insane increases in National debt that our Zionist owned Congress has been the cause, huge cash in billions to israel, and other Zionist directed Western and middle-eastern countries to kick-back as bribes through Zionist PACS. What level debt will trigger National Bankruptcy? What event?
Will an attack on Iran cause Iran response to cripple oil production and shipping, causing destruction of our PetraDollar price of oil sky-high, our dollar value fall, rush of world to BRICS with Russian & China new superpowers, Federal Reserve Calls in National Bank with coordination of attack and intentional extreme neg like what was done to Liz Truss PM in UK that was driven out of Office by banking-investment-others coordinated attack .. All those that rule Western and middle-east ruling families that is tribal supremist directed and enslaved, and so with drained USA military, terrible soldiers, with liquidation as done to Grease in 2009, pennies on our Dollar value sell-off public resources, banks calling in mortgages, and taking homes and other loaned property with USA military supporting the taking of homes and other loans for property?
Could that happen?
God Bless., Steve
Understanding the big picture:
"They are setting up to exterminate us. This is not a game. … They are going from the war against Persia to the war against Persia and all of the eurasianist forces of Gog and Magog against the Leviathan, and that spells death for everyone!"
— Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Kabbalah of Syria -
There is one question I still have: Are these psychopaths controlled by the banksters or is it just the opposite?
I don’t go on you to be, if you like to share some videos please use alternative sites. Abut your question, It goes both ways.
It’s the pyramidical system started with religions “ from Latin relegare”, a subordinative system of control based on belief in the so called higher cause, and on the supposed rights to decide the path action for the subordinates by those dictating from above.
In the 18 century the system which once controlled by the monarchs and the nobility, was highjacked by the so called “bankers”, which instituted freemasonry, shortly after, the financed the French Revolution, the takeover of the British banking, “Waterloo scam”, the Russian Revolution, “sponsored vis Switzerland”, and every single so called “revolution” ever since then.
So yes, in the current debt system in which we are living in, it goes both ways .
Both eugenists and zionists are supremacists, and as the zionists now control the banking system, their interest is into keep the eugenists out prison. “And viceversa”
Nevertheless people all their once “secrets” are now in the open and their house cards, is burning.
I've wondered if such power and control were part of the establishment of the Private City of London from the 1066 invasion of William the Conqueror, the city was-is international banking-investment-offshoreOwnership center, known to have controlled the British Empire through large 'loans' to powerful people, involved in French Revolution, CivilWar, WWI, WWII, along with Freemasons, Zionist or simular cause Holodomor, Armenian Genocide, .., Ukrainian-Russian genocide of est, 1 million White Christian men, as all previously mentioned wars were, mass deaths for White Christian men fighting each other.
Since, as I outlined in an earlier comment, there is good reason to believe that the history we know of has been falsified to serve those in power. As we see today to record a false history our grandchildren will be learning about.
God Bless., Steve
Yes Steve, England was bought off with the Waterloo scam.
If you are not aware of the history I advise you read how England became sold and bought off by the most rootless banker after his emissaries told that Napoleon “ other scammer and member of the cabal” had actually won the war.
The banking and stock market systems are the lies on which the entire world is kept in shackles.
And yes, the same cabal is behind the French, Russian and Chinese Revolution too.
About Napoleon , search also “Napoleon theorem”, it should give you a clear picture of the untold truth behind his sponsors and rise to power.
Propaganda is their number one weapon in the psychological warfare program they have always used.
Starting with pamphlets and posters, till nowadays mainstream and mobile communication systems, used to generate the illusion into a supposed public consent which in reality, beside the endorsement of the few totally brainwashed ones, is never there.
Anyhow their castles made of sand with all of their propaganda and lies are already being flushed away in the sewage.
Thank you for sharing