Here one more look at the geopolitical situation of our planet, discussing what mainstream or even most independent medias and writers are afraid to discus, and showing a path to the solution of the issues in hand.
A look at recent and crucial events.
After the last absurd veto to a ceasefire resolution which had the full approval by all United Nations Security Council’s members accept for the one of the US, veto which was followed by more brutal massacres and atrocities once again committed by its protected israeli regime, the Genocide enabler and defender number one in the world, the supposed Democratic Party representatives of martial laws, deadly medical protocols, lethal mandates and toxic jabs for children of the United States of Apartheid, launches his missiles into Russia.
Feeling now afraid to end up in prison for their betrayal of their oat of office and nazi like crimes against Humanity, the American demoncratic cartel, unhappy for not having succeeded in enslaving the entire world with their martial law rule, mass forced inoculation and dystopian digital and social credit slavery ID system plan, and after having now failed again into officially labeling all Palestinians as terrorists and justify their mass killing, and again failing in provoking Iran into a world war starting in the Middle East, the extreme push to the capitulation of the world in the form of a nuclear Armageddon is in plain site for everyone to see.
After having to run and hide its ships and aircraft carriers now kicked out of the region by the Yemeni forces, in the last desperate attempt to deflect attentions for the already pre announced and forthcoming International Criminal Court warrants on the Genocidal prime minister and ex defense minister of the apartheid wanna be state, just hours before the official announcement of arrest warrants for warcrimes, crimes against humanity, murder and torture also in the form of the use of starvation as weapon of war, order once again issued by the International Criminal Court against the infamous and murderous prime minister and ex defense minister of the zionist terrorist regime, once again, out of the blue, the now leaving demoncrats of the Genocide Vaxthemall joe’s regime, tries to start a nuclear Armageddon.
An Armageddon which would supposedly, cover up his family and friends crimes, now found among other, unequivocally implicated with the war in Ukraine, and allegedly help its war criminal representatives and sponsors escape from accountability for their crimes against Humanity.
For doing so, after nearly tree years of an insane war which the demoncrats of the US have initiated against Russia, the supposedly senile and outgoing president of the United States of America, authorizes the use of its long range missiles for to strike deep into Russian territories.
US strikes Russia with ATACMS missiles.
Officially declaring to have armed Ukraine to help it strike weapons manufacturing facility and stockpiles located deep within the Russian territories, the US, which is the only one able to operate such missile system for which the use of specially trained personnel, as well as of the clearance to the use of US and israeli satellites in order to launch and operate them is needed, have in effect started a direct war with Russia.
A war which sees now all NATO member states which includes among others one way or the other every EU member state, is in effect already a world war.
A world war which being fought, not for the defense of the weak and or to punish the wicked, but one engineered to allow the criminals responsible for the scamdemic dystopian reality of 2020-2023 to getaway with all the crimes against humanity they have perpetrated.
A world war which if initiated would see the criminals hiding in their personal bunkers and private Lolita islands, and pretty much the rest of the world being sent back to the Stone Age, as among other, internet cables would be cut, satellites would blow up, and the entire economy and infrastructure would overnight worldwide collapse.
But back to the now, and to the situation brought about the first strike made against Russian assets with this US missiles.
As we have learned from various reports, the missiles system ATACMS, launched from Ukrainian soil was anyhow not capable of delivering its full intended impact as Russia, was quickly able to nock down 6 out of the seven rockets, with only one of them reaching its target and destroying a large arms depo.
The response from Russia, which after being hammered by the American and according to some, most probably also British and French rockets, have swiftly come in the form of a show of force, in which with six multi warheads missiles “6 for missile” of what would otherwise be a heavy nuclear payload capable missiles, hitting one Ukrainian weapons manufacturing factory, strike which was shortly after its execution followed by an impressive speech of the president of the Russian federation warning all nations involved that if not stopping in providing Ukraine with such type of missiles, they will also become legitimate target for retaliation, Russia have in effect proven to the world not only its great restrain, but also something which proves it to be militarily, the most powerful country on the planet.
In his speech, the president of the Russian federation declares that from now on, he will define every military facility and weapons manufacturing factory in any country arming the war against its troops facilities or territories, as a legitimate target.
The president explained that with his last show of force, as given a clear and final warning to every nation, cause as it stands, nobody have the technology to stop the hypersonic missiles which can be launched from air or from the sea by both ships and submarines and as their range is already of over 5000 kilometers, it already has the capability to strike any hostile country on the planet and once again, nothing could stop its Mach10 hypersonic missiles from reaching anywhere on the planet within 15 minutes from their launch.“Over 11 thousand kilometers an hour or 3,313 Meters per Second”.
“I am not so enthusiastic as Galloway is about trump, nevertheless hope is still on his side as the current administration is by the look of things one which can only brings us to a world war. Will he be a better president then the current one? I’m not sure but I hope so.”
Note, the time of travel for the missiles here shown alleges the timing of strike starting from Russian soil. If the missiles are shot from ships, submarines or airplanes the time of travel would be much shorter. “2 to 4 minutes”.
The Russian president went also on in saying that in the case Russia would decide to strike anywhere outside Ukraine, Russia will inform of the coming attack to avoid civilian casualties and it will do it with confidence knowing that no missile defense system could anyway stop its missiles should it decide to use them.
In a following speech, he went on in saying that if the enemies of Russia will choose to attack it and start a world war, the war would be over in less then 15 minutes.
One more thing which the Russian hypersonic missiles demonstrates, is the ability of Russia to use such type of missiles for destroying any bunker, as from their speed, if armed with harden or bunker buster DU “depleted uranium” warheads, the estimate penetration range is now estimated at over 200 meters.
This situation, puts in effect also in a position of danger even the so called president of Ukraine, as now officially, not even he has any longer a safe bunker to go in and hide.
Safe to say in fact that actually practically no country on the planet has bunkers which are deep enough to hide their heads of state, as the most powerful bunker busters till now could barely reach the half of the depths now reachable by the Russians, and on the average, existing bunkers are built at a depth of tens of meters and not hundreds.
It seams anyhow evident that such an action and reaction, have actually once again served into deflect the attentions from what should have been the biggest news of the day, according to which, both the current prime minister and the then “ from October the seventh till recently” defense minister of the apartheid wannabe state of occupation we call israel, are now officially wanted and being charged for both warcrimes and crimes against humanity, including murder and the use of torture and starvation as weapon of war.
Those arrest warrants, are in effect the strongest signs of international condemnation for individuals which are in effect in command of a rogue, Genocidal and terrorist army, which is publicly committing warcrimes simultaneously in at list 5 countries, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. brutal aggression which should have already resulted in the suspension of the now rogue entity from both the UN and the World Trade Center.
Such verdicts, are in effect a great victory for humanity as they not only condemn the war criminals, but also legally absolve from accountability anyone opposing the now officially denounced and recognized crimes of both, the rogue entity and that of its commanders and chiefs.
With this decision, beside the charges on the individuals, the door is now open for the initiation of criminal proceedings against all of those persons, nations representatives and entities which have sponsored, defended or shielded the war criminals, which are all soon to find themselves indicted for their complicity and participation to the warcrimes, as they too will eventually be found guilty of arming and financing the now officially wanted and fugitive war criminals.
Such devastating blow to both the colonizing entity and its watchdog US, should have remained the news of the day, but once again, the media could now throw water on a fire while blowing air on the next one made ready for the occasion.
I think not.
Have Russia ever used its assets in Syria to knock out of the sky israeli jets bombing Syria?
You think the current Russian president is somehow different or opposing the Genocidal agendas of israel or of the UN?
Want some Sputnik?
Some booster?
Ever heard about the lodge of the grand orient?
Did you know that the Russian revolution was also brought about by the zionists Freemasons?
Ever heard about the horrors of bolshevism?
And did you know that the now president of Russia was for years in charge of looking after the supposed remains of hitler?
More coincidences?
In the latest interview released by Tucker Carlson of the Russian minster Levrov, Levrov explained that since 2022 the president no longer sees the possibility of the Russian integration to western system, as he realized that Russia is not welcomed as a fully integrated member with equal rights.
He also told that sanctions have actually worked in strengthening Russia, as it no longer needs the west for its economy.
If this is true or not I can’t say, but what I say, is that instead of acting to stop the brutal attacks on Palestine and now on Syria, his actions seams to be like the ones of many others, more akin to the ones of a porcupine or snake than to the one of the bear it is meant to be.
My personal opinion, the Russian president which is 100% a pandemic scammer, betrayed Syria to protect israel.
Could I be wrong? Surly but the longer this madness goes on, the more obvious what I am here claiming becomes.
The fall of Alepo’s airport and the lost of Syrian Air Force jets and helicopters could have never happened if Russia would have intervene in time, and the delivering of thousands of Toyota trucks and vehicles used by the terrorists could have never taken place if Russia, Syria, or any of its allied in the region would have act to stop them.
Note also, while practically every country in the region tried to strike israel to stop it from attacking Palestine and Lebanon, the Syrian president, which allegedly allowed the arming of the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance to come from Iran through his country, in the past 14 months, did practically nothing to stop the massacres in Palestine or in Lebanon.
With if for Fear or for complicity, one way or the other, the fall of Syria would represent the rise of terrorism and the end of democracy not just in Syria, but throughout the entire Middle East, reigniting a witch hunt on supposed terrorists we once called “war on terror”, not only throughout the Middle East, but on the entire world.
Indicted for war crimes.
And so, in the meanwhile, instead of jumping on the now officially wanted criminals and on their accomplices, mainstream, damage control and confused journalists, have argued the Court’s decision to be somehow not binding, not enforceable, or that states member of the United Nations, with if they are signatories to the ICC convention or not, have the supposed rights to ignore the international Criminal Court’s ruling.
This is in fact not the case, as every UN state member must comply to the law, if itself does not wants to be indicted for complicity in the crime perpetrated by those which it protects.
To be understood also is that once the court will deliver its pending verdict on the regards of the ongoing Genocide, all of those who have armed such Genocide, will be finding themselves in the dock for their crimes of complicity in the most atrocious of crimes, Genocide.
Once understood this basic facts, becomes also understandable the why, the US have just vetoed for the forth time a resolution which would have brought to a ceasefire, as once a ceasefire is reached, the international teams of observers will be able to drive into Gaza and, after assessing the unequivocal devastation and collected the required material evidences of the warcrimes committed, would not only confirm the Genocide, but also see held account all of those nation’s representatives of which’s continued arming with weapons, sending fuel for fueling warplanes or shielding the war criminals from accountability, have allowed for the horrors to be amplified and to degenerate into what will forever be remembered as the Palestinian Holocaust.
Awakening to reality
So once again, as I wrote already in 2020, world war, is the escape plan, for those which should already be in prison for their role in the pandemic simulation which we are told to call “cov ID19”, a simulation which beside causing the deaths of tens if not hundreds of millions worldwide, have also served the conspirators into allowing them to steal hundreds of billions if not trillions, and to hijack the democratic process of election and captured all mainstream medias while muzzling off any and all forms of dissent, as they have literally already arrested and fined everyone opposing them during their unconstitutional and criminal so called “pandemic emergency laws”, and which by setting up in office their proxies and having in effect become part of a system of control which’s declared goal is that of population control\reduction, have in effect become dictators dressed in the costume of democrats, as they are continuing with hijacking the law and betray the law which they are supposed to uphold, and as if they would have any authority to do so, continuing to attempt to dictate their unlawful rules and mandates.
In the video below an explanation of where 256 billions of the pandemic founds went.
Pretending do be without any fault and always correct in their actions, even when their statements and actions are in clear violation of the law.
Like so captured institutions like the UN and the who, and all of the agencies under their control, have in effect served israel, by justifying its actions and, while complaining about the so called limited amount of humanitarian assistance allowed into Gaza, maintained that because some trickle of Aid is anyway getting in, some how this could be considered as of a regular war scenario in which only limited amounts of aid is getting in, hence supposedly possibly not a crime of Genocide because supposedly, at list some aid does get in.
And on this note, once again I feel the need to repeat my self and saying that the Secretary General of the UN, must be made to step down, as he not only is directly responsible for having initiated the Pandemic simulation which have caused the death of hundreds of millions and sickness for countless more, all of which started with his and his buddy director of the world health organization “pandemic scaremongering declaration”, but also because as we can all see again, under his watch, a Genocide was allowed to be transformed into an Holocaust.
On top, hundreds of UN staff have been killed, the agency of which he was supposed to be responsible of got shut down, labeled by a terrorist and rogue entity guided by war criminals as a “terrorist organization”, and its properties looted and ceased.
Together with him and the current director of the who , also the director of UNRWA must be made to resign, as they all have well proven not to be capable to serve and work as they should, and because their presence is causing more harm than good, they need to be replaced as soon as possible by capable and strong people which knows the laws and and are strong enough to enforce it, instead of being bullied, bow down to abuses, and allowing what is in effect world property to be ceased and looted, while shielding war criminals from accountability and justifying blatant warcrimes like the current ones are doing.
Here on of the latest messages from the head UNRWA which describes the mutilations of thousands of innocent civilians which lost their limbs from bombing and shooting as a “pandemic”. Pandemic?
The Lebanese struggle.
As we all know, Lebanon which have from the very start of the Genocidal campaign on Gaza, done what it could to help the Palestinians by opening a new front against the zionazi regime, after being criminally and massively bombed for over one year, and having proved its capabilities to strike back at sensitive targets inside the occupied territories, have finally forced the zionazi dictatorship to accept a ceasefire agreement, and to stop bombing Beirut, city already partially turned to rubles by the isranazi devastating bombardments of its civil infrastructures.
This so called deal, was in effect not a real ceasefire, as it gives the israeli 60 days to withdraw its troops, and thereby 60 more days to plan traps and cameras within Lebanon, and 60 days for special data harvesting, before according to already published plans, it will attempt to push further into Lebanon.
The idea given is that to form a so called buffer zone within the Lebanese territories instead of making their own within the territories they already occupy.
For what we have heard, the plan would cease the Litani river and the buffer zones proposed would actually push the Lebanese people further north and away from the river.
Hopefully this will not happen, than again, knowing that israel have now cut arm supply to Lebanon and that israeli mercenaries are still occupying Lebanon and now massing up inside Syria, such a move could be now very well aspected.
Terror on Syria.
In the center in the image above the wanted al quaida terrorist known for his beheading of both christians and muslims wanted terrorist on which’s head pending a 10 million dollars wanted sign issued by the US, EU, UK and others, now crowed and cheered by the mainstream medias as the liberator from the Assad regime.
After declaring the supposed ceasefire with Lebanon, israeli jets together with American, Qatari and Turkish trained, backed, armed and payed terrorist forces, have once again struck Aleppo in Syria, and pushed for an intensification of the war in Syria.
This was also something foreseen, as images of long queues of trucks loaded with the same type of Toyota vehicles and markings used for the US proxy war on Libya, were seen crossing also from Lebanon and going towards Syria.
I don’t know if those trucks were being stoped and confiscated by the Syrian army, and as I saw images of them I wished for it, nevertheless, the hundreds of vehicles were already then a clear sign that if not halted in time something big was going to take place in Syria soon after.
The more than obvious role of the country which represents one of the biggest if not the biggest traitor to the Palestinian cause and to the muslim people worldwide, Turkey, country which while posing to be opposed to the Israeli zionazi regime, continues to allow the transfer of arms shipment and to export of among others, building materials for the expansion of the illegal settlements in the occupied territories, and which now together with the US, arming terrorist groups and a war of attrition against its neighbor Syria, it is one which must not be ignored or dismissed as is one directly responsible for the horrors unleashed against the countries and people of the Middle East, as everyone believing in the supposed honesty of its dictator, finds itself betrayed, surrounded by terrorists and stabbed in the back.
From Syria to Palestine,
After the massive terrorist attack on Aleppo by the American and israelis sponsored and Turkish, Americans, and Ukrainian trained terrorist which for close to 15 years now, have racked havoc on Syria and just like it was done in Afghanistan, and now in Gaza and Lebanon, destroyed also many world heritage and ancient sites which were supposed to be under the protection of UNESCO, news surface that Syrian and Russian forces have supposedly stop to hammer back the terrorist group as they have all declared the fall of Syria.
Videos showing the convoys of mercenaries, show also that it is at large, not Syrians but foreigners which are now terrorizing the people of the Alepo, Idlyb, Hama and now Damascus provinces, as well that it is not an army of rebels, but one of mercenaries equipped with brand new high tech equipment and weapons, as the videos of their invasion have been widely circulated for everyone to see that the so called liberators and freedom fighters, are everything but liberators and freedom fighters.
Night vision mounted on brain control\darpa helmets of the last generation, super light and modern quad copters, and brand new uniforms and tactical vests, in other words, not rebels fighting with whatever weapon they got, but trained, armed and payed real rabid dogs of war.
Also known is that Ukraine assisted the coup by providing weapons and technology such as drones and communication jamming devices.
The fall of Damascus in a one weak of fighting, and total abandoning of cities in the hands of terrorist forces, is in fact a clear sign that what as taken place in Syria, was not war but yet an other coup, assisted by the very same people and entities which while proclaiming to be opposing the terrorists takeover, have actually assisted the terrorists by allowing them to in a few days, takeover entire regions.
And while the first stories of sharia law imposition and of horrors and repression are coming out of Syria, and as we can all imagine, will continue to grow, the ultimate diversion for the Gaza Holocaust to continue is now set to be in place.
Tightening tension and pressing all buttons to push for more horrific stories to deflect the attention from the warcrimes committed in Gaza, is I guess become the standard policy of deception, as every time some more outrages story is surfacing from Gaza like the story of a new massacre of civilians or the bombing of an hospital, the medias is given the chance to juggle the informations and even easier than it has been, coverup warcrimes the israeli way, with other warcrimes.
The fall of Syria.
After official sources have confirmed that Assad has left the country in the hope for a peaceful transition of power, the reasons behind the timing of the coup d'état played on the Assad regime, was chosen to facilitate the advance of israeli forces on the Syrian land and the cutting of military supplies to the resistance’s forces of both Palestine and Lebanon, and to abandon the villages and communities of Syrians living in the occupied territories and in the south of the country without any protection.
Not by chance, on the day in which Assad leaves power, the israeli regime, while claiming not be evolved in the coup d'état, hits Syrian airbases, weapons manufacturing facilities and stock piles, and moves and invades with its tanks and troops into Syria for to allegedly “protect its borders”.
Gaza needs help.
Meanwhile the winter is coming to Gaza, and after the devastating rain which have in two days destroyed more than 10000 tents, beside the cold and absence of shelter for many now forced to find one in the rubles of their destroyed homes, famine is once again spreading throughout the besieged and bombed enclave.
At the same time, reports of israeli gangs looting aid trucks in Gaza, and of continued blockade of essential goods, clothes and shoes, imposed by the isranazi regime, videos of supposed sacks of flour delivered by aid tracks, have in fact shown that many of the supposed flour bags had been in effect been emptied by the israelis and refilled with sand.
In misery and under the constant threatening sound of drones and jets, the people of Gaza are still waiting to be saved by a humanity which captured by the lies and distortions of gangsters sitting in offices of power, still struggles to defend what in reality stands for its inalienable rights.
In conclusion,
The world must be now unite in protest and stand as one to demand the end of hostilities as well as for accountability for the perpetrators of the most proven and live-streamed Genocide in world’s history, and for the prosecution, not only of those who have directed and executed a Genocide turned into an Holocaust perpetrated on people entrapped and slaughtered with no mercy in a land turned into a kill box for 14 months, but also for those which have enabled it.
The failure of the United Nations to prevent the execution of such Genocidal act, and the criminal display of power exercised through the supposed power of a veto of a single country against the will of the entire security council, must represent the final call to justice for a world trapped in a system of terror alimenting wars and misery, which just like the attitude of its Genocidal partner in crimes israel, can no longer be tolerated.
The US, which claims to sell its services as policeman of the world, must be made aware that his so called services, have miserably failed, and that as directly responsible for more harm than good anywhere it’s troops are deployed, it must now cease its hostile activities against political or civil members of foreigner countries, and begin reparation to the indigenous people of countries it has invaded, starting from the ones of its own land before regaining the trust and respect which has now lost worldwide.
The US, once glorious dreamland or those dreaming of world fair and in which everyone would have the right to study, learn, and talk, now turned into one in which censure and violent repression of dissent, as well as of a place in which dark ages practice such as, the abolition of habeas corpus, the legalization of torture, and the use of terrorism in the form of among other, air strikes on densely populated areas along with the employment of mercenary troops carrying out terrorist attacks on civil population and military personnel and structures of countries it invades for to steal their resources like in the case of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria just to mention a few, as made it become the personification of that crime and horrors which it once supposedly opposed.
Fighting for greed and domination, instead of for equality and justice, pushing for wars and protecting those selling weapons, poisons and junk, while censuring and harassing those who stand for health, peace and for progress, destroying morality and good judgment, to replace them with its wokism and oxymorons and bias corporate science, scare instead of helping, and threatening instead of assisting, like a bully who thinks that he is supposedly unbeatable, have lost all moral compass, credibility or trust, and become the symbol of racism, discrimination and hate, instead of the beacon of freedom, knowledge and prosperity it once was.
It is in fact so that after proving itself to be more harmful than good, and not just for itself, but for the entire world, it becomes a duty of the entire world to act to stop the damages it produces, and call the United Nations General Assembly to vote on the suspension of its long overdue veto power, as well as call on the suspension of israel from both the UN, and the world trade till its complete compliance to the International Court of Justice’s provisional measure and orders.
Is the United Nations going to do what it was meant to do and make sure that the international law which it claims to uphold is respected, or will it continue to attempt to whitewash warcrimes and push for its now private sponsors agenda of mass murder disguise as if for saving the planet from its inhabitants and end up with all of its representatives cursed and in the bins of our history?
One thing is for sure, the world is awaking to its failures and horrors, and if the UN cannot face its own demons and remove them from office and restraint them, than as the degenerative cancer which as become, if not cured, it will miserably die.
The United for peace motion of the United Nations General Assembly, does have, with a three quarter majority, the power to impose any decision which the Security Council has failed to impose, but time is running out, and action must be taken now.
Recognize israeli products by their barcode numbers.
Sol Sön
Here some links to related articles.
Starting with this, the Genocidaire in charge of the who must go.
Then going on with this clever move to hopefully prevent a nuclear Armageddon.
And here a video reporting from the border between Lebanon and Syria.
Important analysis of the situation in Syria and in the Middle East “in French”
Meanwhile in Palestine
Declassified documents prove the fact that the US has been breaking its own laws since 1950s and that israel is its cover operation for placing its own covert base and nukes in the Middle East.
The destruction of Syria continues unabated under the eyes of the entire world.
Here one more article
Here one more cry for help from doctors and medical staff being targeted, torture, prevented from operating and constantly bombed from all sides.
Thank you so much, Sol, for articulating this clear and painful progression of the terrorism we are all witnessing. Your vision of what could stop this marauding beast, this Empire's apparatus of hoarded wealth, mercenaries and weapons of death and destruction is so needed, so accurate! The genocide in Gaza IS a holocaust being perpetrated in an "open air concentration camp" into which they are locked, starved, and cannot even flee! And Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now beautiful Syria, and all the millions of deaths, "civil wars," regime changes leading up to this. It must be stopped using every mechanism at the greater World's disposal!!! Thank you!