Save Palestine to save the world.
Here one more on the current situation in the Middle East and beyond.
Still Waiting for the judgement.
While the world is awaiting for a judgement to be delivered by the International Court of Justice in the regards of the ongoing Genocide turned Holocaust taking place in Palestine, and while more people are being slaughtered, and more homes, hospitals and historical sites are being targeted and destroyed, the judges, as if words should be more important then the lives of those killed in the massacres being now committed on a daily base, are still taking their time as they pretend to be working on preparing what should be their long awaited and final deliberation ,in the case regarding israel’s blatant warcrimes and atrocious violations of the Genocide Convention.
A deliberation in which, the Judges will have to declare what is already known for many months now by the entire world, and which can only confirm the already well recorded and proven facts showing the blood soaked evidences of a Genocide of a like which had never been seen before, and which shows beyond any and all doubts that israel, is not just ignoring Court orders, but continuing to commit and expend their Genocide, not just in Gaza, but also across the rest of Palestine and the entire Middle East.
At the same time, we are also waiting for the International Criminal Court to act, as once again, Genocidal public statements made by the zionist dictatorship, which despite the many warnings issued by the Courts to make it stop endorsing and promoting Genocide, have without any restrain persisted, as the israeli regime, have continued to incite the onslaught, and to make more public statements declaring their intent to refuse the court orders.
That, along with statements describing, their clear intent to further the expansion of their illegal settlements, even in places considered “world’s heritage” and place under the protection of UNESCO, are constituting prove of a contempt to the Courts and to all laws of man, which can also no longer be tolerated.
On such evidences, evidences which are already in the public domain, the ICC must act and issue new arrest warrants against both, the israeli finance, security, police and army ministers and chiefs, as well as for their president, as they have all continued to violate the provisional measures and orders issued by the International Court of Justice, as all of the above mentioned, despite the Court orders on them imposed, have persisted and increased with more heinous and Genocidal declarations, and once again, proved beyond any and all doubts their malevolent intent and active role in the expansion of a Genocide, land theft and dispossession which once again, can not be tolerated or allowed to persist.
Obviously, the same faith must be met by all other politicians which have continued to incite and promote the collective punishment and torture of the Palestinian people.
Below the International Criminal Court delivering its notice for the arrest warrants issued against the prime minister and the defense minister of the zionist regime on the 20 of May 2024.
Hague ICC 20 5 2024
Image Gaza famine 2024
Negotiations for the narrative fabrication.
The excuse according to which the UN should not interfere with the supposed ongoing negotiations, is one which after 76 years of lies and of failures in achieving a just solution or peace, and which in the last 11 months now, have only served to allow the occupation and slaughter to continue and, as we can all see, to degenerate into an Holocaust, no longer has the legal or moral grounds to stand on.
Furthermore, Palestine should demand from the UN that a restraining order would be issue against both the US and Germany, for their well documented and proven complicity in to arming and with their weapons, allowing for the turning of the Gaza Genocide into a full blown Holocaust.
This can be achieved by invoking United for Peace at the United Nations General Assembly “UNGA”.
Rest assured, never before in world’s history, an entire people has been encaged and trapped into a concentration camp, and being bombed with as much bombs and missiles.
And never before a concentration camp had been turned into a slaughterhouse or an extermination camp of the like of Gaza, where over 2 and half million people have been entrapped and turned into what some israeli politicians are defying as “legitimate targets”, and being slaughter like fishes in a barrel or massacred with such brutality and viciousness.
For decades the US has used the pretext of its alleged “ongoing negotiations”, to block any effort made by United Nations state members, to find a good and viable solution to the conflict, and for decades the US and its terrorist military enterprise “israel”, have blocked every effort made by state members to denounce the crimes committed on the Palestinian population, resulting in the continuation of the prolonged and belligerent occupation and theft of the Palestinian land, and in decades of crimes, abuses and unspeakable horrors, not just against the Palestinian people, but against the entirety of the Middle East.
Now, After nearly one year of a Genocide which has now taken proportions without comparison in world’s history, it is now time to reverse that which we have all witnessed and understood as direct cause of more harm then good, and which in effect threatens the entire world, and to demand that the US and Germany, will be held account for their failures, as well as being excluded from any further talk or meetings which concerns the situation in Palestine.
A new peace broker must be found and chosen by the Palestinian people, and Palestinian representatives from Gaza must be allowed to speak at the UN, so that finally, their voices can be heard and peace and justice can be achieved.
About the criminal behavior of US representatives and of its current Genocidal head of state, this is also a fact which after so much whitewashing of warcrimes and horrors, can no longer be neglected or being ignored.
The fact that by even considering the possibility of a forced closure of all borders and the complete sectioning of the Gaza Strip by the so called “mazzarim, or is it nazi harem corridor” dividing Gaza in two, and even pretending the rights of taking control of its border with Egypt by encaging the strip and inhabitants in what can not be better defined than the final monstrous wall of a concentration camp, the United States government have officially proven its complete disregard for international law, the Genocide Convention, as well as once again, shown to the world its blatant will to continue with the collective punishment, abuse and torture of the Palestinian people.
2 and half million People which for more than ten months now, have been shot at and bombed, forcefully displaced and bounce around from supposed safe zone to safe zone, and starved, deprived of water, and massacred even while in hospital and under medical attentions, or in mosques and churches, and even while praying.
As we have all witnessed during the last 10 months of horrors and lies, the horror and lies are continuing, and so called negotiations have become the more then obvious excuse to make the horror persist, for to ultimately allow the supremacists, their eugenist sponsors, and coconspirator war criminals, to continue to dictate insane laws while demolishing the constitutional ones along with the ones of human rights and of war.
The attempt to the normalization of Genocide, and the actual law.
Normalizing drone assassinations and Genocide, and assault and kill anyone who would stand on their path to the total destruction of the international laws, and for ultimately the extermination and eradication of the Palestinian people from their motherland.
A land filled with beauty and resources, which is already being auctioned off in “illegal auctions” taking place, as we know by public announcements, in both USA and Canada, as well as allegedly in the European countries now number one enemies of the principles of morality, decency and of human rights, Germany and France.
Countries guided by satanist technocrats, or better yet dictocrats and eugenists, which through their fear and war mongering, have continued to push for the implementation of unconstitutional, illegal and draconian mandates and so called “emergency measures”, sold to the people as “emergency laws”, aimed at subduing, silencing dissent, and even to force their own population to inject even their own children with toxic injections sold as “life saving “, and “safe and effective” “vaccines”, even though they were not safe nor effective and not “vaccines” as they are made using a different type of “experimental” architecture and technology.
Genocidal maniacs, now defending the slaughter of the Palestinian people, challenging the International Courts, and using brutal force to disrupt peaceful demonstrations against a Genocide now turned into a new Holocaust.
Supposed democratic and human rights champions which instead of obeying their own laws and the international ones, still continues to this day to actively fight against the courts and institutions erected to protect humanity from the very same crimes they and their partners in crime are committing .
Arming and Shielding from prosecution those already indicted for warcrimes and crimes against humanity, which beside carrying out what has been since long defined as a “Textbook Genocide” in a place on which they have been again told by the highest of Courts that israel, already declared guilty for its belligerent and prolonged occupation, must withdraw all of its forces from the places it illegally occupies, pay compensation for its crimes, and that as an occupying force, it has no legal rights to self defense on the land it occupies, nor the one to maintain its presence there where is not welcome.
To be noticed also, is that Germany, under the rule of its current zionazi administration, beside being the number one European sponsor and facilitator for the Holocaust unfolding in front of our very eyes in Palestine, it is also the number one war and toxic jabs monger in Europe, and that ever since its taking over of the EU under the monster known as “Frau Genocide”, it has already caused the collapse of the euro, now trading against the U.S. dollar at some 10 % less of its value when compared to the time preceding the one of the installment of her zionazi eugenist Genocidaires regime, now standing at the helm of the European Union.
Causing the rise of fuel and food prices, pushing for the destruction of laws written to safeguard the safety of people and of commercial products, legalizing pesticides and toxic substances once deemed poisonous and illegal, and imposing draconian laws and restrictions aimed at the destruction of civil and human rights and liberty, while at the same time, profiting from the pharmaceutical cartel it endorses with sate and European money and sponsors.
Criminal actions enforced by ways of declaring “emergency laws”, which in reality are unconstitutional and human rights violating, as well as by imposing criminal mandates, protocols and regulations, aimed at terrorizing, or in the legal term “causing procured alarm” and silencing all voices of dissent by ways of censure and terror, Germany, as in effect become a country which as it stands, should be kicked out of the EU, as its government and, in overwhelming number, people, seams to be more inclined to be part of a Genocidal dictatorship, than of a Union of countries which are for human rights, logic and peace.
France, country which is also ruled by a satanist pyromaniac which among others, likes to burn cathedrals,” see how NotreDame was made to burn for hours before the fire department was allowed to step in and put out the fire”, desecrates religions, and as we have witnessed with the latest Olympics opening show, promoting blasphemy, sodomy, perversion and pedophilia.
Country which has now taken the headlines, has it arrests the founder of one of the most used social network platform on the planet, imprisoned for doing the exact same thing many other network providers, starting from telephone companies are every day doing.
So once again, enacting dictates to publicly incarcerate those who allow the voices of dissent, violating their own rules to frighten the masses, and pretending to be acting for the greater good, in yet an other media stunt which can not do anything other than distract and scare those which in the legality of such act believe.
In fact, France, which keeps on being ruled by who has been defined as the French president which “historically” most hated by the French people, after being kicked out from most of Africa and from its former colonies, is now selling out its soldiers as mercenaries, sent to fight wars made for the profit of real estate companies buying off land stollen from people forcefully displaced under the threat and sounds of its endorsed, armed and paid for wars.
Stollen homes and land which becomes bought for pennies on the dollar by multinational’s and corporate proxies like black rock and co. for to be eventuality rented out to the same people which used to own them in the first place.
In fact, several reports and video evidences provided by their own soldiers, have proven the presence of both French and German mercenaries killing and torturing the civil population now also in both Palestine and Russia, country of which’s nuclear reactors are being threatened, and which is now also under attack by countries which wile arming the soldiers fighting in the front line and providing them with, beside money and mercenaries, among others, bombs, drones, jets, missiles, munitions of every kind and tanks, pretend not to be part of the war they are arming, campaigning for, and sponsoring.
So yes, World War III is already started, and as far as the eugenists are concerned from their personal multibillion bunkers in their private islands, war it’s the best business after sterilizing and sickness inducing vaccines.
And while Eastern Europe is suffering the effect of a senseless war, the Middle East is already burning, and bracing for a war for which once again, it finds itself pushed into it by the brutality, racism and horrors of which its people are forcefully and violently made witness and victims of.
Provocation after provocation, pushed to take up arms to defend their people, the Middle East countries which refuse to be ruled by racist technocrats, have so been pushed and poked in every conceivable way in a desperate attempt to provoke them in an all out war of which’s making, is part of a vicious plan called “the great reset”, or, “greater israel “.
At the same time, also available are the documents showing contracts already signed before the tragic date of October the seventh 2023, from which we can see that the supposed rights to both the gas and oil reserves of Gaza, had been already sold by israel, without any justification, or legal rights to the land on which they are located.
And while the world is being dragged to the edge of the oblivion by the eugenist technocrats of the rockafeller’s founded United Nations, and by the criminal Genocidaires of the wef, sponsoring yet an other invention of the same criminal cartel, the who, the wars are raging from the European borders all the way to the entirety of the Middle East, to the extent in which a world war, seems now to be almost unavoidable, the people, are finally waking up to the reality and the inescapable truth which for so long they were forced to dismiss and ignore.
A reality in which politicians, which must be dealt with by the courts and by the International tribunals for their role in the cov ID conspiracy, are instead being allowed by the corrupted and coconspirator judges, military and law enforcement officers, to skip trials and to keep on pushing for their Genocidal sponsor’s agenda.
So it must not come as a surprise that the Genocidaires are being greeted, while those opposing the Genocide are being “illegally” persecuted, and it must not come as a surprise, if a nuclear Armageddon will be initiated by the very same ones which are now using wars and so called “emergency laws” to avoid prosecution, remain in power, and attempt to dictate new unconstitutional and human rights destroying laws for to ultimately attempting to enslave humanity into their own coded digital dystopia.
The continuous violation of the Genocide convention, expressed by the constant force displacements of hundreds of thousands, forced to be bounced around supposed safe zones which are anyway everything but safe, and to make a way for the demolition of their homes, is now a seen we have keep on witnessing for close to a year now.
The systematic destruction of homes and infrastructures, carried out in the attempt to eradicate from the land people which will rather die on it than leaving it, can only end in one or two ways.
One, those trying to scare the Palestinian people away from their land stop their insanity, face the fact that their terrorism did not work and that they have lost their genocidal war, embraces and helps those who had fallen victim of their zionazi dictators, and begin to comply with the Courts orders and the international laws, or two, that they will continue to destroy and exterminate more innocent Palestinian children and people, till someone will have to finally step in with force to put an end to the brutal, inhumane and Genocidal zionist abomination.
As it must be obvious by now that there is no time to wait for a viable or fast enough uprise of the israeli people and for the overthrow of the Genocidal regime from within, it must also be obvious that the world can no longer wait without acting, and that as we are risking to ignite a conflict which would most likely spread to the entire world, someone must now take the stand to enforce the laws which are being stumped on and trashed by Genocidal bullies and thieves in immediate need for restraint.
This someone should be and should have already long time ago been the United Nations, which in order to succeed, must decide in favor of implementing in full the ICJ orders and enforce the immediate suspension of all israeli diplomats along with the immediate imposition of sanctions on israel, which must be maintained in place till its court decides to act and arrest the Genocidal government, and that it would give full guarantees of its compliance to the international law to which all nations are bound too.
At the same time, the United Nations must organize and order the deployment of peacekeepers, medics and rescue teams to help those in need, and to provide safety, essential element for guaranteeing the end of the belligerent occupation, Apartheid, and horror, and the return to the peace for a country which for too long has been neglected, abused and made to inhumanly suffer.
But will the United Nations act?
Or will it continue to be that captured theater which has for over ten months proven to the world to be?
Will it act in time to stop a conflict which may result into a world war, or will it allow the situation to degenerate into a potential nuclear Armageddon?
The harsh truth.
As we have all witnessed, drone strikes in the city centers of capitol cities, have become normalized by the mainstream medias and by the genocidal representatives of countries, which instead of condemning the brutal warcrimes have condoned them, so how long do you think will it take for the same thing to happen in your own town?
If no one is even trying to stop one which has been raging for more then ten months, what makes you think that the same could not happen to you and to your country if you let the same Genocidaires responsible for the horrors we are all witnessing to keep on running your country?
Genocidaires sitting in the offices of the United Nations, are in effect telling the entire world that we are soon going to be forced into a digital dystopia, or better yet “gulag”, in which we should become digitally and biologically merged to their matrix, and that we must accept the digital dystopia supremacists as our overlords, give up all personal thoughts and freedoms for them to control through their personal golden tablets, all of our privacy and feelings, and all for to allegedly save humanity from it self, and to save the planet from what is in reality, their geoengineered and technologically induced climate change and concocted bio weapon warfare.
In the video below, the 8 million dollar check which bought the United Nations.
A planet which we all inhabit and share, but which they want to control as if they would be demigods, while the rest of the people, their, kept on the digital chains, to become their remotely operated drones and servants.
Servants to the eugenic concept which is to keep the number of the servants at a minimum, cause hell, who needs many of them when you can even have them to produce machines to replace themselves?
Here something to be understood
Dumbing down the gullible.
And while we are at it, did you know that after more than two years of waiting for the release of an official report denouncing and proving the toxicity of fluoride of causing among other, the lowering of IQ for children, was finally released?
Yes fluoride, for which a state founded study, was gagged and censured for more then two years, and for which’s release, a court order had to be obtained, as its publication, allegedly ready for released in the early 2020s was blocked by the same so called “authorities” , which have not by chance, been also authorizing the use of so called “emergency use” of experimental injections by it falsely labeled as “safe and effective” “vaccines”, toxic jabs which have in effect caused the premature death of millions of people, many of which forced to die alone inside hospitals, and in the most horrible of ways, and which have made many more people chronically ill, becoming dependent on so called “life saving drugs”, just to stay alive.
But yeah, fluoride now, that same fluoride which they have been telling you is good for your teeth, and which corporations and states, are putting in water in which you bathe, shower, wash, cook and drink, as well as in sodas, beer, and of course, food.
What? An other mistake?
If you think so, is time to wake up cause the captain got drunk on his own powers, and the ship on which you are standing have crashed, and is already sinking.
Here a life vest
And just so to make sure that no one would think that such revelations about the poison deliberately added to the water supply, should be something we just found out about, you should know that the first record of doctors and scientists denouncing neurotoxicity of fluoride, is from Denmark and from the 1930s, and that the first use of it as mind control drug, is from nazi Germany, which used it to sedate the prisoners of its concentration/labor camps in world’s History.
The dumbing down of humanity and its dehumanization, through poisons given in the water, additives or in vials, as well as through the constant flow of images of horrors left unpunished, garnished with more display of Genocidal intent, broadcasted and echoed by a world media, or better yet, propaganda machine, which with its mind control programming, tries to convince its audience that even if things are insane, everything is always under our “supposed” leaders control.
Like so, mass medias has served and continues to serve to justify the monsters who owns them, and coverup their most heinous atrocities, and as we have all seen, whitewashing warcrime after warcrime and justifying massacre after massacre as supposed “military operations”, turning a Genocide into an Holocaust and a besieged enclave, into the most brutal extermination camp.
And while we are all waiting for a decisive response by the people of israel or by Genocide facilitator still sitting in office at the UN, or that some countries would manage to do what no one was so far able to do and put an end to the massacres, many more are suffering and dying, and many others, are awaiting for fire to rain down on israel, country now so deeply stained with the blood of its victims, and which has become under the eyes of the sane world, the personification of the most atrocious symbol of violence and horror.
At the same time while the thousands of israelis and jews from around the world are opposing the war and the Genocide and are rallying in demonstrations against the Genocide and against their corrupted and Genocidal once representatives, and now dictators, the mass media are keep on hiding the news of their demonstrations and actions of defiance, and once again proclaiming that the israeli people supporting the onslaught and the zionist terrorists to be the majority, even though this is far from the truth.
Anyhow, at this time, even if indeed, is the duty of the people of israel to stop their Genocidal and dictatorial government, the world can no longer sit and wait, and allow for more people to be massacred by a brutal and rapist army of remotely operated brainwashed demons and trolls.
Humanity must not wait any longer, and it must take a stand and act to stop the unfolding Holocaust before its spilled blood would spread to our entire planet..
And here something else which may give some explanation to some of the people which are still unable to understand or believe how can some care so less for their own people.
To this extent, you must also take into consideration a fact which has already some times ago been flagged by laureates and doctors, and which seams to be completely ignored by everyone, a fact according to which, israelis are now kept in this horrific loop in order to deflect the attention from the thousands dead and dying killed by their so called vaccines an boosters.
In fact, israel is according to data, the country which most vaccinated and boosted up its people in the entire planet.
Obviously a prolonged war is the easiest way to destroy evidences, at list for a while.
Meanwhile in Gaza, here one more warcrimes which medias and the Genocidaires are again trying to justify as “ military operation”, as once again, while bombs and missiles are falling on people and buildings, a hospital is once again under attack by the zionazi zombi robot soldiers.
And here one more short clip just released which may give you an insite on the situation in which the Palestinian children, “and grownups” are made to live under.
And just immagine this would be your town apartment.
Here my usual clip board for related article.
As usual I will keep on updating it till my next piece.
Meanwhile in Gaza, beside the continuation of attacks, bombing and massacres throughout Gaza and in the rest of Palestine, and even mare blatant warcrimes carried out on schools and shelters, also Hospitals are being once agin targeted.
More massacres in Palestine.
One more reminder of the ICJ orders.
Atrocities and Genocide continues in Palestine
And here one discussing the coming arrest warrants against more zionazi Genocidaires.
And here a reminder of the atrocities committed by the apartheid wannabe state before October the seventh, across the Middle East, as well as an insite into the PA betrayal of its own people.
Here ne more exposing some of the “sugar coated” facts on the ground in Palestine, in the regards of the complicity of the PA in the torturing of the Palestinian people.
Here about what some have rebranded as the “Samson doctrine” as the zionists entity embodies the concept of Samson going down with the temple and with everyone in it” from voices on the ground
Here one more look at the situation in the rest of Palestine
Finally a move to suspend israel from the UN
Temporary ceasefire means continue with the Holocaust. The UN is fully responsible for it.
Massive strike and protest for a deal to set all prisoners free and end end the war, will start tomorrow and take place across israel
The head of the israeli secret service unitn8200 resigns one weak after his offices were bombed by hezbolla. Resigned or resigned by hezbolla missiles ?
Here one more on the protests in israel, they are huge.
Horror persists through out Palestine
Reveled now that the so called polio vaccine is something experimental developed in 2021, and which has already know to be 1 dangerous, second, it should apparently be given a second dose after 2 weeks which would make it impossible for most receiving the first dose if the israelis do not withdraw in time for it.
Israeli people have finally found the courage to do what is right to stop their Genocidal dictators
In the mean while
The ICC prosecutor still waiting for approval for the arrests warrants by him asked for the israeli prime minister and defense minister.
Disturbing but very important question from Lebanon.
One more angel killed by blind hate.
Warcrimes in plain site,-Israel-attacks-16-shelter-centres-in-Gaza-in-a-single-month
Intent to commit Genocide
Thank you, Sol, for weaving in so many levels and so many harsh truths we cannot turn away from, and for coming back over and over again to our brothers and sisters in Gaza/Palestine who are going through such agony. It's hard to bear. I am grateful to you for your passion and for doing battle with your big heart and the sharp words of your pen.