What to wear to protect yourself against tear gas and other chemical agents when protesting:

Facemask. Scarves or bandanas large enough to cover your face from nose to chin can serve as substitutes.

Shatter-resistant eye protection (e.g. shatter-resistant sunglasses, swim goggles, or a gas mask)

Clothing covering all your skin as much as possible

Comfortable, closed, protective shoes that you can run in

AVOID wearing contact lenses, which can trap irritating chemicals, such as tear gas powder, underneath. If you do wear contacts lenses, keep a full facial gas mask or goggles on at all times.

AVOID wearing makeup such as eyeliner, for the same reason.


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Yes, wet scarf helps but real gas mask is the only thing which actually works, yogurt is also good for the skin if you get sprayed with irritants.

We also keep some people wearing protective gear and roof harness under the jacket if we need to send someone get someone back.

Lucky me, I have never got sprayed and used the harness to pull back a couple of my friends only once. “it was more painful being pulled from behind and landing while pulling a friend from the cops, than the hits I got by the cops which had jumped on me after I grabbed him from them”

Note, by the time I post this reply I had already added some things.

I’ll try to put more on it tomorrow,

Still working on the text of my latest one for now.

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