This is an other of those letters which I would have never liked to come to write, any how, it is I guess, essential for people to realize what the main stream media would never tell them, and to open as many eyes as possible, if we are to survive the insanity which is taking place on our world.
As we can see, people are still in great numbers, completely blinded by the propaganda machine which works for overwhelming them with distorted truths and straight out lies, and they must be made aware of the danger in which, because of their blindness and neglect of the reality and seriousness of the current situation, we are all now finding our selfs locked in.
As I previously wrote, I am grand son of two magistrates, which have educated me to the respect of the just law of men, but also to the awareness of the fact that in our society, once guided by principles of high moral, culture and ethics, if it should ever happen a situation like the which as turned up to be now, and in which our political system would have become completely run by economic interests, “money”, we the people which stand by the law, would have to have exercise our duty and made sure that the proper authorities would hav done their job in keeping in check the activities of our politicians and to make sure that courts would do their work.
It is in fact the duty of the courts, to make sure that corruption does not hinder the functions of the bureaucratic and administrative body of the nation and, is the duty of the law abiding men, to make sure that the judges are made to do their job.
They also thought me that the worst thing which can ever happen in our world, is a Genocide, as it is an atrocious and inhumane act, which as history have shown, when takes place, if is not stoped on its tracks, will spread to the entire world.
Like a wild fire which awaits for just little wind to spread, if is not quickly put out will burn out of control till it won’t find anything left on its path to consume.
The Wind, which in this example is represented by the endorsing or support towards whoever is carrying out the criminal and inhumane act of Genocide must be stoped at once as its fueling its immoral and illegal.
They told me also that this was the very reason why after the league of nation the United Nation was founded.
They also told me that if should be so that one day a Genocide would have taken place, it would have then be the duty of all nations to act as one to immediately put an end to it, and if the Secretary General of the United Nations would have not been up to the task, he would have to be “physically removed”, and replaced.
Physically removed because bullies or psychopaths, as well proven from our history, would never stop bulling or step down if not being physically forced to do so.
Physically removed, should be also the faith of any politician which would not condemn the warcrimes, and enacted his powers to stop the Genocide, cause in such extreme situation, anyone supporting Genocide, or anyone turning a blind eye to it, becomes under the law complicit in that Genocide.
Must be than the duty of law men and of citizens, to march on the courts, police stations and the parliaments, to denounce those involved in the mass murderous or Genocidal act, and insure their removal from office and of corse, when proves are unconfutable, “and they are”, immediate arrest.
That should have already happened at list 4 months ago.
Instead, what we are witnessing, is the constant onslaughts and the continuing of the arming of a Genocidal regime, armed by Genocidal and insane criminal psychopaths which them selfs should have already also being removed a long time ago.
At the same time, we are also witnessing the preparation to a world war, which by the look of things, is about to start.
You may ask, but why?
And why now?
The answer can only be one, there is no more morality, principles, ethics or wisdom in the theater of politics, politicians have been allowed to become salesman in charge of nations, which they have under the guise of “privatization”, sold out to multinational, the pigpharma cartel, and to the war industrial complex.
So in effect, nations are now owned by entities which are unaccountable to the law, and politicians which have by now sold everything which nations owned, have become the salesman to the public, hired and somehow from illegally turned into “legally” through the invention of a new term written to legalize corruption “lobbying” bought and payed for by the very same entities to which they have sold their nations in the first place.
You may ask, and how did the political theater shifted so suddenly and how has it become so corrupted at once?
The answer is simple, telecommunication and IT have provided the ultimate spying tools ever conceived, as they became weaponized and turned into fully integrated and high tech spying devices, which everyone became by necessity, carrying and relaying on.
Spying devices which have provided the thugs and crooks, with all they needed to know about anyone which they are interested in controlling.
What the world thought as the “mobile revolution”, was in fact the beginning of the age of dystopia.
Here what the devices were used for behind peoples back
The first generation, allowed remote use of microphone, second generation more approximate location, third generation, beginning of personal identification, location, and reporting technology, forth generation, personal identification personal data mining analyzing and reporting technology, track and trace, cognitive disfunction and then, 5g with its 3d image rendering, deeper form of cognitive disruption, emotion manipulation, microwave pulse weapon.
Sound crazy?
Remember the time in which you could remove the battery from your phone?
Well, that was the time in which you could decide to switch your telephone off, then they devised a way to add an extra battery for allegedly maintaining the inner clock running, which in turn, was also maintaining the mic on even when the main battery was removed.
Than when they realized that the secondary battery or clock battery was not reliable, they devised new models from which you could no longer take the battery out, than came AGPS which could also track each and every movement, but that was for them not enough, so they invented S.M.A.R.T.
And then after telling everyone that S.M.R.T. meant. “Clever”, you could own your on not smart S.M.A.R.T. Personal spying devices, which you could even talk too, teach how to recognize you, and unwillingly using it to upload all of your personal data directly on the provider’s servers and hard drives.
Little you know that when you looked at the meaning of the acronym, something quite different comes up, as the actual meaning of S.M.A.R.T is Self Monitor Analyze and Reporting Technology.
Basically spying device which monitors your life and harvests your secrets which it then sends to the phone company and operator, which in turn sells it forward under the guise of “research and development”.
Turns also up that the mobile phone in pretty much everyone’s possession, is also a mega computer with gigs of memory and computing power, which in computing power, are comparable to several desktop or laptops computer from the early 2000 put together.
Such computing power, is constantly being used for monitoring and profiling the user, of which’s informations are constantly being analyzed by the device, which then sends the data packages to the network which then sells it to companies which than uses it, supposedly for developing predictive behavior systems, used for any purpose you can imagine plus sum.
Here an example on how predictive behavior mines your informations and works.
Imagine this, someone calls and asks you where you are, but for some strange reason, you don’t want to tell that someone where you are, so you tell you are somewhere else.
Your phone, which is programmed to detect your lie by its predictive behavior core/chip, will pick up on the question “where are you”, and not only know that you have lied by verifying your location, but also learn the sound of your voice when you are lying.
It will also learn your facial expression or visual tel tel signs should you be using a video call.
The informations will then be used by anyone with access to the data, which will be then able to predict all of your lies recognized by algorithms, and profile you.
5 G is then the next step of spying technology which takes the thing to an even more dystopian extreme, as it actually among others allows to render a 3d mapping of the room from which transmits, similar to what LiDAR can do, the only difference is that while LiDAR uses a laser to scan, 5 G uses millimeter waves and millimeter waves can be also weaponized to cause emotional and physical effects. “even to kill”
And so the perfect spying tool into everyone’s pocket, and the total impunity for those experimenting with it, as allowed the industry to gain total control over the privacy of every politician and public figure on the planet.
As you can imagine, receiving a memory card with the collection of all the lies you have told on the phone, if you are a politician or a public figure, would most likely not wanting for such informations to be released to the public, if on top someone comes by and gives you a nice present in exchange for the insurance that will vote in favor or against something in exchange for guarantee that your private recording would not be published, you will most likely accept the deal and start to work for who was bribing you.
Like so all politicians have sold them self out in exchange of some illusion of privacy, and of course, the usual exclusive golden watch and brand new “supposedly” encrypted phone.
Schools be also obvious by now that politicians are at large, no longer caring about ethics or health, as they pretend that forcing people to take toxic injections and even forcing them on children, should be also normal and “legal”.
So then you go, we are governed by Genocidal eugenist psychopaths, which have no clue what life means outside of their bubble, and which are now afraid to end up in prison for their genocidal work along the side of the Pigpharma/war industrial complex, for the poisoning of billions of people worldwide.
It is also not so hard to understand, that while tens of millions of conferred vaccine related death had been already revealed over a year ago, many more are still dying from the shot the took, and this is obviously a world wide phenomena, of which no mainstream media, which is in effect worldwide subsidiary of pigpharma, is allowed to discuss.
Knowing this, it is perhaps not by chance, that the country which most vaccinated its citizens, is now engaged in a war, which is actually not a war but a text book Genocide, and that this came also in a time, in which the excess and sudden deaths reported in their country were becoming mainstream news.
The Genocide taking place in Gaza is by the looks of things, the final tuning of the instruments of war which the Genocidal eugenists and psychopaths in power, are preparing to unleashed as their back up plan, a back up plan prepared well in advance and made ready to be used at any time, should have their scamdemic/global martial law and digital dystopia scam had fail “ which undoubtedly did”, World War III.
A world war which the eugenist cabal have been once again planning as the only alternative to their obscene plan, as they were also aware of the possibility of failure of their attempt to the digital enslavement of humanity via their so called green or health passports scam.
A,scam, which should have succeeded, would have given them absolute power of control of every human being on the planet, of which’s individual and collective destiny they would have been able to control from their personal terminals and golden tablets.
Golden tablets which they can use to reword or to take away, to help or to obstruct, to advertise or to shadowban, and thanks to their unlawfully legalized and advertised “without testing” as supposed “safe and effective” what is effect, toxic nano particles injections and injectable genes altering and “nano dot and quantum tattoo technology”, reproductivity or sterilization, or even life or death.
And as the catastrophic result of their insane and unfeasible agenda are resulting of their indictment for the horror they unleashed, and as their faces and criminal intent are now known by the masses, their backup plan is to unleash a World War, which in their sick minds, would allow them to escape the rightful wrath of the world.
A world, which already for months have been pressuring the courts to their job and to order the dethroning and arrest of the sponsors, politicians and state officials, directly responsible for the dystopian rules and horrors they forced on their subjects.
A World War which they are planning to survive by flying with their personal jets to their bunker lolita islands, from which they are planning to play world war like a video game from their golden thrones in quantum computers command centers, from which beside remotely piloting airplanes, warships,, tanks, cars drones and what ever vehicle they like to use for killing people, they will also be now able to remotely use soldiers as their personal avatars in their sick global holocaust reality nongame.
On this subject, it does not take much to do some research on the available techniques and devices used for mind control, developed by the US darpa and co, and learn how they have already battle tested integrated such devices in the helmets of soldiers.
All images and photos in this video are from a classified leaked darpa documents from 2009. Music by Rawpower live in Helsinki 2010 or 11, Track name “Monster”.
Images of drone soldiers with remote controlled helmets. Gaza holocaust 2024
Helmets which are currently being used, not only by the US and israel, but also by nato forces.
Sold under the guise of “super smart technology”, for helping to identify soldiers on the fields, and to be able to awake them or to lower their metabolism should they get wounded in battle, they are in effect, capable among other, of remotely causing or amplifying instinctive reactions, “like pulling triggers”, remotely causing induced instinctive behavior without the soldier’s conscious evaluation of a situation.
Kill mode button, and thats it, Genocide guaranteed.
Here an interesting article for you to read.
Psychological warfare to the next level explained in this video presentation.
Psychological warfare to new levels, still unimaginable to most, has already been unleashed on world stupefied by its powers.
Beside the new and still classified weapons in the hands of nato and co, psychotronic weapons and systems have been used and developed for decades, mass manipulation through sounds and frequencies and remotely operating voice to skull devices, are only some of the names of the devices and systems which have been used for decades in psychological warfare.
Now, many more devices and techniques have also been developed to allow the remote use of of devices, which have already been put in place in urban area worldwide disguised in the form of, among other, high and low frequencies weaponized mobile communication antennas, lamp posts, smart meters, traffic light, speed camera posts, and public led lighting systems.
Yes, public led lighting systems, so called 5g lamps and smart lamp posts, are being now designed to be weaponized, using also the lighting for modulating light frequencies designed to trigger among others, emotional responses.
Tiredness, weakness, peacefulness, rage, comfort, discomfort, clarity of mind, or confusion, all programmable emotions which can be activated through light frequencies and pulsing.
And as if this would not be enough of a dystopian nightmare, all of it should be supposedly very soon be controlled through what they call AI, “computers”, hence, not by any type of intelligence what so ever, but by risky calculus, as they are machines which can only do what they are made to do, and which obviously, like anything with a chip, will always be hackable.
AI, is also being currently being used in war zones, as it can be used to monitor analyze and execute targets, and without caring for the casualties, strike anyone or anything without any feelings, second thoughts or remorse.
On this subject, according to analysts, in the case of the Gaza holocaust, the AI program used to bomb the enclave, was at the beginning of the Genocide and until South Africa invoked the Genocide convention, most likely programed in a way in which the Palestinians which were detected by the AI, were not recognized by the programed machine as people, but as “animals”.
Remember “ Human animals?”
The israeli soldiers, as I previously mentioned, are also at large, equipped with electronic helmets which can be and most probably are also being used to trigger their kill/Genocide mode, to facilitate the massacres and destruction.
Also automated weapons such as armed robot dogs, automated gun towers, drones, and all kind of high tech weaponry, are being constantly tested on the people of Gaza and in the rest of Palestine.
New types of Poisonous Gases, fletch, cluster, thermobaric, and pressure bombs, suicide drones, guided and unguided munitions and missiles, new types of guns and explosive bullets, bones braking guns, white phosphor and chemical weapons and all types of new explosives, as well as computer guided and automated killer weapons are being battle tested and made ready for the war industrial complex and what is from it to come.
As in 2024 we can all see, human robot /genocidal armies and weapons, have been prepared, made ready and are being made available for their coming “World holocaust” from some time now, and just as this is an unconfutable fact, it is also sure that if humanity continues to allow for this madness to continue, it will soon find itself in the Middle of that Gaza on which’s back it had turned.
The eugenist warmongers and merchants of death of the war industrial complex, with their pr office which they call nato, have for the last 5 years prepared the roads of Europe for the transit of tanks, and countries which did not then even officially belonged to the warmonger cartel, like Sweden and Finland just to name a few, had already begun to update their roads to the requested nato standards, much before joining the infamous eugenist war profiteering and monger’s mob.
And now, just as the roads for tanks are made ready, the once neutral and peaceful nations, have been by corrupted and brainwashed technocrats eugenists politicians of technopharma and co, dragged into the Genocidal agenda of their eugenists sponsors, and as true to their warmongering and Genocidal agenda, are quickly mobilizing armaments and troops, now made ready for a war which they can never win.
And all of this is been prepared under the cover of that Genocide which they quietly endorse and allow to continue, while they are preparing for the next level holocaust.
Drone soldiers and remotely piloted war machines, hypersonic and high and low frequency radiation, as well as microwave and laser technology, all ready to be remotely controlled for to manifest their fatal effect.
All in the name of eugenics and psychopathic supremacists sociopaths, and their urge to destroy, kill, and control, a urge which they will never be able to satisfy, and which if not halted, will be so grave that it will not spare them from the destiny they have forced on the entire world.
So rest assure, there can not be any way around this one, diplomacy can not work when you are dealing with bullism, just like political correctness can not apply when you are dealing with a Genocide, as when dealing with brutal and inhumane force, only the better use of as devastating force, can stop the rogue ones.
If there is a solution which does not evolve a war similar to the one unleashed to destroy the supremacist entity which was massacring people for their ethnicity and which brought us to World War II, it must be given by the courts which must order the firing, as well as the arrest of the corrupted and Genocidal politicians and public figures which have been organizing, supporting or endorsing and fueling the Genocide.
The same faith must be insured for all of those which have broken the law by circumventing constitutional, national and international laws, and unlawfully promoted, defended or armed the practice of collective punishment and Genocide, world wide.
In the case of stopping a Genocide from taking place, Genocide is the only crime in which the law of men is higher then the one of politicians, and in which if courts and politics are so corrupted and criminal that they condone Genocide, citizens become empowered to use any means necessary to remove them from power and arrest and neutralize those taking part in the Genocide.
Have heard about “Citizen arrest”?
Since laws differed in different countries, research and read about it.
About the Genocide Convention, read here.
And while you are at it, the Rome statute for better understanding of the international law
The Law?
Here is a hint, everybody has the duty to stop Genocide, and to prevent further blood shed, any necessary means are allowed.
Check your constitutional and national laws, and act accordingly because, you must..
Peace, freedom, dignity and justice for Palestine.
Sol Sön
Read this and tell me why I should NOT be a revolutionary. For that matter, ask why YOU should not.
Here an other eye opener
Genocide and complicity in Genocide are crimes which can not and will not be tollerated anywhere on the planet.
Here one more analysis