To the United Nations, The rise of the Phenix, Winds of change
Sharpening words for the battle of souls
to the United Nations
United Nations for defamation, spreading the lies and choking nations.
Run by the greed of corporations, dictates its rules to impose suppression.
Blind eyes for crimes, of the worst nations, sponsoring death via vaccination.
Running the game, of corporations, destroying the world, for domination.
Death of its staff, killed by a rogue nation, hides the reports from all the nations.
All to protect, it’s Ill conception, impose its blackout, of informations.
Killing its own, United Nations, watching them burn for celebration.
Sponsoring death and mutilation, bombing civilians, allows starvation.
Peace for the rich, United Nations, poison and death, for all pore nations.
Endorsing wars, for cash donations, looking away from slaughtered nations.
What has become, United Nations, once champion of peace, now of regimes, and world domination.
Sponsoring death, by vaccination, killing the world, and full deception.
This must end now, United Nations, you’ll be held account, for your abuse, and devastation.
Time to step up, face the deception, corporate puke, United Nations.
Change and bring peace, United Nations, the world will judge you, and your inactions.
Your genocide “normalization”, shows us you are now governed, by corporations.
Stop genocide, United Nations, or face the consequence, your cancellation .
Sol Sön.
The rise of the Phenix
Empty burned buildings, burned down to the ground, once house of the medias, now ash and burned ground.
Burning by fire, started from a crowd, of victims of terror, waked up by the sound.
The sound of syringes, filled with toxic compounds, and that of mass media, telling them to be needed, and for all safe and sound.
Burn deception, to reach, what is a truly safe ground, where truth will be spoken, and reason be found.
Burns down that injustice, burn it down to the ground, into ashes transformed by the righteous good crowd.
Burns the fire of justice, will cleanse all which is to be found, to promulgate madness on false scientific ground.
And as the fire burning, it will cleanse all around, so the masses will gather, and show what they found.
They will share all the wisdom, as they gather around, and new and just system, sharing wealth all around, and with care and the logic, for all good, safe and sound.
No more lies, fear and terror, truth and care will be found, for to share life and happiness, with those gathered around.
And then from the burned ashes, raised will be a new playground, for the joy, trust and the happiness, of a world which now we have found.
With the wisdom now found, truth and peace all around, we’ll rejoice and will share, what was lost and now found.
Burn down that which unjust, burn it down to the ground, as the phenix has risen, time to gather is now.
Gathering for the masses, sharing hope, and peace around, sharing light of true wisdom, to a world once in darkness, set now free from the lies..
Freedom dignity and justice, for those who stand unite, as we raise up from the ashes we are the Phenix, the light.
Sol Sön
Winds of change,
Blowing is the wind, to cleanse from that which so unsound, blow now away the dust, and the dirt from around.
To cleanse from all the injustice, as it blows them to the ground, blows the towers of power, of those nefarious creatures spreading, terror and lies.
Blow away the Ill conceptions, which are poisoning the mind, blow with power clean our planet, help us find, a true common ground.
Blow away the absurd horrors, brought down by that sick small crowd, made of sociopaths and maniacs, which for greed, money and power, spreads hate, rancor and fear, and on hate built their playground.
Blow away those who kill the peace, with their toxic filled compounds.
Vanquished them from existence, blow away that small soulless crowd, of eugenists aliens to nature, blow the off from their playground.
Blow hard blow now wind of change, blow it all blow it all blow it to the ground, as it’s from the ground up that we will build, a brand new world for all the living, in which happiness and peace, for all creatures will be found.
Sol Sön