SouthAfrica stands against Genocide and apartheid
SouthAfrica stands in the International Court of Justice to demand for the Genocide to be stoped.
Here the full version of the second last statement made by the Emeritus SouthAfrican teem, statement which was partially muted by the ICJ broadcasting site during its deliberation.
The censure segment was anyhow only effecting the direct streaming from the ICJ web site, while a second stream went on without a glitch.
Hence, I am reposting the missing segment for those which could not watch it, or better yet hear it in full.
Among other, the Emeritus lawyers reminded the Judges of the International Court of Justice that the Court has both the duty and power to act, as well as reminded the Court to be more explicit and better choose its words in its next ruling , as the last one it made, caused israel, not just to continue to ignore the Court’s provisional measures, but to intensify its bombing and Genocidal campaign as it used its statement asserting that the court had no power to ask for ceasefire to claim its alleged right to kill thousands more innocent civilians, and destroy countless more houses, hospitals, essential infrastructures, places of worship, and indeed lives.
In the over 2 hours long deposition, the representatives of the Nation of SouthAfrica, have also asked the court to issue orders which would allow the entrance into Gaza by the Court’s own inspectors as well as by medics, journalists and first responders.
To be noticed also that SouthAfrica remind the Court that since israel have so far not allowed the Court’s inspectors to enter Gaza, the court has the duty to anyway proceed, and that it no longer needs to further prove what is obvious violations of its provisional measures and of the International Law.
The strong and concise deposition have in effect already provided enough evidences to show beyond any shadow of a doubt, not just the warcrimes and Genocidal actions shown in the systematic material destruction of homes, hospitals, schools, UN shelters, places of worship, essential infrastructure and recorded death, but also by the unequivocally Genocidal declarations and murderous intent of the Genocidal and criminal israeli government.
Here a link to the full 64 pages deposition by the Great SouthAfrica.
Imagine to return to your home after being threatened to be killed, and instead of your home you find this.
More evidence of US active complicity in Genocide.
Mean while in Rafah
And in the rest of Gaza
Mean while, while the bombed, sniped, displaced, starved and out of water people of Gaza are finding themselves locked in the largest open air concentration camp in world history, and while all nations watch the genocide unfold, the partner in crime number one of the Genocidal entity, ready its pier of shame, and continues to justify, arm and supports in all ways it can, the Genocide.
A Genocide now turned into a full blown Holocaust of the like which never seen before, and which’s stains on its flag, will never be washed away, or be forgotten.
Keep on demonstrating and push new lawsuits against those endorsing and sponsoring Genocide.
We are the many, the are the nothing!
End apartheid and Genocide and hold to account those responsible for its actuation and its atrocities.
We should overcome.
Peace, freedom, dignity, Justice and prosperity for Palestine and its people means peace, freedom, justice and prosperity for the entire world.
Sol Sön
My usual links post.
I always add more links to articles on this comment, till my next post
Here the first
US complicity in Genocide
Here one for the christians who think life is any easier for their brothers trapped in the holy land
Heroes hold the line
Here an unrelated link I am saving
And here one more about US gov lying to defend and continue its Genocide in Gaza.
The hammer for justice
And here one more
Here one more pointing out that there is no excuse for not halting the arms transfers to maniacs