A recap from where we last left.
As I predicted the false flag operation called code cov ID 19 like a house of cards fell.
This complete collapse of the narrative, happened after the launch of multiple law suits against the Olympic committee, responsible for the mass injuring and murder of innocent athletes and trainers, forced by the Olympic games organisers to take a so called safe an effective experimental vaccine, in order to participate and compete in the games.
As if by magic, just as the first headlines and articles came out denouncing that over 100 between professional athletes and trainers had actually dropped dead during the first days of the games, the war in Ukraine broke out.
Deviating all attentions to this new false flag war, was practically instantaneous.
Over night the pandemic was over as the mass media/ billionaire propaganda machine, change its fear mongering campaign from the one of viruses, back to the same old “cold war”.
The war in Ukraine was so officially started and once again Russia had become the boogeyman we should once again all hate.
The war between Russia an Ukraine is so also a false flag operation carried out with the intent to forcefully remove from their home and relocate people in pore areas, and at the same time force them to abandon or sell their homes for penny on the dollar to their state which in turn, resells them to companies like black rock and co, and their army of subcontractor companies.
Hence the push to force the middle and low class citizens out of their home and to spill over to Europe and other countries is a mare pretext used for to still their home.
The exact same thing had already happened in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
What happened then, was in fact the massive expulsion of people from their home and the massive buying of their homes by Black rock and other international building companies which hired gangsters and thugs to forcefully evict the residents of historical building and even entire residential areas, not just in the capital and major cities, but in every city in Russia.
This scam was called “mafiocrazia”
Same is now taking place in Ukraine where the land on which black rock and co wants to build, get hit by missiles or rockets before being demolished for the place to be made ready for the new building.
At the same time the displaced people of Ukraine, get offers of supposed compensation for selling their home and migrating as refuges to the very same countries which are publicly sponsoring their warmongering leaders wars and secretly buying off their land and left behind possessions.
Once again, the same multinationals and giant building companies which have bought off Russia, installed and maintained in power their favorite soldier as president, are now raping Ukraine of its cultural heritage, resources and land.
Obviously for to evict people from their homes in such massive scale, constant war is needed, hence the continuous bombardment and displacement of people is organized in a way in which the victims of such scam are made to believe that the war and horror they are facing is all about about their freedom and independence, and such wars have nothing to do with robbing wealth and repossessing their homes.
Thankfully, because more and more people are made aware of this ongoing scams and robberies, the Ukrainian people have not just stop migrating and moving abroad as refugees , but in most of all cases, the ones which once terrified by the rockets, bombs and by the mass media propaganda of terror and fear, and which had fled the country at start of the war, have shortly after decided to return to their homeland.
Many of them unfortunately, have returned to find out that their homes have already been sold away by their government which in exchange, is now offering them in what it describes as compensation for their losses prefabricated homes and apartments built by the very same companies which have in reality caused their eviction and losses in the first place.
And now, just like the Ukraine war’s news had removed the word pandemic, from the headlines, out of the blue, a new war in the Middle East once again, overnight removes from headlines the word “Ukraine” for to make place for a new Hollywood style presentation of the next false flag operation/terror show.
Before getting into the details of this latest breach of war, international and human rights laws by the zionist regime which illegally rules over the Israeli and Palestinian people, you must understand that the alleged terror attack on the illegal settlers, was 100% orchestrated directed and in more than one way, directly conducted by both israeli occupation forces and united states so called (and I don’t understand why) intelligence.
Never in the history of the Palestinian plight and struggle, such a large group of supposed Palestinian soldiers have ever got so close to the fence which cages the prisoners of Gaza concentration camp.
Everybody knows that the entire area is controlled by cameras, electronic sensors, autonomous killer robots, snipers, tanks, drones and satellites, able to detect even a mouse coming towards the fence from 100+ meters away, so one must ask him self, how in the world could a group of hundreds of so called terrorist have managed to get there with a bulldozer, demolish gates and part of the fence for over two hours when this so called border is in effect the most watched one on the planet?
Here an American Judge discusses the false flag attack with a former agent, now very well know and respected writer.
Every expert and even israeli military officers have told that this is naturally impossible.
Absurd should be also any supposed reason which tries to justify the fact that entire battalions and tank divisions which are stationed in the area and which have always being patrolling the Gaza concentration camp’s fence, for the first time since the start of the Gaza segregation of 1967, on that morning where not just not there, but hundreds of kilometers away.
Beside the nonsense of this supposed unwanted breach of their concentration camp’s fence, the video evidence and personal testimony of the few israeli and foreigners survivors, victims of the implementation of the so called Hannibal code by the Israeli occupation forces are also undeniable.
Also circulating on the internet is in fact a video in which israeli soldiers murder a group of kidnapped foreigner man which tried to stop them from murdering more people. In the video shot by a girl, the young soldier (probably not even 20 years old) tells the girl which tells him in Hebrew to answer in English something about the where about of the rest of the kidnapped people to which he replies “we killed them all” and than repeats once again “we killed them all, code Hannibal”.
Here an article and video testimony of one of the very few survivors to the israeli massacre of their own citizen that morning.
I later come to know that the so called code Hannibal is a special order used by the israeli occupation forces to enforce the killing of kidnapped israelis along with the one of their kidnappers, for to supposedly prevent the possibility of negotiation with terrorists.
We also have heard stories of people trying to flee the south after the attack by the supposed hamas group and later israeli occupation forces, being killed by israeli soldiers as far as 90 kilometers from the Gaza wall.
In fact, at this moment, many have already speculated that israeli authorities are and have been trying their best from the beginning of this slaughter by the medias called war, to kill the rest of the kidnapped people now held by the Palestinians in order to prevent them from testifying to what they really witness
Obviously the psychopaths in control of this abomination called israeli establishment, don’t want the world to know this inconvenient truth, hence the constant bombardment, induced starvation and water and sleep deprivation of the civil population of Gaza, it is done in the attempt to kill not just the Palestinians, but also the kidnapped.
Further more, the clear intention of the new axes of evil, is that to forcefully remove the Palestinian population from the north of Gaza, for to take possession of the Palestinian gas fields located there.
Perhaps that also explains the reason why the Russian and Baltic gas pipes have being targeted by what many now believe as, israeli regime’s proxies.
To be noticed also is that the inhumane stand of the European nations, will most likely bring an Arab gas and oil embargo which will in turn, cause the monetary collapse of both the European Union and Britain which will also in turn, eventually become dependent on the Gaza gas, if Israel manages to steal it), (and at this point I truly doubt) along with the US oil.
Clear is also that should the israeli regime fail to still the Palestinian gas well, also that gas may become off limits for Europe as it will fall under the same Arab nations oil embargo imposed on what is the current axes of evil (israel, United States, United Kingdom and Europe.
After all who would have thought that one day China and Russia would have become the champions of human rights and united the good people of the world while the United Kingdom, Europe and the US, the personification of apathy and evil, or should I just say pure sickness.
Crazy as it may seam, this is the current situation, United States, israel, England, Germany, France and Holland, together with the vaccine cabal of the EU in Brussels, standing for the continuation of the bombardment and starvation of Palestinian women, children, elderly and sick people, offering more bombs and munitions and immoral support to that failed and now rogue United Nations creation called israel now perpetrators of the most horrible warcrimes and the public ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, shown to the world by camera, and for the entire world to see.
On the other hand China, Russia, all Arab and South American countries begging for a resolution to stop the war and allow the entrance of medical supplies and water to a population of to 2.3 millions documented, but surly closer 3 million people including the those undocumented (according to some 1 in 5 undocumented) now kept frightened under constant bombardment, with military jets, and drones constantly flying over their heads, shaking their souls, caged, starved, and with intent, deprived of water as well as prevented from using their own water purifying units, as well as being cut of from electricity for nearly two weeks. (Families and children)
This is the reality being written with blood on the book of history, a history which will not forget who stood for humanity, and who spat on it.
Time is to rise for the right and the dignity, not just of the Palestinian people, but for are own one to.
Time to hold account all those politicians which aided and abetted the ethnic cleansing and theft of the land of the Palestinian people and demand their immediate removal from office as well as the immediate mobilization of international peace keeping forces, to protect the civilians of both sides of this atrocious conflict, and provide help to both countries in their quest to form a government of unity willing to work with their neighbors to provide peace and prosperity to this now shamefully covered in rubbles and blood, for so many, holly land.
We must all stand for humanity and peace and demand an immediate stop to all hostilities.
Bring in to Gaza the ambulances, doctors, and tools needed to repair their water systems and allow humanitarian aid to get in.
We must make our voices heard and demonstrate our humanity, because in truth, Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, believer or non, for those who now govern us, one thing is for sure, one way or the other, we the people, are all Palestinians.
Freedom dignity and prosperity for Palestina and for the entire world.
Legal procedures to stop the looting
And here one more