Letters from the edge of dystopia XI
The following is the eleventh part of my free book Letters from the edge of dystopia.
Braking the mass media’s loop
As we have been witnessing for the last 4 years of relentless draconian mandates, warcrimes and attacks on humanity launched by the cartel of the eugenists of the so called wef “world economic fascists”, along with its owned UN management and direction “ UN united nazizionists”, and who “ world’s horror organisation”, all three manifesting as one in their continuous fearmongering and threats to liberty, human rights and peace, proposed through their declarations and dictatorial treaties, mandates, and so called, “protocols”, to which we should all supposedly believe in and sign up to, as accordingly, such should be the only way to save humanity from itself, those institutions we thought to be established to protect humanity, have in effect been turned into tools to destroy it.
Such evidences, for going on with the senseless wars, killing and destroying countless lives. done for impoverishing nations for to steal their resources, and for generate fake excuses for spiking up taxations for the already low income and middle class, impoverishing the common people and further enriching the corporate cabals and the already “chosen to be” billionaires, stealing billions from nations and keeping them locked away in their vaults,
and out of the reach from those from which they have stollen them from, instead of using them or reinvesting them for the common good, impoverishing nations and playing the demigods of chaos in their manufactured era of sickness, theft, and destruction, have served to awaken humanity to a factual reality of horrors and abuses which is now in plan site and totally out of control.
And while all of this, is going on under the eyes of the public, and now, with their public statements of support for Genocidal campaigns, from the one in Russia and Ukraine, for going on with the one now unleashed by its representatives and members of the UN on the pore and oppressed people of Palestine, allowing rogue nations to brutalise and massacre them, in a perpetual Genocide and ethnic cleansing of a people, are evidences of a sickness and corruption which can no longer be denied, tolerated, nor let to continue to exist.
Obscenity going on now for over 90 years on plan site in a display of bias and unaccountability, designed “by the UN” to impose more fear along with a sense of helplessness and submissiveness, designed to maintain the population subject of horrors, and enchained by fear.
Apartheid, whitewashed war crimes, theft of land, disappearing and kidnapping, segregation, and obligation to live in ghettos, surrounded by walls, barbwires, check points, snipers and automatic robotic sniping towers.
Oppressed, humiliated, and forced to live under constant threat, in a collective punishment matter, in the attempt to slowly erode and steal more land and natural resources, all openly done and without any condemnation and retribution, in order to generate horror and fear, and through propaganda, with its constant flow of brutality and destruction, force feed a monstrous reality to all those observing it unfold, and at the same time making its witnesses feel helpless and thank full for living a better life then the one shown to them on their high definition television screens.
And as the world is left in shock by so much death and destruction, broadcasted live in the attempt to normalize warcrimes and dehumanizing the world, with now a constant flow of images of atrocities and abuses, broadcasted 24-7 for to normalize Genocide and ethnic cleansing, the world as begun to awake to a reality which for centuries, it had been forced or convinced to ignore.
Becoming aware of its true history and powers, mankind is now awakening to that reality which for centuries had been kept hidden and made to dismissed as conspiracy theory, and which instead now, is being stumped on its face.
And as when pushed deeper through the funnel, people are eventually realizing that the walls confounding them are getting closer and closer at great speed, and in which direction those tightening walls are squeezing and pushing them, and as they are about to fall through that hole, are finally facing the facts which they were forced or tried to ignore.
Being pushed through a funnel which bring those push through it into a meat grinder designed to do what a meat grinder is meant to do, grind.
Years of insane martial laws, prison camps, toxic jab mandates and in some occasion even forced inoculation with toxic injections, see for example the treatment of the aboriginal people or the prison camps in Australia, or the violent arrests of people caught without waring a mask which every one knows that could anyway not stop any virus, and which in effect made people more sick, as we, as Humans, are not made to breathe our own breath over and over for days and and for months and even years, as we people, are meant to breathe in and breathe out clean air, freely, and not breathing our own discarded breath and through a diaper stuck on the face, which works as sponge for bacteria and can only make whoever wears it sick like a dog and most likely false positived, sent to hospital, become by protocol intubated and murdered.
Here a 2021 flash back of Australian terrorism which makes the nazi look like amateur.
This absurd and yet so true reality which we have all more or less suffered worldwide, was and still is an experience which was according to the designers of this insane dystopia, to bring about an electronically controlled revolution or better yet coup, able to change reality for mankind for to supposedly become normalized under their oxymoron propaganda slogan, “the new normal”.
This absurd and moronic thought, which would have seen the entire world bow down under this monstrous dystopian reality of constant toxic vaccine inoculations and forced track and trace insanity, which actually saw people being arrested and becoming detained for weeks in what they called for the occasion “quarantine”, some times because they forgot their phone somewhere, and someone who tested positive “with a test which was anyway fake”, walked by it before it was founded back.
Or what about that young mother which was running to ketch a buss to go to work, and was spotted by police running without wearing the mask by the bus stop, and because of her not wearing the mask on the sidewalk of the buss stop, “outside”, physically grabbed, arrested, and prevented from taking the bus to her job, for to ultimately giving her a huge fine, just because she had stepped on the sidewalk of the buss area without wearing the mask she was carrying in her hand for the bus ride.
This is just a tiny example from the billions of stories of abuses which our society had been made to face and suffer.
The eugenists brain dead architects of this insane and dystopian reality, are so brain damaged that they actually believed this could have gone on forever, as according to their imagination, people would be forever frightened by their propaganda, continue to take their toxic injections, carry their track and trace devices which for the occasion rebranded with the fashionable terms of “digital ID” or “green passport” or “health pass”, and quietly accept to be disposed of “murdered” by what is now called, “medical protocols”.
Logically, what this cabal of psychopathic and sociopathic eugenists thought they could make the masses accept as “the new Normal”, has finally backfired on those which blinded by their own ignorance and cruelty, have unleashed on the world this absurd and dystopian Genocidal nightmare, as people, now awake and aware of the insanity, viciousness and criminal behavior of such cabal, which is so insane to even publicize their eugenistic and dictatorial agendas, and use their bought off medias and politicians to continue to push for their toxic jabs and failed plans, as people, now aware of the betrayal and viciousness of their own leaders, are empowering themselves everywhere around the world, and joining forces for to finally come out of that funnel in which they have been pushed into, for to finally demand for accountability for the conspirators, and justice for their victims.
And like so, the people, realizing where they have ended up, becomes able to pull themselves and each other out from that funnel and away from its fatal meat grinder.
This is in effect a process which starts with the recognition of the walls of that funnel and than realizing how they are getting tighter and tighter to finally show the hole towards which we are being pushed and consequently, where that hole is leading to.
And obviously, it is only by understanding the consequences of falling through or being pushed through that funnel, which allows people to understand where they have ended up, as well as how to pull themselves out of it before they become completely swallowed by it.
So, you may ask, what is the funnel, and what is this meat grinder?
The answer is as simple as it is logic, as the funnel pushing humanity through the meat grinder is the corporate media with its propaganda blitz, and meat grinder is now those institutions once erected for diplomacy and world peace, now publicly turned into ones for whitewashing warcrimes and pushing the insane eugenists’s agendas of the wef along with the one of its personally owned who, and its bought off so called United Nations, with all of its subsidiary and proxies.
Obviously, belief plays the major part in any game of deception, as is always belief, which allows conspiracy to proliferate, sickness to flourish and blinded people to fall into the funnel.
And as people were made believe that great institutions like the United Nations, were established by philanthropist which donated buildings, money and resources for “supposedly” world peace, by researching the names and the stories of this so called “philanthropists”, become evident that those so called “philanthropists” were and are in effect eugenists responsible for the suffering of billions “worldwide”.
By learning this, the world is now finally able to see and to learn that in fact such venerated institution as the United Nations, has never been a democratic institution, as well as indeed was established and sponsored by eugenists and warmongering monsters in the first place, and that the illusion of it being something different than what it truly is, has only reinforced it and allowed it to expand its powers, as well as to continue to exist as a two faces entity, seen at large as peaceful and diplomatic for the outsiders, while murderous, vicious and Genocidal for its maker and for many of those which from within works, aware of the hidden eugenist plan, pushing its Genocidal agenda. “Population control/reduction/Genocide”.
The most obvious of the lies which people are made to believe about this so called institution, is the fact that indeed from its offset, it was established not as an institution designed to bring the world together, but as a colonial overlord, partitioning countries, “see for example Palestine or the balkanization of Yugoslavia, ”, and capturing nations made slave under its so called economic treaties, world’s bank and International monetary founds, with their strangling and perpetual debt skims.
An institution in which the selected blue collars dictate their economic agenda to countries, push for the protection of colonial powers, or the implementation of deadly vaccination programs designed to sterilize, maim and kill, as well as for its now famous “one world governance skim”, which should see its unelected members, supposedly dictate their rules over the will of the entire world.
8 months of warcrimes and of a textbook Genocide turned into a full blown Holocaust, have only served to expose the falsity and cruelty of the elements or actors playing in the theater of politics and gore, as well as of the bias and falsity of such institution such as the United Nations, as they have all played like marionette in a puppet theatre, doing nothing to stop the Genocide taking place, or worst, justifying it.
Moreover, it is also obvious to anyone with its eyes open that so far, the only countries which have tried to intervene for the end of the Genocide in Palestine, namely Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran have been themselves finding themselves under attack by United Nations members, proving beyond any doubts, the corruption, criminal and Genocidal intent of an institution which declares it self champion for human rights, dignity and peace, and which instead attacks those opposing Genocide as it works from its luxurious offices of New York and Geneva, to justify the targeting of nations physically opposing and fighting to end Genocide, maintain live active by calling obvious warcrimes as “potential” and whitewash wars, misery and, mass extermination.
So yes, the United Nations is an institution which should be dismantled and replaced with one like perhaps the NAM “non aligned movement”, as the rampant corruption and mafia/veto power given to countries which while pretending to be champions of human rights, shield and protects the most racist, colonial, Genocidal, pro apartheid, and most criminal of all, can only help to bring the world to its most miserable end.
As if fighting with its nails and teeth to subdue to its will the entire world, vetoing resolutions which would end at once many wars, and protecting its rogue enterprise, while its representative literally shreds the book of law in front of the world’s nations representatives, and in which the bully and thug, is even protected and allowed to threaten the Highest of Courts, or in which the will of the entire world, can be bent by one thug or by a rogue nation, is an institution which is not just armful to world peace, but one which should be literally dismantled and destroyed.
Nevertheless, as history and practicality teaches us, would be perhaps better for all state members, to remove its corrupted administration and representatives and save an institution which should be existing to help all nations.
A Corrupted and criminal administration, which must yet answer for its active participation and complicity in the false pandemic scare which it have initiated, along with accountability for the medical Genocide which followed its pandemic declaration, as well as the one which has now being unfolding for the last 8 months in Gaza and on Palestine, is a must.
Perhaps then, it would be once and for all able to carry out its mandate to unite Nations and to effectively work together for to reform its rules and laws to make it really work for world peace, as indeed, the world needs an institution like the United Nations should be, an institution in which diplomacy and human rights would be at the base of its principles, and through which peace and stability can be achieved.
But then again, NAM could perhaps be better as it is an institution established to fight colonialism, and not one which is maintaining it
Here in rimes.
United Nations or defecation?
United Nations United Nations, for Genocide and for starvation, with its vaccines, sterilization, spreading disease, for the actuation, of genocide, through all its nations.
False is indeed, United Nations, one world the death, of all the nations.
Spreading the lies, its machination, corporate tool, for domination.
For Genocide, justifications, for all war crimes, normalization.
Justifies wars, its calculation, profit from death, via repossession.
Setting up rules, for domination, enslaves the world, through radiations.
Dehumanized, United Nations, unelected thugs, from its formation..
Time for a new, United Nations, to outlaw all wars, and save the nations.
No more warcrimes, United Nations, cause you’ll be held account, for all your actions.
Time to stand up, United Nations, or face the inevitable, your termination.
Climate change scams, to blind each nation, carbon tax deals, to enslave the nations, from its own made, weather modification.
Geo engineering, modification, Harp, Muos, death star, and radiations.
Its global warming, for mass frustration, geo engineered, for domination..
Spraying the world, to poison nations, weather control/modification.
Bringing destruction, and more starvation, all for to profit, its corporation.
Out of control, United Nations, pandemic scams, extermination.
Face your corruption United Nations, or face the wrath, of all the Nations.
Understanding modern warfare
Modern warfare, is something which people think akin to science fiction, and the majority of people have actually no idea how they are and have already been victim of it for years.
Modern warfare uses many both mechanical, chemical, electronic, weather modification programs, and the one most famous and at the same time, most dismissed as list till recently, Propaganda.
As we all know, mind control and propaganda technics have been used since the time of the Roman Empire.
From letters to manuscript, to manifestos, to pamphlets, they have all been used to manipulate thinking and organise uprisings, coup and revolutions.
As the time evolved, new techniques have been developed, radio, and then television, have served for the test tools for the refining of technology and technics designed to track, influence, coerce, and manipulate thoughts and emotion, for to effect the moral and feelings of people, and make them accept, and comply.
As times progressed, also the devices and techniques have changed and become more efficient then ever before.
From voice to skull, to electronic hacking, to subliminal messages, to sound frequencies manipulation, to the more recents, microwave radiation, techniques and technology for mind control or cognitive warfare have been developed with the solo purpose of manipulating the masses into submission, and shield from the law, those who use such a techniques for influencing and control, both individuals as well as the masses.
From project one mkultra, to project cov ID 19, the technology and ideals have been the same for years, in fact so much, that wan can easily assume that the very same people which were involved in the first, have also worked hard on the second one,
The general aims are always the same, population control/reduction and control of the masses, exercised through general poisoning of the population, propaganda, and actual wars.
Wars, which used to be fought between men, are now fought by drones and autonomous vehicles.
Drones using high definition LiDAR technologies, are now able to spot soldiers hiding under trees and in the fields, as well as hit any moving target with an array of weapons designed to do the despicable job.
At the same time, microwave radiation disguised as 5 G is being used as a scanner, capable to allow 3d rendering of the areas in which is broadcasted, and thereby physically invade everyone’s privacy and if that would not be enough, facial recognition, sold as shortcut for access to banking, and so called electronic cookies.
Electronic warfare, used for warrantless spying, to spraying bullets, to shooting missiles of any size and type, to drop bombs, also of any size and type, to scan for enemy forces and hunt them down in suicide mode.
Those are some of the practical use of this new type of armaments, which have in effect rendered soldiers mare ducks in a virtual Tivoli game.
A game, which by all means is everything but a game, played by individuals sitting in their uniforms inside cubicles, wearing headphones and receiving the order to “execute command” by robotic voices speaking through phone lines.
Pressing buttons which inexorably kills, while watching it all happen in close to real time, as if playing a video game, which in reality, is no game at all.
With this type of so called “modern warfare “, now fought from behind the screens controlling automated drones and killing machines, armies have become practically useless for anything hider then lowering the population, or of course, physically occupying other people’s land.
With new technologies and updates which turns also the old ones into spying devices, the concept of war, has in effect completely changed.
Long gone are the days in which war as we knew was possible as in this modern times, the idea of soldiers confronting each other on the fields, is pretty much gone, and just as war which was once conducted by men fighting with swords, became replaced by one in which men shooting with automatic guns, made the swords become useless, now that we have drones, LiDAR and automated armor vehicles, soldiers have become practically useless and in fact in many cases, a burden for the warmongers and their war industry, as soldiers as humans still have a consciousness to deal with, while machines just don’t.
In other words, the time of the soldiers confronting each other in the fields and shooting with guns, just like the one of the swords before it, is practically over, and consequently, war init self must be now seen for what it really is, more useless and stupid than ever before.
Violence can never bring achievements, except when is used to disarm an aggressor.
So called preemptive war for self defense, is also an insult to intelligence, as its mare concept is in itself an act of war against sanity, human intelligence and values.
The dumbing down of society, hammered with oxymorons and idiotic concepts, made feel real by the crafted work of propaganda specialist, which now able of harvesting the metadata of everyone, delivers through its so called AI “artificial idiocy”, programs and algorithms designed to coerce and control, devising catch phrases, played over and over and echoed by all of the channels, in the attempt of manufacturing the illusion of consent, even when the people are revolting, is in effect what as become now the obvious.
Pushing their daily fix of mental drug, designed to fill up the memory with fake statistics, numbers and garbage, and make the victim believe to be informed of things of which in reality they have actually no clue of, in a desperate attempt to maintain alive narratives, which are already dead.
The collapse of the propagandists narratives, realized through the mass awakening of the people, is the final step into the light of day, by a world which for centuries, had been kept in the dark of what is now shown to be the most obvious.
As some one wrote much before me, Knowledge is Power.
So I say, use knowledge, stop being afraid, and, Power to the people.
Sol Sön
Here an other eye opener