The hunters becoming the hunted.
After the dystopian reality which we have all lived during the 3 years of lockdowns and “medical” martial laws, we are all coming to see the devastating result of trusting in corporations and politically motivated “science”, and how such have in effect, caused the loss of countless life, as well as the destruction of civil and human rights, which have consequentially caused more death and misery world wide.
The sheeple have been coerced into a belief which as resulted in the lost of their inalienable rights, along with their poisoning.
Those who opposed the absurdities instead, had to endure the horrors of discrimination and suffering, for being locked out of their jobs, being prevented from traveling or meeting in public and even private places, along with being even prevented from getting any medical or social support, being arrested, isolated, and fined, for their opposition to the insane and 100% unconstitutional mandates.
Those which fought against the absurd mandates and dictates, are in effect the ones which most suffered during the scamdemic, but which by managing to resist, have save the world from the weakness, blind trust, and idiocy of those which gave away all their rights to the criminal entities which had gained control of their governments and health institutions.
Now, after surviving the mandates, discriminations and attempts to poison and destroy humanity along with its essential principles and values, all of us is facing the absurdity and corruption of governments which are still run by the same criminal elements, which have enforced the brutality of their pre planned genocide.
A pre planned genocide, of which they “health officials and representatives”, were well aware of, as it is described in their leaked documents, which certifies their knowledge of the deadly causes and effects, which would result from their in constitutional and anti human rights measures and mandates, straight from the offset of the mass inoculation campaign.
The Pfizer documents regarding the overwhelming amount of death and and side effects caused by the injections in the first trial, documents circulating among the health official of all nations, should have caused the alt to the vaccination mandate and an actual ban on the use of such products.
As we all know that did not happen, and the same criminal health officials and representatives which allowed the distribution of the toxic shots soon mandated in many countries, are still in their offices.
See WHO and UN, the two major drives behind the scamdemic/democide, privately owned, financed and controlled entities, which are up to date managed by the very same individuals which brought all the insane scare, mandates and killer protocols which have now caused the poisoning of billions and the death of millions world wide. “See the clip at the bottom of the page”
And here we are, 2024,a year which starts out from the shadow of genocide, under a light of hope for a better tomorrow.
A light lighten by a country which have it self fought hard to free it self from the insanity of slavery,, or in the more modern term, apartheid.
A great country daughter of ancient civilization, which survived on its birth ground through out the ice age to the modern day, and which alone and before all others, stud up to injustice and horrific crimes, to expose and oppose the suffering and genocide.
To this country and its brave people I give my thanks, as not even my country which calls it self the happiest country on the planet, was brave enough to stand up like yours to denounce the crime of the century, now and for nearly three months now, consuming the lives of thousands of innocent people, brutally killed for being Gazans.
At the same time, this process started by South Africa, which is now the proven highest moral, civil and human rights champion of the planet, all those politicians and heads of state which have aided and armed and defended this Genocide, will fall guilty of their stand and support for its actuation and continuation.
The spark started from Gaza has so become the light which shows to the world the true face of sickness.
A sickness which as nature teaches us, only after is properly diagnosed, can be cured.
And as always, to find out what causes the problem, we have to look at its root.
Learning about how the problem was born and developed, we can see how we can stop its progression and containing it, prevent its spreading, for to eventually reverse it or cure it.
Obviously there is not one cure or fix for all, as sometime doing nothing can be the best solution, as opposition can be the element which keeps a construct or structure standing, whilst some other times we need to engage in different ways, and physically do what is needed.
In the case of Genocide though, we can not stand still and be passive, as our passivity can only result in the continuation of the Genocide.
In the case of the biblical insanity coming out from the wannabe state of the nazizionist , as we are witnessing, nothing but physical opposition can possibly work, if the objective is the one of stopping it from murdering people which it defines as “human animals”.
Like a psychopathic bully, which gets his kicks from others suffering, there is no way to stop his bulling, hider then by force.
And here again, I am discussing bullism, because that is the attitude of those which refuse the truth to impose on others their rule.
That is exactly what is happening in our world, now governed by fearful and paranoid bullies, mentally imbalanced beings which feel safe only behind an armed escort, and which needs to carie a gun to feel safe.
Lunatics with guns, which have been spoiled by unjust laws which protects them above others, and which makes them believe they are better and superior to anybody which is not of their clan, religion, or is it tribe?
A form of bullism generated by indoctrination to horrific blood rituals and stories, brainwashing people into a belief system which distorted for the convenience, allows them to find reason and motivation in what in reality is completely senseless, unfeasible and just wrong.
And even if would pretend for a moment that the myth of chosen people and of a promise land was once true, we must all face the fact that if that was indeed the case that then a tribe was chosen to live on a land that was over 2000 years ago, and both the chosen people and that chosen land, are far gone.
So what to say, hider that someone is going to have to brake the news to the mad bunch, and tell them that no, they are not the chosen people, and no, Palestina is not their promise land, and if it once was, they should only blame their own ancestors for having sold it out and abandoned it.
And no, they can not treat people as their inferiors, and no they can’t steal their land and claim property of it because they stoled it.
And yes, they can go and live a happy life anywhere they like as long as they respect their neighbors.
So yes, I think that israeli which can’t share their country with the Palestinians, should return all the land they occupied to Palestine, and that should be them which should be reallocated around the world, and not the Palestinians.
About the UN, it is now a genocidal club, used to implement mass murder, coverup the truth, for the dehumanization and poisoning of society.
To better explain, I will take each point one by one.
First, the UN once founded on ideals of human rights, justice and dignity for mankind, is now the very opposite to what it was originally conceived to be.
We have in fact learn that the UN was behind the rollout of the false pandemic, the implementation of worldwide martial law rules, the push for the supposed vaccination of every living being with untested poisons , the implementation of criminal protocols, censorship, and shadow banning of doctors, professors, diplomats, laureates, and of everyone who tried to warn about the danger delivered by the lockdowns, inoculation, and absurd medical protocols, enforced on the entire world.
Furthermore, after 3 months of brutal genocidal war in Gaza, and the constant murdering of civilians in the rest of Palestine, we can clearly see, how the UN is been used to strangle the Palestinians, coverup warcrimes, dehumanize the Palestinian people, and maintain the slaughter of innocent civilians under the lie of a war which is not a war, but an ongoing text book Genocide.
All in the attempt to allow the isranazi regime to kill as many Palestinians as possible, and forcing them out of their own land.
With phrases like, “Gaza is a grave yard for children” or “Gaza is Hell on earth” or “nowhere is safe in Gaza,” or “Gaza is inhabitable” or “Gaza has become a place of death and destruction” the Secretary General of the UN and its top official cabal, have continued to attack the Palestinian people with truly dehumanizing phrases and actions.
Specially chosen words selected for the dehumanization and terrorizing Palestinians and for ignoring the cause of the misery.
Messages and twits which have only served to condone the warcrimes as if they should be normal, and reinforce and reaffirm the genocidal and ethnocidal leadership’s practice and final intent.
Furthermore, you can read from their constant terrorizing messages, that not once they have denounced the israeli terrorism and publicized genocidal intent, by it covered up by calling obvious warcrimes such as the targeting of journalists, ambulances, medical and UN staff as well as the besieging, and bombing of hospitals, Mosques and Churches, and United Nations schools and shelters as potential or alleged warcrimes, and by it, endorsing the continuation of such atrocities and warcrimes, and doing absolutely nothing to stop the onslaught of the defenseless population or the destruction of life support structures essential for the survival of innocent civilians
At the same time, we can all see how the same UN public puppets, have continued to demonize the freedom fighters and occupation resistance fighting against the brutal and genocidal regime which is massacring tens of thousands of civilians, and openly declaring its intent to ethnically erase the Palestinian population from their land, as an act of self defense from an alleged terrorism, which according to its own law, is legal, as occupying powers, as such, have no legal right to self defense, and to inflict collective punishment and force displacement which is an undeniable warcrime under both UN ICJ and the Geneva convention , as normal and thereby, allegedly legally condoned.
At the same time, we can see how the legalization of state terrorism by the US, which conducts assassinations, torture, blackmailing, and threats to world institutions such as the ICC, with the institutions of laws such as the “Hague invasion act”, have destroyed all previous efforts made by the UN, in its intent to bring human rights, dignity and justice, to a world now victim of the state run terrorism of the US unconstitutional government, and of its proxies and vassal states.
A terrorism which as served the wicked by giving them full protection, and assaulted all the good nations which tried to stand up for the principles and ideal on which the UN was originally built on.
Arming rogue nations and terrorist organizations, destabilizing and attacking countries which refuse to part in its crimes, the US government, along with practically all English speaking countries,, have become the essence of terror and dictatorial rules, which they claims to be constitutionally opposing.
At the same time, the EU, is now also a tool for subversion and destruction of constitutional rights and laws, managed by corporations which are neither democratic, constitutional or legal according to the Geneva convention or human rights laws.
Preventing its members from taking a stand against genocide, and coercing all state members into digital enslavement and information dictatorship, along with the use of lethal protocols and mandates, the once beloved institution, once known for its highest standards, as now become a dumping ground for poisons and junk.
Sold as safe and effective, things like Glyphosate, now banned around the world, but still sold in the European shops, or the toxic substances, banned even in the US, but anyway sold in Europe like for example the toxic substances found in cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners of the most popular European brands, to the toxic and gene altering injections, sold as safe and effective vaccines, which have proven to have not been tested for safety and actually caused more death and suffering than any other vaccine or supposed medication in world history.
For going on with the attempt of the same criminal representatives and consequentially institutions, which are now trying to destroy countries by obliging them to subscribe to treaties which are designed to give the full control of entire nations to pirate and captured organizations such as the criminal WHO, and its subsidiary or partner GAVI responsible for the rollout of the deadly protocols which have already caused the death of millions.
All in plain site for everyone to see.
The solution.
The solution to all of the problems here mentioned, is the purge of those institutions from the criminal elements which are now controlling them, and the institution of new laws and provisions, which will no longer allow the bulling and threats, and will take back those corrupted institutions from the vicious and malignant elements which had highjacked and controlled them.
Accountability must serve as an example also for the mainstream medias, as they must be held account for the lies and the horror they have promulgated and sponsored.
Must be made clear in the law that there is a huge difference between the false narratives pushed by mainstream, which must serve as independent and reliable source of information for the general population, and the voice of bloggers, journalist and alternative news site, which must be able to continue to work in exposing what ever it likes, without any threats or restrictions hider then the one of them been forbidden to incitement to commit crime.
Everyone is entitled to share his own opinion, and this is the constitutional right on which democracy is built on.
With if we like or not what we read, it is up to us.
We all have a brain, and we all must be free to use it as we deem fit.
On the other end, those who deceive us or try to take away from us our rights, must be held account for crimes against the constitution, as well as for the ones against humanity.
This is an essential step for the restoration of order, in a world now victim of terrorism and bulling, which as no place to exist in our civilized world.
Calculation of the future debt of the entity.
As it stands, around 12500 soldiers reported disabled .
Cost between 1 million and 5 millions between compensations, law suits and for additional money to look after the disabled “soldiers”
Total between 15 and 75 billions, dollars.
“Note, today the official number reported by the israeli authorities regarding the wounded, is of 4000 disabled soldiers, however, reports from israeli news site, “WALLA” talks about not the 12.500 previously mentioned, “number reported by a single hospital”, but of 30.000 disabled soldiers.
The site also explains that the israeli army is deliberately hiding the facts.”
In addition, law suits from the families of those held captive, and forcefully kept under bombardment by the entity which is supposed to rescue them and which refuses to deal with those holding the hostages
Special note, so far the entity’s indiscriminately killing has already caused the death of several soldiers and civilians held captive, murdered by bombing and by the recorded, shooting by their own soldiers, killing people even when carrying white flags.
To this, you must add the price of compensation for the victims of its brutal massacres, which so far complies of 2.3 million Palestinians, forcefully evicted and displaced by the relentless and careless bombing and shooting Genocidal campaign, as well as the mental damage suffered by everyone who has family there.
That is not including the alleged 60 billions already spent for the genocide in Gaza.
Plus of course, the cost of the rebuilding of the essential infrastructure, homes and and dwellings indiscriminately destroyed in Gaza, which all together, after expenses and compensations, should some up to well over 30 trillions.
So yes, the zionazis have officially killed the israel project, as as it stands, their are already bankrupt and busted.
The billions which they are meant to get for doing nothing from the US, will not even be enough for it to pay for the medical bills of its own soldiers maimed and wounded till today.
We can also already assume that just like before, they will not be able or willing to pay any compensation for the damage they have caused, prompting a complete cessation of all its sells abroad, as the sanctions of both nations and individual people which will refuse to purchase israeli products, will serve the final blow to a colonization and apartheid project gone bust.
It is in a way shameful to see that the two entities Palestine and israel, did not yet managed to coexist, and as it stands, may not ever do, but then again, perhaps this will serve as a lesson, to those which will come after us, as they will learn from the books of history, how the healthy and humane survives, and the sick and genocidal ones do not.
I forgot to condemn the British and American attack on Yemen, which is a country which have followed the law on the prevention of Genocide, and acted to deter the genocidal one from continuing with its brutal and Genocidal campaign.
In doing so, the US and UK, together with their drugs dealer supporters, have violated the international and directives, which were published by the ICJ in November 2023.
It is also evident once again, how the real terrorists US and UK, with their pusher Holland, claim to be fighting terrorism when in reality, they are the ones bombing cities and allowing the actuation of a Genocide in Gaza and the mass killing and torturing of civilians in the rest of Palestine, and once again, put the life of a cargo before the one of civilians, slaughtered in a genocidal campaign which have already murdered among others, more then 10000 children.
Mean while we are awaiting the International Court of Justice to deliberate on its long awaited verdict.
Will it serve its purpose and end the Genocide, or will it fail?
Will humanity be restored are will it be dragged into an active globalists’s world war 2?
Yes you read right, globalists’s world war 2, because the number one was called COV ID 19, you know, the one in which they killed so far over 17 millions world wide, and allegedly poisoned 5.2 billion people with their customized injections.
I must say that as it stands, I am quite skeptic humanity will receive justice from the monsters controlling it, than again, I am also sure that many which believed they were doing the right thing by participating in the pigpharma/WEF/GAVI coup , are now waking up from the nightmare which they helped installing, and arming them selfs with the right arguments to correct their mistakes and to make the true profiteers of the democide be held account for their crimes against the human race and its planet.
And no I am not jumping like a cricket back and forth from one topic to the next, as both, the Palestinian Genocide, and the democide of Humanity which they label as “world population control”, are both run by the exact same people, the Secretary General of the UN, and the director of the WHO, both unelected chiefs of staff of the now most corrupt, dictatorial, and criminal private run entities in the world, and both responsible for the death of millions worldwide, must be held account for their ill actions
So what will it be, will we be able to use the constitutional laws for which our grand parents fought for? Or will humanity have to resort to more violence and destruction to save it self from the oligarchic and dictatorial eugenist psychopaths?
Get ready and make your voice be heard.
Soon the answer.
Sol Sön
Mean while
Here a direct account of the precedings against genocide in Hague
And here one more about the attack on an other country which is standing up to the injustice and against Genocide
And here one more to make you understand that to those still sitting in office after the scamdemic, we are all Palestinians