Under standing.
To truly comprehend the meaning of the word understanding, we must begin by apprehend the true meaning of the word devil.
To learn its true significance, it is essential to learn about its primordial meaning and application, as it was originally conceived to describe the life weal, a daily ritual of fertility done by everyone, on from the time of the terrestrial paradise, a ritual which contrary to what religions want to make believe, has no association with anything of ill nature, terror, blood, or violence.
Devil or the weal, was in fact, the way for celebrating life, good feelings and healthiness, as it was an exercise, practiced with the aim of balancing the mind body and soul, making everyone in true harmony and peace with each other and their surrounding.
The ritual was consisting in the drinking of ones own seeds of life for the man or of the juice produce from the climax, by the women.
Such morning ritual, was in fact not only serving as a physical exercise and relief of sexual tension and, or, frustration, as well as for to establish a physical daily connection with the divine residing within.
Such daily pleasureful ritual, was also done to set the mind of its practicians, into a state of balance and harmony with the nature surrounding it, as it worked has a reminder of the delicacy and preciousness of creation, and the respect of that which’s from, life in itself springs.
Tuning in into nature’s mystical powers and to the primordial tune on which the origin of life came to be, making everyone respectful and appreciating it when manifesting, even when in its smallest of forms.
Becoming aware of such once hidden truth, becomes easily understood why those which wanted to rule over humanity, concocted religions and worked so hard to excogitate ways to demonize all natural spiritual cults of veneration, sexuality and their worshipping.
The word understanding, is in fact, the key to the door of wisdom, as it is only thru true understanding that true wisdom can be achieved.
Examining the word, we can also see that not by coincidence, its composed by two words, the first. “under”, and the second one "standing", so, physically describing that under-standing, derives from the delivering organ of the hereditary patrimony, as it is only when it is standing that it becomes the physical media for the delivering of such.
Hence, under-standing is truly the material key to new life and to the ultimate “wise-dome” wisdom.
In such evident game of words, in fact, unmasked a reminder of that simple logic thru which language and nature operates to provide its most basic answers to the question in hand.
It is in fact from that under-standing that comes out the deepest knowledge of man, as also does its genetic patrimony, key which allows him to continue its physical legacy, and it is also the same under-standing which gives him the full awareness of its senses and over its universal procreative divine feelings and powers, as well as over its subliminal communicative gifts, spiritual balance and potentials.
Thru such basic understanding, becomes also obvious the reason why, those which have been inventing the so called religions, have begun inflicting terror to subdue society as it is widely narrated and graphically depicted in books of history, in which is possible to read about their brutal colonizations, inquisitions, and dark ages, times in which the so called religious institutions, have so hard worked to inculcate hate, fear, neglect as well as oblige the masses to repudiate all other forms of veneration, for going along with the demonization of sex, and of everything relating to the ancient stories of nature and of the sexual powers of man.
So, they fabricated stories and more absurd laws to induce to demonize all true under standing, enforcing taboos and rituals of sexual mutilation, to deeply scar its consciousness and force the believers into submission to what instead of using the logic of understanding for to allow to find the straight answers, uses the nonsense of beliefs and of bloody rituals, for to ultimately corrupt its judgment and to bend its will.
Obvious it is in fact that when the respect and warship of the life giving elements it's put at the base of ones own consciousness, the result is that of the development of a self, and ultimately of a society which bases its principles on logic, creativity, commune sense, respect for nature and that thru such would live and together grow, sharing the gifts of creation in harmony and true balance, in that very nature which hosts’s it.
This is why in under-standing, laid the key to true wisdom and to the path of eternity, and why it is essential for every living being, to learn its true meaning, in order to finally find that path on which everyone become once again, consciously and physically integrating part of the same family and world.
Attempting to find the answer to who is to blame for so much suffering, sickness and confusion, brings us to face the facts of history, facts which determine the consequences brought by that unconditional belief which has been blinding for generations all its subjects, and allowing the continuation of what when understood, becomes a lesson of history and mare reminder of what should never be.
Blaming our fathers and mothers for the mistakes of the past, would be stupid and pointless, since it would mean to curse our own origins, and by it, maintaining a vicious cycle which could not find an end.
Although surely, beings have been falling into the same spiral of deception in which their parents and theirs before them, going back for many generations, had also being raised in, it is only by severing that chain of rancor, ignorance and belief which had kept them tied to that schematic and thoughts controlled world of illusions in which their belief had become the fuel moving their thoughts, that it becomes possible to snap out from that state of limbo in which beings are made to be, as if locked in that state of constant trauma induced existence, in which instead of striving to find the solution, they keep on pushing the blames on abstract entities or onto each others, as is only than that they can emerge and find the way out from that horror misery and stagnation of which they had become the makers, enforcers and at the same time, victims of.
Once victims of ignorance, enslaved by belief, perpetuating the sorrow, till understanding will set them free, free from hate and deception, free to grow and evolve, evolving into one state of existence in which everyone is caring and feeding the light of wisdom, enlightening the path to eternity, as consciously and physically becoming integrating part of the divine and of its magnificence, creation.
lucifer and satan vs Pan and Sa-Ta-Na.
For to well explain the origins, differences and means of this so misused and ill interpreted words, we have to go back in time, and travel back to the one which preceded the coming of the infamous hate mongering and sex demonizing, religions.
Religions, is in fact yet an other word which is most misused, misinterpreted and misunderstood, as many are now made believe and convinced that all spiritual worshiping or pagan cults, are included in its definition.
In reality, religions are only three, the jew, christian and the other trauma bonding one, the muslim, all sprung from the first one, and all having in common the same monotheistic agenda which includes the believe in evil as a supernatural power, demonization of beauty, sex and of all other form of spiritual worshiping and veneration, control over society through means of fear, trauma bonding practices, blood rituals, propaganda, sectarian indoctrination and discrimination, belief in the unknown and what is unproven when demanded by the religion in question, and all three, represented in the masonic initiation rituals and in its so called temples, and from their invention, of course, all enforced, maintained and shielded by brutal armed militias.
And although all three religions worshippers are often identified by some of the meanest tribalist with animalistic indicatives such as the sheeple for the christians, the donkeys for the muslims and the only supposed humans (the jews) according to the tribalist them selfs, while others from the same pack, describes again their cabal as human, and everyone else, simply all as subhumans, animals or to be more accurate according to their writings, donkeys, accept for the so called Gentiles which according to their scribes like for example, the (talmud), are supposed to be worth less than animals, all three religions are in fact one of the same in the scheme adopted by those who use them as means of discrimination and control.
All three are and have in effect, been constructed to be nothing less than sharp and deadly tools in the hands of war profiteers and wannabe dictators which in effect, used them as a sort of cheapest and abstract carrot in the carrot and stick game of division and control, used now for hundreds of years to coerce the masses into submission and acceptance of its, engineered and induced ignorance, repression, suffering, slavery, misery and war.
To counter and expose the lies professed by such cabal of misfits and thieves, and to prove their criminal origins and indeed essence, we must re visit their true history to witness their insanity and brutality, and than, take one more step back in time, for to learn that before the coming of religions, all people worshiped the elements and followed systems dictated not by greed and belief, but by the one commune mean which unites all mankind, logic.
The most ancient stories, narrates of the flourishing of civilization, already hundreds of millions of years before what they call the great ice age.
The story wants that the great ice age which the nordics call “the first ragnaruk”, lasted 50 million years, and ended with the second ragnaruk, which according to the story, made the ice cap which had incapsulated the north, shift with great power, causing the opening of the waterways and by it, around 8 thousand bc, allowing those which had survived the ice age in the great North, to travel through the now free from ice, summer’s open waters.
Story wants than that they traveled with their ships from their home, place located where is now Helsinki in the gulf of Finland, towards the west, for to settle on the island of Gotland.
From there, they brought back all their ancient traditions, and as they sent their emissaries to around the world, to reinstate the once global ring land system, they where received with thankfulness and prays.
They call them hyperboreans.
They praise nature, the stars and wisdom, and conceived Sex, the Water of life, family trees and Hemp, as the holiest of sacraments.
Story wants also that by them was developed the first alphabet, and both the twelve and ten counting systems, along with ten tropical kings with respective new languages, which wore sent out from Odenma after the melting of the ice, to restore and revive the old caste system which had for long before, well served the planet and its inhabitants.
With the coming of the new kings, humanity lived once again following the ancient system of the Hyperboreans, although now, having to rearrange it self in order to follow the seasons.
And so, having to survive the new climatic factors, the system, had to be readopted and changed to better suit the new weather, nature and the environment, but never the less, the people continued to cherish the elements which had brought them to existence and to venerate the same symbols and primordial means of veneration, respect and cherish life, sex, the stars, wisdom and true nature, essential elements which their ancestors had from the beginning of time venerated and followed.
Was so revised that same old five Casts systems which was used before the great ice.
Everyone rejoiced of it, as it was a system which truly well working, cause well designed to provide productivity and protection for its vassals, was re welcomed and readopted by all.
Providing spiritual as well as material guidance and protection, the systems grew and spread around the globe, living its permanent marks in the form of temples, statues and artifacts which are still existing as physical evidences to a common history and once global system, as material witness through time, still standing and shining for everyone to see.
It was not much before the year 0 of the Gregorian calendar that a group of outlaws, outcasted by their villagers and which had already for some time lived as a nomad tribe with no land to call their home, organized its selfs to insight the revolt of the trolls, and together begin their war on the Gods.
The trolls, were people which because of their unhealthy or ugly aspect were not part of the general society, since because of their genetic faults, they could not be integrated in the common children making, or offering system.
Was for this very reason, that the tribe of the outcast decided to adopt them in their war against the Hyperboreans, and together with them, begun to conspire against the system and to work on the invention of their new sectarian, trauma bonding and bloody cult of veneration which we now call religion.
Religion, was so invented to become the nemesis to the Hyperborean caste system and for to guarantee immunity to its vicious cabal from the possible prosecution of its tribal members by the hands of others.
By inshrining in writings their alleged rights and laws which explicitly permits them to commit any and all crimes, if carried out by any of its own tribal members against any outsider, they could justify their clan’s crimes as “ritualistic acts” or “offerings”, for which the tribe would always be ready to pay with material compensation should any of its cabal’s member, be ever, get caught red handed.
Was so that in order to justify such immoral laws and generate the excuse for committing their crimes and obscene sins, they invented the concept of what they called “natural evil”, which by them portrait to be an alleged natural root of humanity which accordingly, must be physically severed in order to protect its people and set them free from its, again, supposed supernatural malign powers and influence.
Such severing, was first done in the form of ritual murder which according to their own books, often consisted in the sacrifice or better yet murder of their first born, infanticides they justified as “initiation’s human sacrifices”.
Later, after once again the gipsy outcasted misfits tribe found it self kicked out from their latest forcefully occupied land and threatened with obliteration by its rightful owners that they officially or at list publicly transformed their initiation ritual from murder into the partial mutilation of the sex, a “literally” bloody ritual which they call circumcision.
What only few know, is that such a brutal and permanent trauma bonding practice, was in fact, invented and first used to subdue entire villages by some sick roman general which believed that by exposing the third eye of those which lived in those regions by him conquered, the gods, would have lost interest in those which could no longer covered it with their natural hood, and therefore, not payed any more attentions to their sufferings.
And so, beside the newly adopted trauma bonding practice, among the tribe of the outcasts constitution/religion’s first fabrication, the demonization of beauty and sex, and with it the invention of taboos, as well as the figure and story of the so called lucifer, demigod used to represent absolute beauty, sexuality, perversion, temptation and supposed natural evil.
At the same time, such devious and pervert caricature, was by them made holy, cause supposedly, ruler of the planet cause once favorite son of their one and only god and any how, even if outcasted from its father’s kingdom, still seen as supreme prince and ruler of the planet, cause supposedly after being kicked out from the heaven, given to him to be ruled as is own by non other’s than god it self.
Such a devious figure and story, was so invented for to convince everyone that because this planet was according to the story written down by their supposed prophet, given by the one god itself to the supposedly beautiful, evil and narcissistic prince of light, not only they (the tribalist) but also everyone else, are anyway all to remember to be ultimately and always, his inferiors and earthly servants.
Described to be, the prince of light, or light bringer, the most beautiful of all angels, and at the same time, the maker and ruler of all evil, they could so demonize the gods, their messengers and true light bringers, as well as all beautiful people and nature, and at the same time, fabricate the excuse which justify’s, all the ugliness and evil which they, as his inferiors and servants, actually had become and doo.
To develop and to maintain their truly insane and brutal laws which among others, authorized them to commit ritual murders, kidnapping, rape and mutilation of the infants, and again robbing and killing non members of their tribe, stoning people and animals, blood rituals, incest, pedofilia, and committing other insane and heinous crimes against non members of their evil tribe or better yet, cabal, they assembled militias of mercenaries, for to start wars and begun to write scribes which defined all their insanity as divine will and interventions, as well as supposed holy and religious or spiritualistic rituals and practices.
At the same time, in order to, not be prosecuted and destroyed, by those which witnessed their cruelty and heinous crimes, or which originally inhabited the lands on which the mixed troll tribe had at that time settled in, and in order to protect their sect from the wrath of those which were becoming cheated or harmed by them, in order to remain as a tribe or a collective, they had to generate the illusion of being a pseudo democratic society, supposedly formed at large by good people.
For this very reason, they eventually divided their mix troll and outcast tribe into two main groups.
Supposedly divided by their religious practices, but living together, and posing to be as some sort of free and somehow democratic society which lived following an alleged divine system based on the writings and laws written by their supposed forefathers and elders, they also begun to erect synagogs and sacrificial alters for their blood and life offering/murder rituals.
As their tribe grew, so did their horrors and crimes, as they had become the physical force and hand of evil they preached and worshiped.
This went on for decades till when eventually confronted and threatened with complete annihilation, this time by the Egyptians, they had to runaway and rearrange their religion.
And so, after they had according to their own supposed history, run away across the Nile guided by their so called moses, they devised a system in which their mixed troll tribe should be split into two main factions, one which rules and follows the talmud and the untouchable book, also known as the kabbala, book which only older man are allowed to consult or reed, while the other bunch which must, according to their devious system, always, publicly pose as the good, innocent and ultra religious pack, set to follow their other supposedly holy book, which we now know as the so called, old testament.
Both groups should elect officials to their own standards and all should be always and constantly quarreling and debating, in a sort of mockery of a roman or Greek style senate which they called “knesset”
It was so that they could set up a fictional political theater which they used for to pose as a civilized pseudo democratic society following their so called, spiritual occult/religion and which with their own set of supposed holy laws, allegedly given to them by non other than mr. god itself, together working and living as one, as the so called “chosen people” of dog.
Such system is in fact better shown by their later adopted religious symbol which they call, the red shield or the star of david.
A symbol or crest of arms originally representing the infamous family of the so called red shield, vicious family of moneychangers known to have always used deception to expand their economic power.
A crest of arm/symbol constituted by two opposed and interlocked triangles which physically describe the two factions which constituted the infamous and vicious tribe of the ugly and the deceivers, and which although separately represented as the trolls and the out casts in each one of the two triangles, together standing as one.
By going back to the origin of the infamous tribe, becomes possible to see and to understand how they became so fearsome and powerful.
Must also be pointed out the how, in order to maintain their insanity and viciousness alive and expand their violent and brutal dominance over a world which by nature, repudiated violence and hate and worshiped life and its elements, the vicious tribe of the hateful misfits, begun its conquests by using all it had stollen, for to produce weapons and finance the first armed conflicts, revolutions and wars.
By arming gangs of mercenaries, and inciting to violent revolts against their enemies, and at the same time, claiming the rights to commit ritualistic murders, horrifying acts, than inconceivable for the mind of the masses while by them glorified and camouflage under the guise of spiritual acts and sacrifices for their god, they could soon place their man made horror into everyones mind and turning what was unthinkable for an already then, evolved and peaceful society, into a physical reality made up of terror, dictatorial laws now called religion, and its derived imposed submission and fear.
By providing weapons and mercenaries, and gaining rights to part of the properties ceased by the conflicts winners, and at the same time becoming the slaves and debt handlers of the indebted losers, the tribe grew to become the first world wide political and banking power, and as it grew richer and richer from every new conflict and war it organized and sponsored, begun to place its emissaries in all high places, rebranding itself as the tribe of the moneychangers.
To be noted also, is the sentence which the tribalist army, later rebranded with the innocent name of “defense force” displays on its logo:-
-“By way of deception thou shalt do war.“ -,
as through such becomes obvious the undeniably criminal attitude, luciferians principles, and way operandi, of a terrorist cabal with its army of inhumane ugly pirates and thugs.
Such logo, is in effect, with its few words, putting in plane site, the most synthesized expression of their so called, religion, as it is through such mean that it has been able to expand, maintain its dominion, using its evilness and lies, to overpower and frighten those which, honest and humble, would never stand a chance, in fighting against the viciousness and murderous ways of the self proclaimed deceiving and warmongering monsters tribe of the warpigs of zion with its synagog of thieves, liars, murders, and death dealers.
As time forwarded, and its influences grew, and its dealing and financing of wars became global, the tribe begun to set up rings of spies, set to report on the operations conducted by the monarchs and nobilities, and to pay assassins for to kill those which did not comply to their twisted plans, or which attempted to denounce their crimes and devious games of power.
Such a secret ring of spies, was so concocted in a way in which the spies could not meet their masters, but only serve them well in the hope to become promoted to the higher rings, the system was called freemasonry.
A new false caste system now called classism, based on nepotism and loyalty to the occult instead of the one following divine rights, quality, beauty and natural selection, a new corrupted and malign system from which the infamous tribe of the mien and ugly could operate behind closed doors.
By conspiring for to premeditate the future, and just like for their financing all sides of conflicts for maximum economic gains, by financing all political factions as well as their terrorist acts, they could maintain discontent among the people and by it, gaining from the chaos they generated, for to further steering them into more revolts, conflicts and wars, pulling and turning the sails of humanity’s ark, setting it on a suicide journey into their own constructed evil soma.
By using their emissaries placed in the most influential circles of society, they could so spy and premeditate the consequences to their crimes, for putting them self always ahead of the law.
Through religions, they could so provide safe haven and redemption for their mercenaries and emissaries, while insuring them selfs more loyal spies, always there ready to snitch and report on anyone who challenged their system.
Such the way in which they’ve managed to continue to impose their brutality and supremacy.
And while the lower rings of freemasonry, is made up by middle class citizens such as, police officers, soldiers and medics, and made up by religious believers and worshipers, the midd rings were constituted by atheists and controlled by the higher ones, the so called luciferians, which in turn, ruled by talmudists, the new “satanist”.
Such system is clearly depicted in the freemasons symbology which places the checkerboard on the floor of its buildings, the symbols of the lodge on the wall, and the typical pentagram topped by the infamous red shield of the money changers/launders now renamed as the star of david on the top of the walls and ceiling.
The checkerboard to remind its initiates to be ponds, the logo of the lodges, to represent the players, the pentagram to represent their watchers and servants of their supposed eternal living master and symbol “lucifer”, and the six pointed star to remind all their cabal’s constituents, to be ultimately all servants of satan or as the cabalists like to call it, hell-o-im (helloim) the infamous unnamable and invisible dead god of the tribalist’s religion.
Pure evilism, again clearly depicted in the symbology in which both bloody cults symbols expressed by the pentagram, “lucifer” placed under the one of its dealers of power, “the money changers or bankers, represented in the infamous six pointed shield (star of david), true satanist symbol and real sign of the beast, are in fact, putting in plane site, the core of their ill construct and purely conspiracy based evil mechanism.
Not by chance, the cult of lucifer, is like all the stories and fairy tails told by religions, a distorted re adaptation of the ancient story of the Bock, taken from the hidden era called “Paradise tide” Paradise time.
And while the original story which talks about a time of living gods and of worshiping life and that which makes it possible Sex and its water of life, story which once again, proves its factual existence in history through the testimony of the many temples, scribes, inscriptions, statues, and monuments which are predating the coming of the infamous tribe and that of all its fail religions, and which now serve as undeniable evidence to proof the once spiritual connection between all ancient civilizations across all continents, the tribe of the misfits as only scribes and coins of which real dating does not go back further than a few hundred years before the coming of the Gregorian calendar.
This seams in fact, to be the reason why, they are also the ones which are known to have been behind the burning of ancient libraries and the ones which has for so long tried to control all the universities and education system worldwide.
The so called light bringer of the luciferians which according to their scripts, meant to be some kind of immortal resembling perfection and beauty which beside of holding a divine light, we are told that feeds on sexuality, as if that should be something sinister or evil, is not by chance, described to be an alleged prince of darkness/monster which according to their so called holly books, was put in exiled from the heaven and sent on this planet by their so called one god, for to alone rule on is supposed god’s given world.
Not by chance is also the fact that while calling him as the prince “nobility title” of darkness, even if is the light bringer, a cording to the same ones, because the planet was given to him by the God, he should anyhow do on it as he please as he always is the sol and eternal owner of both the planet and all in it.
Also peculiar is how according to their narrated and scribbled up story, Earth should be some kind of evil hell at his disposal, and nature, not something to steward and cherish, but instead, the evil to be conquered.
The ill construct caricature and story, is in fact, designed to terrify and capture the minds of the masses, and at the same time, inspire the few with its apathy and gore.
Together with the fire farter/light bringer/prince of light from evil hell, come its worshippers,
with the romantic title of “fallen angels”, the luciferians, are chosen from their talmudists/satanist rulers, for to influence politics and control their so called, lower “temples masters”, which in turn, are set to recruit the new initiates to their pyramidal scheme of control.
To fulfill the evil tribal aspirations, the masons are so set to work in total submission, running the script wrote by their masters, becoming physical ponds in the hands and at the total disposal of the misfits’s tribe which in total control of its pyramidal system of control, could continue to plunder nations into poverty and exploit its believers and their victims.
Satanism, also essential part of the luciferian doctrine of deception, it is in fact, yet an other twisted re adaptation of a pagan cult of veneration taken by the nordic saga of Paradis tide, story which narrates of the holly Gubbe, “the All Father”, living deity which represented not only the father of the true light bringer, Sol Bokken Balder, figure transformed by the evil cabal into the one of the infamous lucifer, but also tries to destroy the one of Gubbe or Ukko Noa, transforming it, into the distorted one of a fat lonely man which always surrounded by dwarfs and which dresses just like Gubbe, and just like Gubbe, brings gifts and warmth in the darkest day/night of the nordic year.
Once again, the hatefulness and destructiveness of the infamous tribe, put here on plain site in their deliberate attack on the ancient and on their history and spirituality.
As shown by the well recorded, widely propagandized ill construct of the evil makers and the effect caused by their witted believers which, with the deliberate and constant bashing of the ancient divinities and with their total distorting of history, forth brings the evidences and the true reasons of a cabal alien to humanity and to its true means and goals, as it takes all figures, symbols and stories of the true spiritual guides of the planet, and systematically turns them to means, symbols and fake stories, constructed to justify their own indisputable evil roots and truly despicable and hateful bloody cults/religions.
To further proof the ill intent of the criminal cabal/tribe of the outcasted misfits, their choice of the name hell, to describe its so called kingdom of evil, makes again evident that such a choice of word did not come by chance, but instead, as an other deliberate attempt to smear and destroy the oldest sagas, and most important spiritual story on the planet.
Hell, is in fact, yet an other sacrament of the same Hyperborean saga which the tribe has rebranded to symbolize, not only an horrifying place, but as literally, evil in it self, as it purposely, choses its title, name of the place of birth of the nordic gods, place’s it in the heart of its scariest devised story, and further picks on its divine figures, as it takes them, and transforms’s it in the ones of its supposed, “holy” double faced nemesis.
Visible is in fact, the how after centuries of inquisitions and killing in the quest to have such spiritual story covered up with falsity and blood, demonized, and erased from history, after failing in its history erasing crusades, adopts it and tries its best to distorts its figure and history, in the attempt to hide it in plain site, under the spoils of an old fat man dressed in funny red uniform always surrounded by midgets, and which travels on a car pulled by flying reindeers, to bring gifts, not to everyone like in the true story of Gubbe Noa, but now only to the “good” students and kids.
Also, to be noticed, the how, after not managing to erase such history and figures, they readopted and transformed an entire spiritual cult of veneration, turning all its symbols and figures into representation of evil, and how, to hide its highest symbols in plane site, transformed it into the one of a “fat old man” which according to them, should bring joy, gifts and happiness, as if someone who is fat, instead of being identified as somebody visibly unbalanced and chronically ill, should instead represent the best expression of prosperity, kindness and well being.
Peculiar also, the chosen name for addressing such obscene caricature which, in its twisted spelling game of deception, called Santa.
In fact, not by chance, the fact that the anagram of the word “Santa” brings as to satan, now told to be the father of lucifer and which with its son, stands as supreme ruler of all evil, while originally Sa-Ta-Na, which we also find in the very same nordic mythology, was a ritual of life offering, to which that very same figure, now turned into that blubbery old man which people are told to refer to as Santa, “Gubbe” which once again, in reality represented the father of the living gods, was taking part of.
The Sa-Ta-Na ritual, was considered the highest offering for what the nordic saga refer to as, the information system and translates into:-
-SA, to get, TA to take, and NA, the knowledge of the Aser.
Indeed such ritual was part of a life offering system in which the offers of life, were made for the Aser’s information system, but contrary to what people are made believe, they were made in the form of “water of life”, or sexual fluids served by the living, and not in blood or by killing like claimed and actually done by the later constructed, ritualistic murderous, trauma bonding, blood drinking, sexual mutilating, sex and beauty demonizing inbreed, voracious and swinish mix troll’s tribe with its monstrous cult and its later scribbled up means of total mind and military control, religions.
Furthermore, opposite to what all the monotheistic cults of veneration or so called religions dictates, according to the same nordic story which tells of the original Sa-Ta-Na information and offering system, in the context of that by it described as terrestrial paradise mythology or better yet history, time and system in which the highest ring of its living symbols made up by the Aser, first living deities, was set to live in a place accordingly located in what is described as the old center of the world, place of eternal light and wisdom located in the center of middle earth Midgord and called Hell, of which once again, the tribalist used as the main term to demonize an holy saga and which according to the tribalist/religion indoctrination cults’s translations, should represent a place of death and suffering ruled by some sort of horny fire farting, good looking light bringer monster prince which should rule over mankind and terrify everyone, serves as one more indisputable evidence of the sickness, viciousness, despicable hatefulness and compulsory lying, of the infamous inbreed and racist/religious tribe together with their later developed insane and unfit cults of military indoctrination for the demonization of beauty, sex, light, and of all other forms of veneration of nature.
Such horror and sickness, inflicted through the implementation of their allegedly made “holly” means of, “literarily”, trauma bonding indoctrination, enforcing terror, horror and fear in the heart mind and soul of humanity, religions.
By devising such horror and fear into the unknown and by preventing from knowing the truth to their subordinates, together with the development of more insane laws, designed to prevent the people from accessing their most sacred books, they have managed to repress even their own society and to keep it entrapped in its game of smoke and mirrors, as, from its invention, continued to impose its brutality and protect its unlawful rights and alleged holly secrecy, crimes religiously/militarily protected and imposed as its main or perhaps only means to exist.
In the reality, here shown by the facts, once again, the tribe exposes its self in its clear and bland ill constructed deception, which they devised by literally, demonize the very same spiritual story and essence which had brought their ancestors and them self to existence, as in their choice of vocabulary, shown how their alleged tribal birthright, is based on despicable falsity, terror, discrimination, and hate towards all other cults of divination, as well as to all non members of their despicable and heinous tribe.
An once again, needed to be emphasized the transformation and repackaging by all religions of the term Hell, used in fact, not only by the bloody tribe to literally demonize the ancient story of middle earth, but also by all the other so called religions as it is clearly and literally shown their commune aim, in the attempt to demonize its true essence and meaning as they all choose its word to rename their so called kingdom of evil with the one of “hell”.
Hell, which once again in the original story now called mythology, in which not only is described as the heart of paradise, also, once again, known as the center of “Midgord” the land in between, place of birth of the Nordic Gods, it’s among others, a term which originally, was having the meaning of light, complete or (not semi), bedrock, and hill, as well as being a term associated with health, integrity, well being, temple of the ancestors and wisdom, had become a weaponized term which instead of expressing its true and original meanings, the tribe of the misfits, has viciously turned into a grotesque one, describing it as a place of suffering, fear, horror, temptation, pain and eternal punishment.
A place of which’s origins, people are forbidden to research, and for which they are brainwashed from birth to hate, by means of religious indoctrination, trauma bonding/mutilation and other insane blood drinking and messiah eating rituals, as they are all told that such place/entity, should be the one to blame for all wrong doing by mankind, as if their faults and the ones of their previous generations, should be the one of such abstract entity and not the result and consequences to their predecessors and own ill doings.
It is in fact, not by chance that all those once holy words, have become adopted and repurposed to frighten the masses and psyche in the corrupted elites, now able to demonize the ancient pagan cults, and put their guilt and blames on that abstract, made holly and allegedly immortal, invisible and supposedly omnipotent entity made to their brainwashed trauma bonded consciousness “the magic scapegoat”, only true reason for all ignorance, suffering, misery and war.
And so, while the common mortals would be sent to spiritually and physically die on their witch hunt, as they, blind by their false doctrines and faith, march right over the edge of sanity, on the quest to defeat their masters’s fabricated imaginary demons.
And while the tribalist pull the strings of society, their puppet kleptocrat/politician continues to deceit the public and to fabricate the false reasons, to further justify their true master’s existence and doings, as they keep on playing their masters’s plays, in the theater of politics and gore, and just like puppets on strings, continue to serve their puppeteers by persisting to shield and to nourish them and their actors, in their publicly displayed and mass media broadcasted play of convenience, played on the people through victimization, terror and fear.
And so, implemented through economical and factual wars, and with the aid of its book scribers and later pressitudes or main stream media/propaganda machine/monster, furthering the plan for total control over all aspects of life, the so called spiritual institutions together with their servants or blinded believers, along with their luciferian/spiritual/political leaders/kleptocrats which like metastasis, are spreading the sickness of that carcinogenic governing body which sprung them from the very same evil, planted and cultivated by the infamous tribe, have become the perfect sacrificial and always replaceable evil lamb/tool of destruction always there, ready to be sacrificed or better yet slaughtered on the altars of its propaganda machine, for the once invisibles but now in plain site, carcinogenic trollish tribe’s supposed, “greater good”.
Politicians like puppets on a string, being played on a theatre set on top of a burning fire, like demons in their masters’s play, and like self blinded faithful ponds in their masters’s predatory game, using its resources for oppressing and depressing to subdue their gains before sucking the life out of them, for to continue to serve their hidden masters, perpetuating the tribal ritualistic murder of humanity, always in the name of profit and greed, as if entrapped in a loop, continuing to use terror and fear for to subdue its less and keeping them under its satanic/tribal mind control.
The understanding of the use of the terminology readapted for its own use by the horrible tribe of the ignorant misfits, is in fact providing the means for its inevitable destruction, as just like nature shows, once a tumor as turned into a visible cancer, if let be, it never takes much time before its own sickness kills it, along with its host.
And finally, the destiny of the incurable tribe with its dear lucifer, helloim and or satan which in reality are one of the same thing, will eventually and inevitably bring it self to burn, die and parish in its own made and lighten fire.
So, while the spirituality of humanity, set by nature will show the way back to that once terrestrial paradise from which it was born, and with open eyes, will once again look into a future of happiness, peace, prosperity and as they like to call it universal love, while the memory of the infamous tribe and that of its disastrous religions, will remain as a testimony of the horror it was, for to remind the present and future generations, of their parents and ancestors struggle and fight for the rights to once again, know and share the true meaning of life.
Enjoy the good feelings, respect and protect life, nature and sanity, for to together live as one in peace, harmony, joy and prosperity.
D is to drink, vine (wine) the nectar of life, D the nectar of life to reach the divine.
The devil verses the death.
Confidence verses fear, wisdom verses ignorance, evolution verses stagnation, understanding verses belief.
In such opposites, the true means, shaping reality for all living beings, molding the present to fulfill the destiny, which consequentially is to materialize.
Destiny set by the prerogatives chosen or by the ones imposed in life, enslavement or freedom, the mean which will lead to the final result.
Into the oblivion and the destruction, or out from the darkness of the deception and into the true and bright eternal light, right on the course set from creation, turning the weal of the immortal with joy and with happiness, leading eternally to paradise.
Such the good path to that which perpetual, feeds and maintains the good weal of life, feeding the logic of a bright present, lived in true balance, aware and confident in the true wisdom, reverberating with grace the sound and essence of the sublime.
Confidence the essence which brings about unity and integrity, fear the one which is to divide.
As it‘s confidence and wisdom the means used, the outcome can only be the one of harmonic progression.
Evolving, growing, as the flowers blossoming, bringing the colors and magnificence of the divine, for ever existing in that creation, physically and consciously part of its life.
Embracing knowledge to share a present which than sane and healthy, can for all provide.
Sharing creation with pride and happiness, living in harmony, eternal life.