As the tension in the Middle East is mounting to the extent of bringing the entire world to the edge of oblivion, the israeli zionist dictators order the commission of yet again more massacres and brutal warcrimes.
Here one more evidence to show the insanity and brutality of a chronically deranged and genocidal monster rabid beast which to save innocent lives, must be put out of its misery.
A new massacre on a school, from which the bodies of 17 martyrs have been so far recovered, is the answer which the war criminals awaiting for the long pronounced international arrest order, issued by the International Criminal Court, to be enforced.
An order issued in May, which held for to be approved by some mysterious entity, which once again, for months now, has some how prevented the ICC Court’s order from being enforced.
This in itself is also a crime, as the judgment of a Supreme Court like the one of the International Criminal Court, are in effect legal and bounding orders to be automatically implemented by the authorities.
Instead what we are keep on witnessing, is the total disregard for all morals and laws, and the continuation of the massacres, along with the dispossession and land theft of a desperate and, in the face of the most brutal and high tech armed supremacists rapist and genocidal entity in the world, defenseless people.
And just as I was writing this article, the news and horrific images of an other massacre committed on an other school, brings the number of the bodies recovered from both massacres so far, to over 30 with a ratio of about 80% of those recovered from one of the schools being children, and with an other 16 children missing, of which’s bodies have to this moment not been found.
This brings the death toll of this new massacres to well over 45, without counting the other victims of which’s bodies have not yet been found, and which were not identified since of their presence, in difference from the school children and teachers, there was no official record of.
Following this, more massacres carried out by the Genocidal entity, the next day, the bodies of an additional 84 martyrs were returned to the Palestinian people for burial.
Khan Yunis 5 August 2024 mass grave burial of the remains of at list 84 bodies.
Surprisingly though, while the news was reported by many news agencies, news of the fact that the over 80 bodies were delivered in a few bodybags containing according to a few news agencies as many as 13 bodies in one single bag, in what can not be better described then as a desecration and and abuse of both the bodies of the dead, and the insult and abuse of their relatives, displayed as yet an other blatant warcrime and crime against humanity.
This horrific atrocity, have been instead met with more whitewashing of the crime, by some justified as the result of the israeli confiscation of bodies in its supposed attempt to locate the corps of those israeli captured and taken to Gaza by the Palestinian fighters which took them back to Gaza on October the seventh.
“Note this have nothing to do with the recovering of dead israelis, and is in effect, one more evidence of the ethnic cleansing, as the bodies and grave destroyed are the ones of targeted refugees who are actual owner of the occupied lands on which israel exists, and for this reason being dig up, disappeared and erased from the books.”
Here again, one more atrocity delivered by zionazi israeli regime, for to answer the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures and orders, is an other blatant warcrime, this time, like many times before, committed by striking civilians housed in a school turned aid center and shelter, followed by its usual destruction of the evidences of its crimes, by ways of striking with bombs and missiles multiple times the dismembered bodies left on the ground and thereby, disappearing the evidences and maintain a supposed limited count of the victims to an absurd minimum.
This is again recorded as a type of regular practice applied by a terror based organization which is historically born, and continues to exists by ways of bullism, terrorism and warcrimes.
The insanity, which is allowing the world to be brought to the edge of the oblivion, is the consequential reaction, to the corruption of the political system, which corrupted to its core have caused the end of ethics and morality, and allowed the political world and its propaganda machine, to degenerate into a murderous insanity.
Martial laws, forced inoculation, lockdowns, and now Genocide, ethnic cleansing, war on those who are fighting against Genocide, along with racial hate, and an attempt to start a world war, are the evidences of the malign intent of criminals, which after taking office in our governments, have conspired and are continuing to conspire against humanity.
A conspiracy which in order to work, must allow them to continue to frighten and deceive, in order to in force tension and terror, so that they can continue to postpone trial for their role in the dystopian nightmare they unleashed on their constituents, and keep on pushing on the population false and illegal dictates, by them classified as emergency laws.
As we are seeing terrorism being used as a supposed mean of self defense by an entity which itself declares to be sprung from pure terrorism, and the fact that such self proclaim child of terrorism “see for example the king David hotel bombing and its connection to the first prime minister of the apartheid wannabe state “, is now armed to the teeth and illegally possessing also nuclear weapons and attempting to unleash an horrific war which would see millions killed and which would most likely bring us to martial law and a bloody world war. it is essential more than ever before, to demonstrate against any more support of the genocidal and terrorist entity which israel as now unequivocally shown to be.
Essential is also that world’s nations take military action, to prevent the rogue entity from using its military airbases, and neutralize its Air Force and missile launch capabilities, as for what it is known, it possess among tons of other illegal munitions, which as we know, continues to “battle tests” on the Palestinian people, once again, also nuclear capabilities.
It must be well understood, that if peacekeepers forces are not sent in immediately, the coming war which israeli Genocidaires and their criminal and indeed eugenist and Genocidaires sponsors are trying to unleash, will ultimately see israel reduced to a “Gaza”.
And for those who think otherwise, I like to remind that Iran have already proven that by sending only a few hundreds drones, can achieve at list a 10 percent strikes, which translates in the fact that by sending this time thousands of them and from multiple directions, it can level every military base israel and the United States and its cosponsors of this brutal Genocide possess, in the entire region.
Arrest orders must be issued and Immediate action must follow, the end of the massacres must be enforced.
Time will not forget who was in our history, the true entities and people responsible for a war which will forever stain the books of our world’s history, with the most horrific images of the worst barbaric of atrocities and warcrimes ever witnessed amd recorded by men.
A land turned into a Mass grave, were a defenseless population is being tortured and slaughtered by the minute or worst.
All under the watch of a club of soulless beings talking from the United Nations and telling to stop the Genocide and at the same time, continuing to justify warcrimes as “military operations”, arming it, as well as allowing its nationals to participate in the onslaught, and hosting its promoters and executioners.
Not even George Orwell could have ever imagined the level of insanity to which humanity is now force fed.
And if you think that people which have tried to force everyone into a dystopian nightmare the entire world’s population, and which even thought logic to give even to children what they themselves described as an, “experimental vaccine”, and which have made billions on the panic and madness they unleashed, would ever even get emotional about children being slaughtered, hospitals being bombed, or a new Holocaust to be unleashed, or that they be willing to face the courts for their own crimes against humanity out of their honesty, than I think you need to think again, do some research, and wake up to the tons of evidences.
The veil of secrecy is off, and the sickness of people sitting in offices and places of power, is in plain site for everyone to see.
It is time to end the rule of terror and fear, and to demand accountability and justice, starting from those sitting in positions of power, along with those which by spreading falsities and deception, aliments the circles of violence, sickness and despair.
And as our most recent history teaches us, it is not the opinion or statements made by individuals or bloggers the ones which cause harm to society, but is indeed the one of corrupted politicians and corporate medias which pushes its sponsors narratives and campaigns, and which with its lies, unequivocally kills.
It is in fact against those corrupted and criminal elements of our society that a war must be waged.
The world can no longer be kept slaved of ignorance and belief, as it is now finally facing its monsters, monsters which through others ignorance and belief, has become the unwanted ruler of a world frightened by its nefarious rulers.
To much horror and pain has been allowed to continue by a corrupted and criminal cabal of eugenists psychopaths, imposing their false and degrading narratives through their personal owned media.
For too long such people and propaganda medias have served those in power in their intent to whitewash crimes, and to hypnotize the masses into believing in their manufactured consent, a consent which in reality, at large never existing, and in reality only made believe to be true by psychological manipulation and propaganda.
And as we are facing the insanity of Genocidaires, defended, armed, protected, and cheered by state invitations and standing ovations, it is time we all face the real monsters hunting our society, before they will bring our world to its end.
The people of Palestine, are those representing humanity, while those who seeks to enslave and destroy them, is the materialization of that sickness we call evil.
A sickness which like a metastasis, must be removed before its carcinogenic essence will spread to a point in which it will kill that body of creation which is carrying us all.
Zionism must be destroyed, and as it is violent and brutal in its very essence, only a greater violence will succeed in insuring its complete and just neutralization and demise.
Only the arrest of the zionist Genocidaires and the establishment of a truly democratic and just government acting according to human rights and international law can save israel, and only by ending support for a Genocidaires entity, and the world wide criminalization of zionism, peace, equality and justice can be achieved.
Gaza before and after.
Restoring sanity.
In a world now completely controlled by mass media propaganda which by now, have united into a monster which spreads lies and deception and demonizes all voices of dissent, a world which captured by elitists and billionaires which still money and resources and establishing monopolies to maintain the ultimate control over a world and a people made object and slave of the blatant bullism of the technocrats cabal of the eugenists of the wef and of its captured and controlled United Nations, who, and propaganda machine, there can be no other solution but to gathered the masses and to march on the parliaments and on the homes of those criminal politicians, news anchors and public figures which are actively working to deceive and to kill as many as they can.
Time have already run out and the United Nations must act now or loose all its powers..
The people of Bangladesh, have shown to the entire world that the ultimate power of a nation, is the one residing in its constituents, and even the army will eventually follow its people into purge the tinted nation from its criminal dictators, abusers, and enemies of the people.
And just like Bangladesh managed with its uprise, in kicking out those who abusing the powers to them given, had attempted to impose their fascist regimes, so will the rest of the world succeed in getting rid of his.
The power of the people, is and will always be the ultimate power, and its number one enemy in the 21th century, the propaganda machine, is now irremediably broken.
Hiding the corpses and horrors, whitewashing crimes with controlled opposition and its damage control mass media, have totally lost that veil which once allowed them to act and pretend to be doing other than what they are actually doing.
Furthermore, the many false alternative medias which for decades have worked in covering up crimes by exposing what can not be denied, and at the same time, spreading lies and misconceptions to confuse and further terrify the people, or in their psychological warfare stile, pretend to be against something, and in the end claiming no way out from the mess, like for example many supposed pro Palestine writers, which after the macabre and detailed description of horrific warcrimes, pretend to end their articles by saying that there’s nothing which people can do to stop the Genocide, have also lost their veil.
A psychological warfare, designed to keep its victims entrapped and kept in a loop or a limbo, from which they are to afraid to come out, is slowly but surly loosing its powers, as the world strangled and pushed to the edge of horror and of its oblivion, unites for demanding the end of their toxic regimes.
And as humanity pull down to the bottom of a well, reaches the bottom, it finds the ground from which it must push it self up with its feet, to spring back up and move upwards and away from that dark and deadly pit, towards the sun and air which only true elements of life giving powers, will see it safe from those attempting to drown it and fighting against it to take away its rights to exist.
A government manufactured beast to be defeated.
Image above, the new SS standing ovation to their new Führer. Washington DC USA United States of Apartheid.
The inside job.
Just like the October the seventh was an inside job, so are the racist riots started by mercenaries returning from Ukraine and Gaza.
And just like the zionists conspirators were well aware in advance of the coming concentration camp breakout which took place on October the seventh, so are the politicians which have sent or allowed their own citizens to partake in the slaughter in Gaza,
As we are seeing, the roads of England, have now become theater of racism and hate towards immigrants and refugees, as well as on people of color which have been born there.
The hate mobs roaming the streets of once civilized cities, now guided by Genocidaires which have tasted the blood of their victims in Gaza and in Palestine, have now returned to spread their sickness and horror in the streets of the world.
Like everything which happens in life, this is the consequence of shielding, arming and rewording genocidal maniacs and rabid dogs, and after giving them a taste of blood, bringing them back to freely roam among the sheep.
Like putting a pack of rabid dogs in the crowded courtyard of a kindergarten, the politicians, now indicted for their complicity and role in the crime of all ages, crime which saw the entire world fall victim of their insane lockdowns, deadly protocols and so called mandates, are attempting to once again bring their countries to chaos, and keep on pushing and delaying the trials which should see them deposed and condemned for their conspiracy and crimes against Humanity.
It is the same political theater, which have instigated the racism and islamophobia, allowed its people to become mercenaries and to fight in Genocidal wars, for than bringing them back to their countries of origin, “Uk in this case”, for to bring violence and mayhem, for to ultimately generating more chaos to push for more “emergency laws”, and allowed them to skip or delay trial and hide from the law,
Such criminal actions, are once again to be recognized as part of a conspiracy, of which’s tragic events are all but coincidental.
The fomenting of hate and racism by politicians and representatives which have dehumanized the Palestinian people and repeatedly classified them as lesser people, together with the corruption and sickness of the police force and legal authorities, which instead of acting for dethroning and arresting racist and hateful politicians and public figures, have in effect themselves caused the situation to spin out of control.
Obese officers and politicians, eating and spreading poisons and junk, defecating on justice, and doing nothing of what they are paid to do, are also at the core of the sickness, which in the name of alleged rights to be unnatural and visibly sick, along with absurd supposed laws, which declare people to be of different sex than the one they was born with, or the push for sexualizing children and accept sickness such as pedophilia as a supposed “sexual orientation”, are the essence and most visible signs of a yet an other sickness force fed to Humanity to make it loose all morals and logic.
A sickness which must be cured or else, like the cancer which is, it will continue to spread till like a cancer, will destroy and kill even its own host.
Here a short clip from a new documentary which exposes the facts regarding the October the seventh, which mainstream hides.
You can find the full documentary here
And here one more israeli warcrime, the striking of yet an other tent city and refugee camp, new massacre committed today 7 August 2024 and caught on camera for the entire world to see.
United for peace.
If any truth is left in the thing we are calling the United Nations, it is now time for all nations to unite for to end the israeli aggression, and to make sure that such horrors will never again be repeated.
Calling for the UNSC and UNGA to act is paramount to prevent a world war.
Immediate sanctions and expulsion of israeli representatives, and the immediate freezing of all of its assets and founds, must be followed by military intervention which can assure the end of the atrocities on the civil population, and for the unhindered entrance of aid and of emergency responders, as well as for the one of civil engineers and equipment for to restore the basic means of sustainability for a population of over two million now starved, dehydrated, facing beside the constant bombing and sniping, famine, infections, and life threatening conditions.
If worst comes to worst.
It took the killing of 300 students, now martyrs of their revolt against brutality, to set Bangladesh free from the horrors and fear, to march down on its dictator’s residence and force her to flee, and if the same should be price that other countries will have to pay for to clean up their governments from the criminal thugs which are refusing to face the courts for their conspiracy and crimes, so be it.
Let the blood of the victims continue to drown those responsible for it.
And although we hope it will never get to that, it will be surly better to die shot for protesting against an holocaust, then being part of it or than dying watching your family and friends being consumed by toxic substances sold to them as a vaccine, or by a drone strike meant to allegedly kill someone else, or even worst, by a nuclear explosion or cloud.
Humanity is the only power, the rest is what tries to still it, and as the thieves which they are must be dealt with.
We are the power we been searching for, unite.
Demonstrate your support for Palestine and for demanding accountability for those who have allowed this Genocide to continue.
Sol Sön
Here some links to related articles.
Starting with this, Turkey joins the SouthAfrica invocation of the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice
Turkey joins SouthAfrica
The new abughraib
New bloody massacre on a school during morning prayer, over 100 killed and more wounded by the nefarious attack on prayers gathered in side of a school turned aid center and shelter.
According to reports, 3 strikes targeted the gathering killing everyone inside the mosque of the building and wounding dozens of others.
Behind the terrorist attacks by zionists painted as right wing thugs
Children of Gaza
The targeting of humanitarian shelters
Here an other piece of evidence which points out how also aljazeera is a controlled opposite, or damage control network for israel, as it claims 8 attacks on schools since the start of the month while wafa and other Palestinian sources says the number is 13. “Note, the journalist are not responsible for their networks lies”
And here one more to remind of the fact that nazi Germany, born from the rise of hitler which was indeed endorsed and sponsor by the zionist cabal, “see 1933 transfer agreement”, continues to be servant to its Genocidal zionist cabal.
And here one more which confirms what I wrote about the riots against immigrants and color people in the UK
here some other hidden news, as apparently a commando of 70 US, israeli, and British soldiers or mercenaries which had invaded Yemen found their death.
An here a ballistic report of the mosque massacre
One more on the treatment of rapists and torturers by the Israelis
And here one more from a UK insider.
Horror. It's difficult to imagine such hell. I can only feel the absolute terror and anguish.
How long?