A call for world peace and justice
Here one more analysis of the current situation in the Middle East and beyond.
Ringing the alarm bells.
A call to justice Is again launched to the people in search for peace and justice, and to authorities which have been put in place to protect the citizens from conspirators which plot against the people, and from corrupt politicians and representatives, as well as from those which abuse or misuse their dominant positions or political powers.
As we are witnessing, the slaughter and destruction in Gaza and across Palestine, continues unabated, and the destruction, starvation, killings, torturing, abuse and forceful displacement of the Palestinian people continues to grow in the rest of the occupied territories.
Collective punishment and torture, have in effect become the rule of thumb and monstrous reality of people being crucified for being Palestinians, as corrupted and sick politicians and state representatives, continue to trade and send arms and fuel to the Genocidaires of the zionazi regime.
People trapped behind fences and walls, which defended with the most sophisticated weapons, programmed to kill anyone which comes within their invisible designated red zone, along with drones, constantly frightening them with their ever present buzzing noise in the sky, flying monsters, ready to strike with their lethal payload anywhere and anyone they are told to kill, along with armed vehicles and bulldozers smashing the roads and homes, flattening cars and destroying everything which comes across their path, is in fact, the very real dystopian reality of an Holocaust, of which we are by now, all made witness and even if from a distance, made psychologically victims of.
Image israeli militants wearing remotely controlled zombi helmets.
Not aware of it? Search this fourteen years old article to get an idea of this mind control technology “Darpa Wants Remote Controls to Master Troop Minds”
Zombi robot soldiers, indoctrinated to racial hate by their genocidal leaders, and remotely controlled by frequencies and sounds, which like drones, taking the lives of those who cross their site, and like automated systems designed to indiscriminately kill their targets and anyone caught in the range of its lethal payload, like mindless robots, execute the killing commands to them remotely fed.
The more than obvious deliberate targeting of journalists, aid and humanitarian workers, along with the one of hospitals, schools, shelters and tent cities, the kidnapping, torture and rape of Palestinian citizens and even the killing of their own people, as we have all witnessed ever since the October the seventh massacre committed under the so called “Hannibal directive”, or the indiscriminate bombing and killing of the prisoners of war held by the Palestinian freedom fighters, or the ones shot by israeli zombi drones while waving white flags, are evidence of the absence of a humanity, replaced by the frequencies of death.
Frequencies and sounds broadcasted and pulsed straight to the skull of made mindless drones, moved like ponds in a chess game war, which in reality, is everything but a game.
After 11 months of a brutal and inhumane campaign of terror and horrors, the apartheid wannabe state of supremacist monstrosity, have in effect become such a brutal and factual reality, which not even the mass medias with their propaganda spins, can any longer cover up.
The reality of an oppressed people which screaming for help, is still being ignored by beings so corrupt and wicked which instead of using their powers to stop an Holocaust taking place, invents reasons and tries to find justifications, attempting to justify, what by humanity can’t and will never be justified.”
And so, while the massacres and destruction of Gaza continues unabated, and the one of the rest of the occupied territories increases, and while the people of Gaza which for almost an entire year now, face famine and lack of water even for drinking, instead of ordering the end of the Holocaust and the complete withdrawal of all troops from Gaza, along with the intervention of International troops to facilitate the entrance of the life saving aid and rescue teams, the body which should represent the world’s health organization, with its buddies sitting at the top places of the UN, and with its corrupted subsidiaries and fake NGOs, decides that instead of demanding for sanctions and for an immediate military intervention to stop the Genocide, decides to send extra dangerous oral vaccines known to be cause of the spread of even more dangerous strains of that very same disease which is supposed to immunize the children from in the first place.
This must be ringing all bells.
As if infections and diseases which spring from contaminations, could be defeated while the contamination keeps on growing, is like pretending to remain clean if after a shower, you jump naked in the mud and then pretend to still be clean because you had taken a shower before you jumped in the mud.
Peace and clean water are what the children need, even before a supposed vaccine could even work.
Below an interview discussing this alleged “experimental vaccine” .
But worst than that, this now alleged new oral vaccine, which once again, is known to infect more people than those which it supposedly protects, and which once again, as it is supposed to stop a disease which is supposedly transferred through feces, after inoculating allegedly hundreds of thousands which at best, shares sanitation in tent cities and bombed out schools and shelters, which in reality are everything but hygienic, sums to a premeditated mass murder.
And even worst, the fact that this type of so called “vaccine”, should be administered two times to supposedly half a million children now residing in the middle of an extermination camp, which is among other, also without sanitation, the very idea of starting such a dangerous campaign without the insurance of being able to administrate the second dose to children held in the middle of a war zone, it is a further prove of the insanity and danger brought about by individuals which, should have already been indicted for their criminal negligence if not for conspiracy to commit Genocide.
And yet, we are watching the heads of the UN and of the who, along with their special rapporteur on torture and their heads of the UNRWA, turning a blind eye even to the torture and rape of prisoners, continuing to allow the slaughter of journalists, humanitarian workers and even their own staff members, and to define with public statements the massacres as tragic accidents, military operations, and at best “alleged or potential warcrimes”, even though the evidences to the most brutal of warcrimes is always in their face, and the proves are always absolutely undeniable and overwhelming
In fact, the very same people put in power inside the UN and its agencies, and which would have the power to demand immediate action from the Security Council, to protect their own facilities by declaring the “protectorate status” for all of their facilities, have done the very opposite of what they are supposed to be doing, as they are the ones which withdrew their international staff members and observers, along with the “protectorate status” of even hospitals, and thereby, allowed the bombing and invasion of hospitals and United Nations facilities by them justified as, “military operations”, even though this so called “military operations, are constituting the most obvious violation of the Geneva Convention, UN Chart, Genocide Convention and every international law and treaty in existence.
And rest assured, it this those who are in charge of those UN facilities the ones allowing them to be treated as legitimate targets.
Never before in world history could such an absurdity take place, and never again can this be permitted to happen.
All UN facilities are world property, and any attack on them is a declaration of war against the entire world.
The protectorate status.
For decades UN missions have provided safety for the civilian population trapped in war zones, and always all of its missions, have been declared protectorate, providing safety and protection for the civilian population of the war struck zones.
Now instead, we see the world heritage being destroyed along with billions worth of infrastructure and property being looted and destroyed, and those who should be responsible for such properties and infrastructure, continuing to whitewash and accept the warcrimes, instead of denouncing them to the police and world courts.
Whitewashing warcrimes and pretending the laws to be somehow non binding, declaring every atrocity and warcrime to be the result of “contained” and “justifiable military operations”, and distorting the narrative to coverup the worst crimes, condemning the brutality but not its perpetrators, they have continued for months in giving their approval to horrors of a kind which in reality, the world had never witnessed before.
The enemy within, sitting at the head of the table of the UN, who, and UNRWA, shielded by supposed diplomatic immunity, are in effect, with if by incompetence or by conspiracy, the number one facilitators of the unfolding Holocaust now being perpetrated on the Palestinian people as well as on pretty much the entire population of the Middle East, threatened and bombed by drones, cruise missiles and by terrorists armed and financed by the zionist regime and its sponsors.
From Lebanon to Syria, to Iraq, to Iran, to Yemen, forced to live under constant fear of air strikes, or by terrorist attacks carried out by armed militias, sponsored and armed by the usual bullies and war criminals, the entire Middle East is also in effect, transformed into a land of terror and fear.
A racist war, conducted by supremacist thugs, maintained active by whitewashing of atrocities and warcrimes by the corporate medias, and by the lies and fabricated absurd narratives of eugenists and drug addicts placed in office by the criminal cabal of the wef, and by its sponsored and controlled UN with its subsidiaries and proxies.
And as the Gaza slaughterhouse becomes condoned by those who are supposed to prevent it, the Genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people, increases to the status of a full out war in the rest of Palestine, where villages and entire areas have in effect fallen under martial law and military strikes which include the use of armored vehicles, drone and artillery strikes, destruction of roads, homes and infrastructure, checkpoints and cordoned zones preventing the movement of the residents, and mass kidnappings, torture and even rape of prisoners.
What they can not understand.
The one thing which is allowing for this insanity to take place and to continue, is the fact that people are still in large numbers, believing in the innocents of those who have brought us to this insanity.
It is because of their blinded belief and quite compliance that those in power can maintain their positions at the helm of countries and institutions, which now completely highjacked by corporate interests and eugenists agendas, have become in effect conspirators waging a war against the very same citizens which continues to supports and believe in them to be somehow, still humans.
Remember “safe and effective”?
Same people.
The very idea of believing in some one which have proven to be if not a conspirator, so incompetent at doing their job that they should face the courts for being criminally negligent of facts of which is their job to be aware of, and which have dragged the entire world into a dystopian reality which have seen millions dying from their negligence “if not conspiracy”, is what is in effect giving fuel to a fire which if not put out, will consume the entire world.
After nearly an entire year of a Genocide, since months now degenerated into a full blown Holocaust, it must be demanded that those at the head of both, the United Nations and the world health organization, would be removed and replaced by competent people.
The lesson learned from both the Genocide of the false pandemic and the one taking place now in Palestine, must also serve to make everyone recognize the absolute need to reform the laws protecting the members of both UN and Who from accountability, and at once removing the diplomatic immunity and immunity from prosecution for both agencies, which before all others, must be made to comply to the laws which they supposedly champion.
The same must be insured for all pharmaceutical and weapon manufacturing companies, which must also be held account for their products.
Only after such changes, we will be able to enjoy the benefits of institutions, which erected for the peace, well being, prosperity and health of the people of the planet, will no longer find themselves captured by their eugenist sponsors.
Angels killers.
Here two more sad stories, which add to the ones of the over 41000 more stories of other angels of which’s bodies have already been recovered.
The first, a Turkish American humanitarian worker, which was as all Humanitarian workers do, shielding with her body the one of innocent Palestinians, this time protesting the military presence of soldiers and settlers which threatens Palestinians with violence, abuse and expulsion from their own land.
Shot by a sniper for no reason at all while she was taking cover from teargas under an olive tree, and struck with a bullet to the head.
And just as the news of the murder appears on the news, one more Palestinian girl, this time 13 years old angel, also killed by bullets to her chest for just standing around during a standoff with illegal settlers and soldiers.
According to witnesses, the 26 years old Turkish American humanitarian worker, was shot in the head from approximatively 200 meters, by a sniper which according to Israeli medias, shot at her to allegedly stop her from throwing rocks.
As usual, as if in a hurry to cover up the warcrime with an other warcrime, within a few hours from the tragic murder, the israeli militia assassinates one more angel, this time a 13 years old Palestinian.
Washing a warcrime with an other warcrime, seams to be by now a standard practice of the Genocidaires regime, which with its control of the mass media/propaganda machine, uses such practice to deflect attentions from unjustifiable crimes, by setting up and committing more of them in ways for which it always gives its own constructed explanations and absurd reasoning.
And while more bombs are being shot at refugee camps, tent cities, Hospitals, health facilities and schools, and more families are being executed in the ravaged streets of the devastated strip, more children are reported dying from malnutrition and dehydration, and more families traveling towards hospitals and health centers which are now administering the controversial vaccine, are becoming targets by drones and sniper fire which viciously hunts them across the entire Gaza Strip.
Indestructible resistance
At the same time, we are also seeing the continuation of the armed struggle against the occupation continuing and intensifying, as the weapon of choice for the Palestinian freedom fighters are constituted by explosive devices, of which the entire strip of land is now filled.
Simple and efficient rocket propelled grenades and mortar shells and home made tank mines, are in effect proven to be the most efficient weapons to destroy expensive tanks, bulldozers and armored vehicles, and because the land is now filled with unexploded ordinances, explosive material to built more explosive devices is practically everywhere.
On this simple fact, we should understand that only a permanent ceasefire, can bring about peace, and only by starting a reconciliation process in which Palestine becomes truly independent, can possibly lead to a true and lasting peace, in a place which without it, is not just a threat to those residing on this battered land, but to the entire world.
One land called Palestine for all the Palestinian people, and which is accepted as such by those who choose to live there, must be at the base of any negotiation which can effectively bring about peace.
At the same time, the right to call Palestine “israel” in the hebrew language, must be also granted to those which respect their Palestinian neighbors and hosts.
Enough innocents blood has been already spilled to drown in it everyone who believes in the rights to continue to spill even more of it, and if that is their choice, so in the blood of the innocents which they have spilled they should drown.
Peace is possible only after the bullies are neutralized, and who is the bullies is in plan site, and its bulling, is no longer deniable nor can it be possibly tolerated.
The zionist destruction of the Palestinian nation and its project for the so called “greater israel” must be shot in its track.
Also, we must not forget that together with the Palestinian people, also the Lebanese and Syrians, which sees their land occupied and people threatened by the ruthless colonisers of the zionist regime, must be helped to regain their stollen territories, and protected from any further attacks by the rabid isranazi soulless militias.
Millions of lives are on the line, and the world has already demonstrated that the people, oppose Apartheid, thuggery, brutality and the colonisation of any country, and will not allow it to persist.
Choosing peace.
Demonstrations are massive.
Beside the enormous marches and demonstrations regularly taking place around the world, also in israel people have finally found the courage to go out and to demonstrate against the brutal Holocaust on which’s blood their country’s name and flag is now soaked and dripping.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions, have voice their anger and frustration at those supposed representatives which have in effect, turned their homeland into the symbol of hate, slavery, apartheid, horror and destruction.
But as the apartheid regime, is armed with soldiers and technologies which makes them feel untouchable and above all laws, the numbers of those standing up for peace and justice in a peaceful way may not be sufficient in a war fought against bullism and armed individuals.
This till the protestors would arm themselves of the right tools and arguments needed to physically stop the Genocidaires.
General strike could force its corrupt government to shot down, and perhaps this could be the first step towards finding the solution, nevertheless the world can not simply wait for it, and must prepare itself for more drastic action to disarm the insane and genocidal war criminals.
The crude reality.
As the walls are closing on the zionazi regime, what we are witnessing, is its ramping up its Genocidal measures and attacks on its neighbors, in its desperate attempt to prolong its wars and keep its Genocidal ministers free from prosecution, at the same time, thanks to the effort of millions of students and protestors worldwide, governments once defending the Genocidaires and the zionazi apartheid wannabe abomination state, are also forced to step back on their tracks, and to condemn the now undeniable reality on the ground.
Propaganda blitz
One more evidence of the desperation of western governments which have so far defended the aggressors supposed rights to self defense, and whitewashed massacre after massacre with their ever false narratives and slogans, is now once again in plan site, as the news of the numerous arrests of journalists, have once again made the headlines.
Arrests which are unlawful and which always result in the drop of charges, are anyway used to maintain fear and submission, and to discourage people and writers, now afraid to be arrested for simply expressing their opinion, as if such could ever be a crime.
A psychological warfare unleashed by desperate imbeciles and bullies, which still think to be able to frighten and control the masses by ways of terror and deceit, and which on their last breath, desperately tries to convince the people to be quite, subdued and afraid.
Ramping up fear and deception, like for example telling people that they could be arrested at the border for just expressing their opinion online, as if such should some how be something new, while in effect, such laws are in place “worldwide” since 2001 following the infamous, “patriot act”, which supposedly gives the US jurisdiction everywhere, is yet an other evidence of the desperation of corrupt politicians and representatives.
So called anti terrorist laws, which are in effect terrorism in its most blatant expression, have actually no effect, as they are unconstitutional, non applicable to non proven armed and dangerous combatants, and thereby violating human rights of journalists and any non violent dissidents by them threatened.
Yet, seams to be a perfect tool in the hands of the propaganda machine, which can use it to justify its bias, and attack compromised people, which at large, in exchange for not being charged for crimes for which we are generally not made aware of, accept sentences for alleged crimes which in reality do not exist.
At the same time, we are witnessing both, the frighten journalists, and the spin doctors of controlled opposition, ramping up the fear mongering, as if the alleged antiterrorist laws would be something new or never used before.
Reality check
Everyone is entitled to his or hers own opinion, and no terrorist law can prevent honest and good people from raising their voices or denouncing what is criminal action or behavior.
Media spins to scare whistleblowers and plead cases to supposedly justify the application of unconstitutional laws, does not make such laws valid.
The very fact that students and journalists are being arrested for then been released, should be enough of an evidence that such so called “anti terrorism laws”, are not applicable in the great majority of cases, and that in effect, they are all part of a conspiratorial campaign aimed at frightening people into submission, and, just as we have seen after the scamdemic, make people believe in the validity of supposed “laws”, which are in reality, not valid.
And so, the people of the world are once again called in to raise their voices and to denounce the crimes of corrupted politicians and representatives, and to demand immediate action to stop the Holocaust and make sure that those responsible for it, will be held account for their warcrimes and crimes against humanity.
Mean while in Gaza, one more massacre on a tent city, with what by the size of the craters, appears to be yet an other blatant warcrime, killing at list 40 people of which’s bodies have already been recovered, and wounding scores more.
A blatant warcrime carried out with what appears to have been 1500 or 2000 pounds bombs, shot or dropped on families of refugees taking shelter in a so called “safe zone”
The video above is showing the enormity of the craters left by what looks like to have been indeed caused by the blast of the 2000 pounds bomb . “16 meters wide and 11 meters deep”.
In the video below a compilation of war crimes, and an explanation about the devastating effect produced by the American 2000 pounds bombs used on Gaza.
To be noticed also that israel have refused to provide satellite or drone images of the strikes, as they would confirm that indeed illegal munitions were used to bomb the tent city in the so called “safe area”.
Note also, that 2000 pounds bomb, pulverizes everything “including bodies” caught within 50 meters from its blast core, and it has a kill range of over 800 meters, hence, the number of the bodies recovered is always much lower than the one of those killed by it.
Note also that the use of such type of munitions is strictly forbidden in urban or densely populated areas.
In conclusion.
After nearly one year of a televised Holocaust, of which’s horrors, even those who tried to ignore could not escape, is safe to say that the Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, and Jordanian people, and all of their relatives and friends, are not the only victims of this abominable holocaust, as the entire world is been made to suffer the incompetence or worst, conspiracy of members of the United Nations and of war profiteers, which as we all know by now, have invested billions in the execution of the Holocaust and relentless destruction of Palestine.
As such facts, are all very well proven, we must all demand for the execution of all of the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court’s orders, which in their order have already decided that it is the responsibility of every country to suspend all relationships with the rogue regime, as well as to demand that the security council will find ways to enforce the permanent move of illegal settlers and settlements from the Palestinian territories.
The nazizionist insanity must be stoped, and its actuators and facilitators held account for their crimes against Humanity.
For all of those who think that by being afraid to stand up against injustice and burring their heads in the sand, I must say wake up from the nightmare and face your monsters before all that it would be left of you, will be your head buried in the sand.
Don’t be afraid of propaganda and fear mongering, we are the masses and as such we are the ultimate and only power, everything else is just fear and illusion.
Continue to raise your voice, protest, boycott and demonstrate against the nazi like or worst, israeli regime.
They are war criminals which must be dealt with by the military courts, and no one can tell you otherwise.
We are the power we have been searching for, United for justice and against apartheid, colonisation and warcrimes, we will succeed into defeating the monsters which trying to destroy the rule of international law for to impose the ones of a dictatorship.
And here an extract a of the Court decisions and a reminder from which you can win by the words of the International Court of Justice that israel, is in effect a rogue entity and a terrorist enterprise.
The court advices.
“implement sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against individuals and entities and officials identified as responsible for the maintenance of Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
In the words of the court
“5. Calls upon all States in this regard, consistent with their obligations under international law, to;
19.ensure that their nationals, and companies and entities under their jurisdiction, as well as their authorities, do not act in any way that would entail recognition or provide aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including its settlements and their associated regime and its discriminatory legislation and measures or any other policies and practices that impede the exercise by the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination;
20.not provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connection with its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the settlements and their associated regime, and to prevent any dealings that contribute to the maintenance of Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, notably those that benefit its settlements and their associated regime, including by ceasing the importation of any products originating in settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and any engagement, directly or indirectly, with any businesses or services operating in the settlements;
21.Undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate violations by Israel of article 3 of CERD;
22.implement sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against individuals and entities and officials identified as responsible for the maintenance of Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;
23.cease any direct or indirect transfer, sale, export and diversion of arms, munitions, parts, components, dual use items, surveillance equipment, technologies and any other military equipment to Israel, the occupying Power, in all cases where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they might be used in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and any military trade, cooperation and dual-use research which may contribute in the maintenance of Israel’s unlawful presence in the Territory, interfere with the exercise by the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination, and violate the rights of the Palestinian people under international humanitarian law or international human rights law;
24.refrain from the establishment of diplomatic missions in Jerusalem;
25.support accountability efforts;
6. Calls also upon international organizations, including the United Nations, and regional organizations not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and to distinguish in their dealings with Israel between the territory of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory and not to recognize, or co-operate with or assist in any manner in, any measures undertaken by Israel to exploit the natural resources of the Occupied Palestinian Territory or to effect any changes in the demographic composition or geographic character or institutional structure of the Territory;
7. Calls upon the United Nations, and its bodies and organs, to ensure they act in a manner consistent with the determinations made by the International Court of Justice, including in the release of maps, statements and reports, as well as in their respective programs and actions;
8. Strongly deplores the continued and total disregard and breaches by the Government of Israel of its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the relevant UN resolutions, and stresses that such breaches seriously threaten regional and international peace and security;
9. Recognizes that Israel must be held to account for any violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including any violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and that it must bear the legal consequences of all of its internationally wrongful acts, including by making reparation for the injury, including any damage, caused by such acts;
10. Recognizes in this regard the need for the establishment of an international mechanism for reparation for all damage, loss or injury arising from the internationally wrongful acts of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; and calls for the creation by Member States, and in coordination with the UN and its relevant bodies, including UNCTAD, of an international register of damage to serve as a record, in documentary form, of evidence and claims information on damage, loss or injury to all natural and legal persons concerned, as well as to the Palestinian people, caused by the internationally wrongful acts of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as well as to promote and coordinate evidence-gathering and initiatives aiming to secure such reparation by Israel;
11. Emphasizes the need to ensure accountability for the most serious crimes under international law through appropriate, fair and independent investigations and prosecutions at the national or international level, and to ensure justice for all victims and the prevention of future crimes;
12. Calls for the convening of a Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention pursuant to the obligations of the States Parties under articles 146, 147 and 148 with regard to penal sanctions and grave breaches and the urgency of undertaking measures to enforce the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to ensure respect thereof in accordance with common article 1 of the four Geneva Conventions, and invites in this regard the Government of Switzerland, in its capacity as the depositary of the Geneva Conventions, to undertake the preparations necessary to urgently convene the Conference;
13. Decides to convene during the 79th session of the General Assembly an international conference under the auspices of the Assembly to advance implementation of the UN resolutions pertaining to the Question of Palestine;
14. Decides to establish a Special Committee composed of Member States with relevant experience and expertise to examine Israel’s violation of article 3 of CERD and to report and make recommendations to the General Assembly in this regard;
15. Confirms its determination to examine further practical ways and means to secure the full respect of the Advisory Opinion and the full implementation of all relevant UN resolutions, notably in case of non-compliance;
Peace is possible only after the brute is removed.
Once again, for those not of aware of the international law, should the security council fail in its duty, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has the power, “with a two thirds majority” to call in a resolution which can not be vetoed by the Security Council.
Note also, already over two third of UN state member have recognised the nation of Palestine.
United for peace.
A land on which everyone’s rights are respected, is the only way forward and specially in a world in which armies are no longer fighting with sticks and stones, but with lethal weapons which can kill hundreds or more with one blast.
Palestine must be liberated and help to heal the wounds of decades of brutality, abuse and horror.
Palestine must be freed from oppressors and restored to the status of holy land, in which people of all religions and belief can live in peace.
76 year of brutal and inhumane occupation, culminating a full a full blown Holocaust, are giving us more then enough evidence that those who were chosen to administer the land, are not capable of doing anything hider then causing horror and pain, and that is time to end their mismanagement and apartheid, and put the management of the land under a unified Palestinian authority.
Only israel can save israel from it self, and the time to do it, is running out.
Peace, dignity and freedom, for those which in it put their trust and care.
This is a call to action.
Act now!
Free Palestine.
Here my usual list of related articles which I will keep on updating till my next post.
The isaraeli junta tries to cover up its warcrimes by refusing to provide evidences to the International Criminal Court.
Here one more on the Mawasi massacre
SouthAfrica stands against apartheid and Genocide
On false flag day, “September 11”, Palestine is for the first time sited as a member in the UN.
October the seventh, the day in which israel begun slaughtering its own people.
Over 700 kidnapped by the apartheid regime outside of Gaza alone since October the seventh
October the seventh, will be remembered as the day n which israel begun exterminating its own people.
Here one more on the criminal eugenists plan to destroy human rights and in impose digital slavery
And here, a
Also Chile invokes the Genocide Convention and joins the nations which have followed SouthAfrica in denouncing the brutal warcrimes
Here the International Court of Justice’s press release
Here an article about one more victim of the inhumanity of governments arming and sponsoring a Genocide, which have set himself on fire in Boson. The article is published by the billionaire sponsored site commondream a site dedicated to woke bullshit, climate change, pro abortion, and pro vax propaganda, which anyway is one of the few “garbage sites” which from time to time publishes also good articles. “Before retracting them from their archives” .
And here one more reminder of who is controlling the UN and who, and what their real goals are
Is this the same so called vaccine now given to the children of Gaza?
Sure it looks like.
About the alleged polio out brake and who is responsible for it.
Note some israeli had suggested to infect Palestinians by contaminating the tents promised by the zionists junta to facilitate the evacuation of targeted zones “around Christmas last year”
Good news,
One more on the coming UNGA vote. “Note I don’t agree with all it says but anyhow worth reading”.
UNGA overwhelmingly passes resolution to end occupation
One more on UNGA.
And here one more about the biggest terror attack in world’s history and a wake up call to our now dystopian reality.
Here the resolution passed by UNGA, note, even though the usual sold out media claims the resolution to be non binding the resolution is binding.
Read the text here
Thank you, Sol, for stating all these terrible truths with such precision, outrage and compassion. Hard work in the face of so much malevolent evil. But every one of our voices counts.
As you say so well, "Supremacists ideology......are expired and ready for the bins of our history. Humanity is here to stay and human values the only ground for common sense. People have opened their eyes and are still in shock, nevertheless they are awakening from the nightmare and lies, seeing right through them.....The era of true enlightenment has already begun."
I see this beginning to be birthed as well, and that it will prevail at the end of this terrible, long dark night of betrayals that has taken the lives, families, homes, land, livelihoods, pets and animals, mosques and olive trees, the hopes and dreams of so many - the Ukrainians, Syrians, Yemenis, Libyans, Sudanese, Iraqis, Haitians, our beloved Gazans/Palestinians, and so many many more. Supremacist institutions may be hard to infiltrate and take down, but "all the people awakening from all the nightmares and lies are seeing right through them" and that's how it happens, one by one. Each and every Power of One adding up to the greater truth that we are all in fact "All One" and that what is done to one of us, is done to all of us, which is what makes witnessing these horrors and injustices so personally painful. But the Supremacists themselves are digging those bins of history that will swallow them up.